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Performance Criteria 1.1

  • All working at heights equipment shall be maintained and used in<br>accordance with the relevant Australian Standards and manufacturers<br>instructions including routine inspections.

  • D - View manufactures specifications and relevant<br>Australian Standards are available.<br>View training process in place incorporates the<br>design standards and manufacturers<br>specifications.<br>Sample complete working at heights plans and<br>check against manufactures instructions.<br>View maintenance records against manufacturers<br>instructions

  • I - Ask supervisors how working at height equipment<br>is maintained and used.<br>Ask employees how working at heights<br>equipment is to be used and how they know it has<br>been maintained correctly.

  • O - Observe working at heights equipment in use:<br>‐ is the equipment in good working order<br>‐ is it being used in accordance with the relevant<br>Australian Standards and manufacturers<br>instructions


  • A pre‐use inspection shall be conducted for harnesses, lanyards and anchor<br>points to ensure there are no defects and the equipment is safe for use

  • D - View documented process for pre‐use inspection<br>harnesses, lanyards and anchor points.<br>View inspection records for EWPs

  • I - Ask employees how they inspect harnesses,<br>lanyards and anchor points (visual) to ensure<br>there are no defects and the equipment is safe for<br>use

  • O - Observe pre‐use inspection to verify it is thorough<br>and effective<br>Observe working at heights equipment in use and<br>verify it is safe to use


  • Anchorages shall be designed, manufactured, constructed, selected, or<br>installed so as to be capable of withstanding the force applied as a result of a<br>person’s fall at the workplace – 15kN for one person and 21kN for two people<br>minimum in accordance with AS/NZS 1891.4:2009 Industrial fall‐arrest<br>systems and devices ‐ Selection, use and maintenance. Anchorage points used<br>should be located overhead in such a way as to reduce risk of pendulum<br>effect in case of a fall, as far as reasonably practicable

  • D- View design documentation of installed anchor<br>points.

  • I - Ask employees, supervisors and engineers how to<br>identify anchorage points and how they are used.<br>Ask how to reduce the "pendulum" effect

  • O - Inspect anchorage points in work areas are<br>available and identified and on the register of<br>designed equipment.<br>Check use of anchorage points on working at<br>heights task in field. Were they selected to reduce<br>the pendulum effect


  • Where it is not practical to install dedicated anchor points (i.e. ad hoc work),<br>anchor points capable of withstanding 15kN for one person and 21kN for two<br>people shall be identified and approved by a Competent Person (e.g.<br>structural engineer, IRATA Level 2 or 3 rope access technician, scaffolders, or a<br>basic rigger) prior to commencement of work

  • D - View completed risk assessments for working at<br>heights that required non‐dedicated anchor<br>points.<br>View assessments of capability for non‐dedicated<br>anchor points and approvals by engineer or High<br>Risk Licence holder for working at heights

  • I - Ask employees, supervisors and managers how<br>tasks are assessed and approved to use nondedicated<br>anchor points.<br>Ask engineer or High Risk Licence holder for<br>working at heights how they assesses anchor<br>points

  • O - Observe ad hoc anchor points in use in he field.<br>Have they been approved by competent person


  • Work platforms and scaffolds shall have complete floors, hand rails, edge<br>protection, barricades and toe‐boards, and safe access and egress shall be<br>provided. Edge protection shall be provided to the edge of a scaffold, fixed<br>stair, landing, suspended slab or formwork at the workplace, wherever there<br>is a risk of falling 2 or more metres or where indicated by procedures or risk<br>assessment.

  • D - View specification for work platforms and<br>scaffolds and risk assessments

  • I - Ask employees and supervisors:<br>‐ how work platforms and scaffolds are to be used<br>and provided on site<br>‐ what the specification are or where are they<br>found.

  • O - Inspect work platforms and scaffolds in place to<br>check they meet the requirement

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.