Document No.
Conducted on
Audit completed by
Office/site of audit
Think Safe + Worksafe =
General Housekeeping Behaviour
General housekeeping standards are being maintained?
All shared spaces are clear and easily accessed?
Work stations are easily accessible- no clutter or trip hazards?
There's appropriate storage available for office based staff (eg bags)?
Lighting levels are suitable for the work being performed?
Stairs are in good condition- surface, handrails?
Spills and slippery or wet floors are isolated immediately and there's appropriate signage in place?
Recycling bins are in the correct place and have the correct material in each bin?
Where applicable, correct manual handling techniques being used at all times?
Zero Harm Forum meetings are being held and minutes made available for all?
Emergency Response
All emergency exits are unlocked, free from obstructions and marked clearly?
Emergency alarm/call activation points are labelled and clearly visible to all employees?
Fire extinguishers/hose reels are clearly marked and easily accessible?
First aid kits are fully stocked and all items are "in date" (where applicable)?
Vehicle Safety Observation- Minimum of 3 vehicles checked
Hands free kit/Bluetooth available and working correctly?
All point of sale product is secured in the boot (ie no POS on back or passenger seats)?
Has the driver completed a vehicle inspection/audit in the past 3 months?
Vehicle is clean (inside and out) and maintained in good condition?
WOF, registration and any other road user charges/licences required are all current?
General Safety Discussion- Ask a minimum of 3 employees
Is there someone responsible for keeping the work area tidy? (If so, who?)
Do you know who your area/building warden is?
What should you do when the fire alarm sounds?
What should you do when get to the evacuation area?
Do you know who your first aider is? (Please explain how you would find this out)
Do you know who to contact if you need help with your work station setup?
Can you name the two main hazards/risks that you face in your work?
Please name the hazards:
What should you do if you have an incident/ injury / near miss or identify a hazard?
Do you know how you report an incident in Vault?
Would you have a 'safety conversation' with someone if you saw them doing something that was potentially unsafe? (If no, please explain your reasons)
Do you have any thoughts on how can we improve wellbeing at CCANZ and make it a safer place to work?
Please comment:
Safety Observation- Hazards & Unsafe Working Conditions
Note: Hazards identified during this audit should not be entered into Vault UNLESS further action/follow up is required
Any hazards identified and entered into Vault for follow up?
Please comment:
Comments & Sign Off
Any further comments/ideas/suggestions?
Your comments/ideas:
Employees involved in this Snapshot