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COVID-19 – Site Operating Procedures Overview (OFF to remove from print out)
Construction sites operating during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic need to ensure they are protecting their workforce and minimising the risk of infection spreading. The checklists below identify some of the significant points to be considered.
What You Need to Do
Work through the checklist and ensure that each point is actioned, where appropriate, in order to minimise the risk of infection spreading.
When to Travel to Work
1. Have all workers been briefed on the criteria for deciding whether to travel to work or not (for example, if someone falls ill, social distancing or self-isolation)?
2. Is there a system for recording details where individual workers have fallen ill or are in self-isolation?
Travel to Work
3. Are there measures in place to inform workers of the recommended ways of travelling to and from site?
4. Are there sufficient arrangements in place for workers travelling to site, such as vehicle and bicycle parking, lockers and showers?
5. Have you reminded workers that face coverings are mandatory on all types of public transport?
6. If someone is taken ill, are there measures in place to ensure they can return home safely?
Site Access and Egress
7. Is there a system in place for stopping all non-essential visitors?
8. Have start and finish times been staggered in order to reduce congestion at access and egress points?
9. Are there an adequate number of site access and egress points in order to reduce congestion and promote social distancing measures of two metres, or one metre with risk mitigation (such as screens) where two metres is not possible?
10. Have you introduced a one-way system at access and egress points?
11. Have you briefed workers on the importance of social distancing when entering and leaving the site?
12. Are there facilities in place for workers to wash their hands when entering and leaving the site?
13. Is there a system in place for enhanced cleaning procedures at touch points (such as entry systems, scanners, turnstiles and screens) in access and egress areas?
14. Is there a system in place to ensure that site deliveries are being managed properly?
General Site Measures
15. Have you restricted the number of people attending site inductions in order to comply with social distancing measures?
16. Has the site induction been amended in order to deliver your new site operating procedures?
17. Have you enhanced or expanded the existing site-wide cleaning procedures to ensure that touch point areas (for example, door handles, handrails and machinery controls) are cleaned more often and to a greater degree?
18. Have you enhanced cleaning procedures for tools and equipment being used by more than one person (for example, before and after use)?
19. Have floors been marked in areas such as canteens and offices in order to comply with social distancing measures of two metres, or one metre with risk mitigation (such as screens) where two metres is not possible?
20. Have all personnel been briefed on site-specific social distancing measures?
21. Have you assessed all tasks on site identifying those where social distancing measures of two metres are currently not being complied with?
22. Can the identified tasks (point 21) be rearranged to enable them to be completed by one person, or by people working two metres apart?
23. If the tasks identified (point 21) cannot be rearranged in order to maintain a two metre distance, can they be avoided?
24. Have you fully risk assessed all tasks where work within two metres cannot be avoided?
Hand Washing
25. Have you allowed for additional breaks to facilitate hand washing?
26. Have you provided additional hand washing facilities (for example, pop-ups) in appropriate areas?
27. Are you providing hand sanitiser (minimum 60% alcohol based) in locations where fresh water and soap are not readily available?
28. Is there a system in place to ensure that hand washing facilities are checked, cleaned and topped up?
29. Have you briefed all personnel on hand washing procedures (for example, minimum 20 second duration)?
Toilet Facilities
30. Have you restricted the number of personnel using toilet facilities at any one time (for example, using a welfare attendant)?
31. Have floors been marked in order to comply with social distancing measures of two metres, or one metre with risk mitigation (such as screens) where two metres is not possible?
32. Have you enhanced the existing toilet cleaning procedures, with particular focus on touch points, to ensure that they are cleaned more often and to a greater degree?
33. Have you informed people that they should wash or sanitise their hands both before and after using the facilities?
Canteens and Rest Areas
34. Have you restricted the number of personnel using canteen and rest area facilities in order to comply with social distancing measures of two metres, or one metre with risk mitigation (such as screens) where two metres is not possible?
35. Do you need an attendant in order to supervise compliance with social distancing measures?
36. Have you rearranged seating and tables in order to reduce face-to-face interaction?
37. Have you clearly identified the capacity on all canteen and rest area facilities?
38. Have break times been staggered in order to reduce congestion in the canteen and rest areas?
39. Are canteens following Government guidance on keeping workers and customers safe during COVID-19?
40. Have you enhanced the existing canteen and rest area cleaning procedures, with particular focus on touch points, tables, kettles, refrigerators and microwave ovens, to ensure that they are cleaned more often and to a greater degree?
41. Have you provided sufficient facilities for the disposal of rubbish in all facilities?
42. Have you provided additional hand washing facilities for people entering and leaving these areas?
Changing Facilities, Showers and Drying Rooms
43. Have you restricted the number of personnel using the facilities in order to comply with social distancing measures of two metres, or one metre with risk mitigation (such as screens) where two metres is not possible?
44. Do you need an attendant in order to supervise compliance with social distancing measures?
45. Have you clearly identified the capacity on all facilities?
46. Have you staggered start and finish times in order to reduce congestion in these areas?
47. Have you enhanced the existing cleaning procedures, with particular focus on touch points, to ensure that they are cleaned more often and to a greater degree?
First Aid and Emergency Response
48. There is additional pressure on the emergency services at present, which could affect response times. Have you stopped or re-scheduled work, or provided additional resource in the form of first aiders and trauma equipment?
49. First aiders may need to breach established social distancing guidelines in order to preserve life. Have you re-assessed the risks to first aiders in the event of an accident on site?
50. Have you considered social distancing in the event of emergency evacuation with respect to muster (assembly) points?
Communication, Documentation and Monitoring
51. Have you ensured that all relevant systems, procedures and documents (such as risk assessments and method statements) have been updated and aligned?
52. Have you ensured that all relevant contractor systems, procedures and documents (such as risk assessments and method statements) have been updated and aligned?
53. Have you briefed all personnel on site wide areas about changes that affect them?
54. Have you briefed relevant personnel affected by changes to specific activity risk assessments and method statements?
55. Do you have a system in place to record the details of all briefings?
56. Do you have a system in place for the ongoing monitoring of new workplace systems and procedures?
57. Do you have a system in place for the ongoing monitoring of new workplace practice/s (for example, procedure to practice)?
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