
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Pre-task planning

  • Pre-task plan completed?


  • MSDS manual

  • Orientation videos

  • OSHA posters

  • Safety manual

  • Safety meetings

  • State / Fed posters

  • Visitor PPE available

  • Visitor sign in form

Cranes and hoisting equipment

  • Annual inspection current

  • Anti two block device

  • Boom angle indicator

  • Cert or verify training

  • Crane supported and level

  • Daily inspections current

  • Dist power lines / de-ener

  • Fire extinguisher in crane

  • Flagman identified

  • Lift plan on file

  • Load chart posted

  • Loads properly secured

  • Means of communication

  • Operator appears competent

  • Operator manual in crane

  • Outrig extend / cribbing

  • Rig insp / rated

  • Safety latches used

  • Swing radius barricaded

  • Tag lines used

  • Weight load verified


  • Cord in good condition

  • Cord protected from traffic

  • Electrical room protected

  • Energized parts protected

  • GFCI

  • GFCI
  • GFCI used

  • LOTO used

  • Temp power boxes
  • Proper use temp pwr box

  • Signage present


  • Asbestos / lead / mold / silica

  • Concrete cut wet or vacuumed

  • Containers labeled

  • Haz material properly stored

  • Nuisance dust

  • Spill containment adequate


  • Access with 25'

  • Excavation > 20' engineered

  • Perimeter protected barricaded

  • Sloped / benched / shored

  • Spoils 2' from edge

  • Surface encumbrances

  • Surface traffic exposure

  • Water entering excavation

  • Competent person present

  • Daily inspections doc

  • One call system used

Fall protection

  • Stair / ramp / walkway

  • Walkway
  • Stair / ramp / walkway protected

  • Ext/int guard rails

  • Guard rails
  • Ext/int guard rails

  • Fall protection above 6'
  • Fall protection above 6'

  • Safety harness and lanyard

  • Fall protection plan

  • Floor / wall opening

  • Openings
  • Floor / wall opening protected

  • Flr covers adequate, secure, labeled

  • Anchorage points

  • Anchorage
  • Proper anchorage points

  • Proper use of "CAZ" I'd

  • Roof edge protected

Fire protection

  • Charged and inspected

  • Emergency vehicle access

  • Fire watch as needed

  • Prop signs in store areas

  • Proper fuel containers used

  • Fuel containers
  • Fuel container in good condition

Hand and power tools

  • Tools

  • Tool
  • Cord in good condition

  • Ground prong in place

  • Guards in place

  • Proper tool for the job

  • Strain relief functioning

  • Tool in good condition

Hazard communications

  • Inventory list

  • Proper labels on containers

  • MSDS (site specific)


  • Clear access to bldg / site

  • Designated employee parking

  • Impalement protection

  • Proper material storage

  • Roadway around project clear

  • Slip, trip, fall hazards

  • Trash in protected containers

Ladders / stairs

    Ladders / stairs
  • 3' above landing

  • Access break > 19"

  • Clear of debris / materials

  • Extension ladder 4:1 pitch

  • Inspected for defects

  • Job built ladder constructed properly

  • Ladder secured

  • Landings and treads filled

  • Proper use of ladder

  • Rails at stairs / landings

  • Safe distance from hazard

  • Slip, trip exposure eliminated

  • Stairs illuminated

Medical / emergency

  • 1st aid kit

  • Emergency action plan

  • Emergency numbers posted

  • Team contact numbers

Motorized equipment

  • Motorized equipment

  • Equipment
  • Back up alarm functioning

  • Flag man used if applicable

  • Horn functioning

  • Operator appears competent

  • Certification / training verified

  • Seat belts used


  • Glasses / face shields

  • Eye protection
  • Glasses / face shield used

  • Gloves
  • Gloves used when needed

  • Hard hats

  • Hardhat
  • Hardhat worn

  • Hearing protection
  • Hearing protected

  • Proper clothing

  • Clothing
  • Proper clothing worn

  • Rebar caps

  • Respirators
  • Respirator used


  • Scaffolds

  • Scaffold
  • Bracing and pins in place

  • Compatible components used

  • Competent person present

  • Guard rails in place at 10'

  • Inspected daily

  • Prop secured to structure 4/1

  • Proper access to platform

  • Proper loading of materials

  • Safe work distances (14")

  • Sills, plates, jacks installed

  • Surface in safe condition

Scissor / aerial lifts

  • Scissor / aerial lift

  • Lift
  • Equipment loaded properly

  • Gate or chain secured

  • Harness in lift

  • Nothing to increase height

  • Operating on a flat surface

  • Cert / training verified

  • Operator appears competent

  • Safe work distances

  • Surface free of holes

Site / public protection

  • Adequate lighting

  • Barricades installed properly

  • Company rep present

  • Excavations protected

  • Falling object protection

  • Perimeter fences

  • Public protection signage

  • Security system in place

  • Street closure identified

  • Traffic control plan

Steel erection

  • 75% concrete letter

  • CDZ established at 15'

  • Connect below 30' wear harness

  • Connecting 30' 100% fall pro

  • Erector notif of modification

  • Fall protection @ 20' (decking)

  • Steel erection activates fall pro 15'


  • SWPPP plan

  • No track out

  • Weekly inspection done

  • Silt fence up or in good repair

  • Entry sign

  • BMP in place

Welding / cutting

    Welding / cutting
  • Bottles upright / secured

  • Fire ext present

  • Flash arrest on torches

  • Flash protection available

  • Gauges working properly

  • Leads in good condition

  • Prop PPE in use

  • Torch hoses good condition

  • Weld machine ventilated

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.