
  • Document No.

  • Property Owner

  • Property Photo

  • Location
  • Parcel number (if known)

  • Lot size (acres)

  • Date Assessed

  • Assessor



  • Roofing - wood shake or other non ignition-resistant material?

  • Siding - wood shake, vinyl?

  • Open deck or eaves?

  • Vehicles parked within 30 feet of structure?

  • Driveway longer than 200 feet OR too narrow for a brush truck?

  • Powerlines overhead within 30 feet of structure?


  • Slope greater than 20% within 30 feet of home?

  • Location is ridge, chimney, saddle or box/narrow canyon?


  • Trees overhanging roof?

  • Trees or brush not thinned/mowed within 30 feet of structure?

Triage decision

  • Is there a safety zone?

  • Triage Category

  • Triage Category

Propane/HazMat and Water Sources

Propane/Above-ground storage tanks

  • Propane or above ground storage tanks?

  • Description/Size

  • Within 30 feet of structure?

  • Relocate tanks larger than 125 gallons (water capacity) at least 30 feet from the home. Create 10 feet of clear space around the tank.

  • Other hazardous materials on-site?

  • Remove these materials/items.

  • Sketch.

  • Describe.

Water sources

  • Notes (access, flow, recharge)


  • Address marker missing or hard to see?

  • Install a high visibility reflective address sign. These can be ordered from Chelan County Fire District #1:

  • Driveway length greater than 200 feet and/or too narrow for a brush truck?

  • Widen your driveway and if possible, create an adequate turnaround area for fire apparatus. Remove or thin vegetation adjacent to the driveway to create better access

  • Heavy fuel along or overhanging driveway?

  • Thin trees and remove brush along driveway to create better access. Remove branches that overhang the driveway and prune low hanging branches on larger trees to reduce the risk of fire spreading from the ground into the trees.

Home Assessment

Overview of Surroundings

  • How is the structure positioned in relationship to severe fire behavior?

  • Due to the position of your structure on the landscape, you should take extra care to manage the vegetation within 100 to 200 feet of your property. Thin small trees and remove brush to break up the continuity of the vegetation and reduce the risk of high intensity fire approaching your home. Keep your lawn mowed and watered.

  • Condition of neighboring land/properties?

  • Due to the proximity of neighboring properties to your home, extra care should be taken to create defensible space and maintain ignition-resistant construction. In addition, consider talking with your neighbors about fuel reduction.

  • Type of construction?

  • The most vulnerable part of a log wall is between log joints. Use ignition-resistant chinking that provides protection from flame penetration. Make certain your chinking is in good repair. Regularly inspect the chinking for cracks and missing sections and repair and/or replace with ignition-resistant chinking.


  • Roof Type

  • Make sure all roof edges have "bird stops" or mortar to prevent embers from entering the area between the tile and the roof deck.

  • The roof is the most vulnerable part of your structure during a wildfire. Replace wood shakes with Class A fire resistant roofing.

  • Condition (shingles flat with no gaps, all shingles present, bird stops present?)

  • Repair gaps, replace any missing shingles, and install bird stops if needed.

  • Is there exposed combustible material where the roof covering and roof deck meet?

  • Install drip edge at the roof edge to protect any exposed roof sheathing.

  • Combustible Gutters?

  • Consider replacing with non-combustible (metal) gutters. If replacement isn't feasible at this time, pay special attention to keeping your gutters free from needles and debris.

  • Litter present on roof, in gutters and crevices?

  • Clear roof, gutters, valleys and crevices of all litter, needles and debris.

  • Are skylights present?

  • If plastic dome skylights, replace with dual pane tempered glass. Make sure all metal flashing is in good repair and keep debris and leaf litter clear from the surrounding area.

  • Are dormers or other design features present that create an intersection between the roof and a vertical wall?

  • Install metal flashing from roof deck up dormers.

  • Are the vertical walls that meet the roof vulnerable to fire (wood shake, vinyl)?

  • Replace with ignition-resistant construction material such as rock, brick or cement board. Keep this area free from needles and debris.

Eaves, Soffits and Vents

  • Open eave framing?

  • Consider enclosing the soffits to reduce the amount of heat that can build under the eaves. Enclosed soffits also have vents that are parallel to the ground and are less likely to collect embers during a wildfire.

  • Vent condition?

  • Repair vents to reduce the risk of embers entering the eaves.

  • Are vents and openings present that have no metal mesh screens or are screens in need of repair?

  • Screen all vents and openings with 1/8 inch or smaller metal mesh to reduce the probability of embers entering your structure.

Windows and Walls

  • Windows screened?

  • Both plastic-clad and metal screening will reduce radiant exposure to the glass and protect against ember entry but neither will protect against flames. The fiberglass screen will fail if exposed to flames, thereby allowing embers to enter if the window lass has also failed. If you haven't already done so, create a 0-5 foot non-combustible zone near your home.

  • Picture windows facing vegetation?

  • If the window is non-tempered glass, replace with dual pane tempered glass. Consider replacing vegetation with low-growing vegetation or relocating plantings further from the picture window (at least 30 feet from the home).

  • Window type?

  • Consider replacing single pane windows with dual pane tempered glass.

  • Siding combustible (wood or vinyl)?

  • Consider replacing siding with non-combustible alternative such as cement board or stucco.

  • Is the ground to siding clearance less than 2 inches?

  • Create at least 2 inches of clearance from the ground to flammable siding replacing with non-combustible alternatives. Remove any combustible mulch and clear vegetation from the 5 feet next to the home.

  • Nooks and crannies and other small spaces (gaps, holes, areas where embers could lodge or accumulate)?

  • Keep all nooks and crannies free from litter, flammable decor, and/or nesting material.

  • Are there wall and/or gable vents that lack 1/8" metal mesh screening?

  • Cover vents with 1/8" metal mesh screening.

  • Are dryer vents plastic, lack louvers or function poorly?

  • Install louver vents and make sure they operate properly.

  • Bump-outs or other structural pieces overhanging foundation (leaving space between ground and building?)

  • Keep the area under the "bump-out" free from debris and vegetation. If the bottom of the bump-out is wood or other combustible material, consider replacing or covering with a non-combustible material such as cement board.

  • Open foundation design or flammable materials under/next to the structure?

  • Flammable materials stored next to or under your structure can provide a receptive place for embers to land and ignite. Remove these materials and store them in a garage or at least 30 feet from the structure. Remove vegetation under the structure and consider putting down gravel. If the foundation is raised, screen or skirt the foundation with non-combustible material.


  • Are there gaps in the garage door or are there any plastic windows?

  • Weather seal the perimeter of the door and consider replacing plastic windows. Repair or replace doors that leave gaps or holes (these gaps can allow embers to enter the garage).

Decks and Attachments

  • Combustible deck?

  • With a wooden deck, it is extra important to make certain that the area under the deck is free from vegetation or other flammable items. Regularly clean out debris from between the deck board joints and other areas where debris has accumulated (example: under stairs). In the event of a wildfire, remove flammable items such as brooms, patio furniture (including cushions), and propane tanks from the deck.

  • There is sometimes a misunderstanding regarding the combustibility of wood-plastic composite decking products (such as Trex). These products are also combustible - so it is extremely important to maintain your deck(s) well. Keep the area under all decks free from debris and flammable materials and routinely clean the needles and debris from the deck board joints.

  • Deck condition?

  • Repair/replace rotted or damaged boards.

  • Flammable material or vegetation under deck?

  • Remove flammable material (wood piles, gasoline, lawn mowers, etc) and vegetation from under the deck. Even composite decks can burn if there is flammable material stored underneath the deck.

  • Has debris accumulated at the deck to wall junction and/or does this area lack flashing?

  • Remove debris and litter from this area. If the wall or deck is made of combustible materials, install metal flashing between this junction. Take care to install flashing correctly to prevent water damage.

  • Does the deck overhang a steep slope?

  • Consider enclosing (and properly ventilating) deck. Extend defensible space to 200 feet downhill from the deck. Remove flammable material or vegetation from this area. Consider building a noncombustible wall across the slope approximately 10-20 feet from the edge of the deck.

  • Combustible fence attached to structure?

  • Anything that attaches to your home can provide a pathway for fire to spread to the structure. Replace all wood or vinyl fencing with metal, or alternatively, replace at least the 5-foot section that attaches to the home.


  • Other issue/area to be mitigated?

Defensible Space

0-5 feet from structure

  • Has bark mulch been used?

  • Replace with rock.

  • Vegetation, brush or trees in this zone?

  • Install hard surfaces in this zone, such as a concrete walkway or use non-combustible mulch (rock). Keep the lawn well irrigated and use low-growing herbaceous (non-woody) plants. Avoid plants that generate ground litter from bark, leaves, or seeds that slough off. Shrubs and trees are not recommended in this zone.

    This zone is particularly important if you have wood or vinyl siding. Rock pathways can be used and there is no need to keep the edge of this zone a straight line. Curving or winding ignition-resistant pathways can be both pleasing to the eye and provide protection to your home.

  • Are there landscape timbers, debris, or other combustible material present in this zone?

  • Remove this material.

5-30 feet from structure

  • Are detached accessory structures (sheds, temporary buildings, garages, play sets) located within 30 feet of the home?

  • Relocate play sets, sheds, temporary buildings at least 30 feet from the home. If unable to relocated, complete mitigation actions on and around these structures as you have done for the home.

  • Are there other combustible items located within 30 feet of the structure (scrap lumber, junk, cars, boats, RVs, etc.)?

  • Remove materials/items.

  • Wood pile stored closer than 30 feet to the home?

  • Relocate the wood pile to an area more than 30 feet from the home.

  • Do trees or branches touch or overhang the structure?

  • Prune branches so there is a minimum of 10 feet of separation between the vegetation and the roof.

  • Is there brush or other vegetation that could act as a "ladder" and allow fire to climb into larger trees or the structure itself?

  • All trees and shrubs in this zone should be well spaced and well maintained. Plant in groupings or "islands" of vegetation so that if wind-blown embers were to ignite the group, the heat would be insufficient to ignite the home or adjacent islands.

    Remove dead plant material and tree branches. Remove brush and small trees that could act as a ladder to transmit fire into the tree tops or onto the structure itself. Remove most of the younger understory trees that are crowding the larger overstory trees. Remove brush and small trees from the dripline of the well-spaced larger trees. Prune live limbs (recommend pruning September to March if live limbs) and dead limbs up to 14 feet in height. HOWEVER, do not remove more than 30% of the live crown and make sure to retain 50% of the live crown on smaller trees (this may mean smaller trees are pruned to a height of less than 14 feet).

  • Do grasses and weeds need to be trimmed or maintained?

  • Keep grass in this zone watered and cut below 6 inches in height.

  • Are there piles of downed dead branches, dead logs, slash and/or heavy accumulations of pine needles?

  • Remove this material.

30-100 feet from structure (and extending out 200 feet if on a slope/in a chimney/draw).

  • Do conditions require extending this zone beyond 100 feet?

  • How far should this zone extend?

  • Is fuel reduction needed to reduce fire intensity as it approaches the structure?

  • Remove dead plant material from all vegetation. Remove small trees less than 8" in diameter at breast height (DBH) and most of the younger understory trees that are crowding the larger overstory trees. Prune live limbs (recommend pruning September to March if live limbs) and dead limbs (prune anytime) up to 14 feet in height. Do not remove more than 30% of the live crown and make sure to retain 50% of the live crown on smaller trees.

    If most of the trees are greater than 8" DBH and crowns are touching, consider commercial thinning prior to non-commercial work.

    In patches of overstocked, younger sapling/pole size trees less than 8" DBH, thin on a 16' to 20' spacing, leaving the healthiest, best crowned trees. Prefer Ponderosa pine as leave trees, but try to avoid leaving only one species.

    All slash should be piled and burned, cut and scattered, or mulched/chipped. If slash is not mulched or chipped, do not concentrate (pile) green pine slash from February to late July to avoid Ips bark beetles.

    Cut and Scatter: Remove tree limbs on all sides of thinned trees, cut top off and cut the stem into 8' to 16' lengths. By putting the wood on the ground it will help ensure faster decay and lower flame height in case of fire. Cut stems can be decked to simulate large logs for wildlife habitat but should be decked more than 100 feet from the home.

    Pile and burn: NOT AN OPTION IF LOCATED IN THE URBAN GROWTH AREA. Make sure to pile slash in the open away from tree crowns so that flames will not scorch leave trees. Burn in winter with snow on the ground to reduce fire risk. A burn permit will be required from the Department of Natural Resources. Up to two slash piles per acre can be left unburned for wildlife habitat.

    Chipping: Scatter chips to avoid spontaneous combustion of chip piles.

    Mulching: On ground that is less than 45% slope, mulching or masticating machines can be used to thin as well as grind brush and slash. In heavy brush concentrations, this may be a preferred method.


Cost-Share Programs

  • Washington State Department of Natural Resoures

  • You have the opportunity to leverage your resources with assistance from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Funding is available to offset the cost of thinning, pruning, and brush disposal.

    Contact: Cindi Tonasket, Washington State Department of Natural Resources

    Fill out an application online at:

  • Natural Resource and Conservation Service - EQIP

  • The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) is a voluntary program that provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers through contracts up to a maximum term of ten years in length. These contracts provide financial assistance to help plan and implement conservation practices that address natural resource concerns and for opportunities to improve soil, water, plant, animal, air and related resources on agricultural land and non-industrial private forestland. Information for Washington residents is available online:

  • Cascadia Conservation District

  • In an effort to help Chelan County residents prepare for wildfires, the Cascadia Conservation District has taken a lead role in the development of both individual community and county-wide wildfire protection plans. As funding permits, they also offer free wild fire risk assessments to interested landowners, participate in wildfire education & outreach efforts, and provide support to neighborhoods seeking Firewise Communities/USA recognition.

Plants and Vegetation Management

  • Fire Resistant Plants for the Home Landscape

  • A Pacific Northwest Extension Publication that can help homeowners select plants that are both beautiful and fire-resistant. Available online:

  • Firewise

  • is a leader in community wildfire protection. They offer a wealth of information on how to prepare your home and community. Information available online at:

  • Conifer Pruning Basics for Family Forest Landowners

  • A short article walking homeowners through the process of pruning conifer trees. Available online at:

  • Reducing Fire Risk on Your Forest Property

  • Abstract:
    The degree of wildfire risk depends on both the probability of an ignition and the potential for damage or harm (such as loss of trees, homes, or even lives). Recognizing that you may have a high wildfire risk is the first step in doing something about it. Whether you own a few acres or thousands, this publication will help you reduce the potential for wildfire damage on your property while improving overall forest health and wildlife habitat. Although these actions won’t prevent a wildfire from coming onto your property, they can make it more fire resistant. By following the guidelines in this publication you can reduce a fire’s severity so that most trees survive and firefighters are better able to attack and extinguish the blaze.

    Available online at:

Structure Improvements

  • Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety

  • A national leader in disaster preparedness, the Institute for Business and Home Safety has two publications available online that are extremely helpful:

Insurance and Inventories

  • Insurance

  • Experts recommend reviewing your homeowners policy annually to make certain you are aware of your coverage limitations and provisions. Consider contacting a local expert to get an estimate of what it would cost you to rebuild. Is your coverage adequate to cover those costs? The book "Surviving Wildfire" by Linda Masterson has an in-depth discussion of insurance coverage and policy limits. It can be ordered from Amazon:

  • Home Inventory

  • Complete a home inventory and store it in a safe place (off-site). provides a handy template as do many insurance companies.

Emergency Preparedness

  • Go Bags

  • The American Red Cross recommends that every family have an emergency supply kit. A recommended list of contents is contained on this guide:

    More information can also be found here:

    Remember to think about the 5 P's: People, Pets, Prescriptions, Papers and Photographs.

  • Evacuation

  • A quick guide to Chelan County Evacuation Levels can be found here:

    Conduct a practice evacuation with your family. Make sure to identify alternative routes and meeting places in case of separation. This guide can help:

  • Special Needs Registry

  • The Chelan County Special Needs Registry is a voluntary registry of individuals who would require assistance in the event of an emergency. This assistance could be as simple as advising a person of a situation in the vicinity of their residence to those who need evacuation assistance in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. This registry alerts emergency responders as to a resident’s address and gives them the vital information they need to better meet the resident's needs. It is important that emergency personnel know where to find you, and how best to meet some of your requirements during a disaster requiring evacuation.

    Participation in the registry is voluntary and all information is strictly confidential, used only for emergency purposes. Individuals are eligible to be registered with the Special Needs Registry if they are frail, elderly, medically needy, and/or disabled and are not served in or by a residential facility program (i.e. nursing home, retirement apartments, etc.). Eligible individuals need only to complete the attached form and return it to the Emergency Management Office. Forms are available at, or at 408 N. Western, Wenatchee during business hours, or calling our office at 509-667-6863.

  • Pets

  • Information on evacuating with pets can be found here:

    Colorado has an excellent fillable form as well, with much of the information relevant to our area:

    For those with livestock, the Colorado State University Extension Office has an excellent fact sheet:

    The bottom line is to have a plan. Those with large livestock should not wait until the last moment to evacuate.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.