Title Page

  • Template Title:

  • Date Agreement Signed:

  • Driver ID:

  • WA Driver's License:

  • DOT Check - Valid Drivers License

  • First Name:

  • Last Name:

  • Date of Birth:

  • Driver Email Address:

  • Driver Address:

  • Driver Contact Number:

  • Visa / Australian work status:

  • ABN and GST Status - abr.gov.au

  • ABN and GST Status valid:


  • Taxi Plate:

  • Driver Start Date:

  • Driver Lease Rate:

  • Lease - Amount Paid Today

  • Bond - Amount Paid

  • Debt Recovery Amount Payable (if any)


  • DQA Approve By and Conditions of Onboarding

  • Leasing Team Member Executing this Contract

  • Outstanding Debt

  • Rank Fee Debt?

  • How much and what Payment Arrangement is in place?

  • CDS Debt?

  • How much and what Payment Arrangement is in place?

  • Levy Debt?

  • How much and what Payment Arrangement is in place?


  • Emergency Contact Details:

  • Emergency Contact Number:

  • Emergency Contact Relationship to you:


    Driver Lease Agreement

    Roster Officer Checklist Cover Sheet 1
    Definitions 2
    Notice Period 2
    Definitions 2
    Documentation Check 3
    Identification Continued 4
    1. Terms and Conditions 4
    2. Right to Refuse to Lease a Vehicle 4
    3. Shift Agreement 5
    4. Sale of Shift 5
    5. Payment of Lease Fee 5
    6. Bond Payment 6
    7. Notice Period for Annual Leave or Resignation (Must have driven for more than 6 months) 6
    7. Notice Period for Annual Leave or Resignation (Drivers leaving within the first 6 Months) 6
    8. Drivers Liability to the Owner in respect of accidents and or mechanical issues 6
    9. Accident Procedure 6
    10. Responsibility for the vehicle whilst in driver’s care 7
    11. Cleaning 7
    12. Personal Care 7
    13. Timely return of vehicle 8
    14. LPG /ULP 8
    15. Breakdown Procedure 8
    16. Accuracy of Drivers Information Provided 8
    17. Use Only for Purpose Authorised 8
    18. No Representations 9
    19. Disclosure 9
    20. Declaration by Driver 9
    Personal Data Disclaimer 10

  • Definitions
    Notice Period

    • In the event of the agreement terminating, the driver must provide a minimum of two weeks’ notice in writing during which, association fees and Levy contributions will still apply.


    • Agreement Period means the period of time from the commencement date and ending on the last day of the contract term specified in the finance schedule.
    • Offence An act or omission contrary to the rules and regulations governing the taxi Industry, the road traffic act or any other rules and regulations governing the Taxi/on-demand transport industry.
    • Payment Date means each date specified in this agreement
    • Unauthorised driver a driver who for whatever reason operates a vehicle affiliated with Swan Taxis without authorisation.

  • Documentation Check

    CDS Fleet Management requires 100 points of Identification to be supplied with all lease applications. At least one identity document must contain a colour photograph.

    1.1 Primary documents
    70 Points
    • Birth Certificate; or
    • Citizenship Certificate; or
    • Current Passport; or
    • Expired passport, which has not been cancelled and was current within the preceding two years; or
    • Other documents having the same characteristics as a passport, including diplomatic documents and certain documents issued to refugees.

    1.2 Secondary Documents

    40 Points
    • Document - must have a photograph and name
    • Driver's License issued by an Australian State or Territory; or
    • License or permit issued under a law of the Commonwealth, State or Territory Government- (e.g. a boat license); or
    • Identification card issued to a public employee: or
    • Identification card issued by the Commonwealth, State or Territory Government as evidence of the person's entitlement to a financial benefit: or
    • An identification card issued to a student at a tertiary institution.

    35 Points
    • Document - must have a photograph and name
    • A document held by a cash dealer giving security over your property; or
    • A mortgage or other instrument of security held by a financial body; or
    • Document from your current employer or previous employer within the last 2 years; or
    • Land Titles Office record; or
    • Document from the Credit Reference Association of Australia.

    Identification Continued

    25 Points
    • Document - must have a photograph and name
    • Marriage certificate (for maiden name only); or
    • Credit Card; or Foreign Driver’s License; or
    • Medicare Card (signature not required on Medicare Card); or
    • EFTPOS Card.
    25 Points
    • Document - must have a name and address
    • Electoral Roll compiled by the Australian Electoral Commission and available for public scrutiny; or
    • Records of public utility - phone, water, gas, and electricity bills; or Records of a financial institution; or
    • A record held under a law other than a law relating to land titles; or
    • Council rates notice.
    25 Points
    • Document - must have a name and address
    • Rent/Lease agreement; or
    • Rent receipt from a licensed real estate agent.
    25 Points
    • Document - must have a name and date of birth
    • Record of a primary, secondary or tertiary educational institution attended by you within the last 10 years; or
    • Record of professional or trade association of which you are a member.

  • 2. Personas Authorised to Certify 100 Points of Identification Documentation

    Copies of all documents must be legible and any photograph must be colour and clearly identifiable. Certification must be on the front of the photocopied document, not the reverse, unless it would render the photocopy illegible.

  • This document sets out terms and conditions governing the agreement concluded between CDS Fleet management Pty Ltd ("The Owner") and the driver named in scheduele 1 hereto ("The Driver") consequent upon acceptance by the Owner of the Driver's application annexed hereto ("The Application").


    This document sets out terms and conditions governing the agreement concluded between CDS Fleet Management Pty Ltd (“The Owner”) and the driver named in Schedule 1 hereto (“The Driver”) consequent upon acceptance by the Owner of the Driver’s application annexed hereto (“The Application”).

    1. Terms and Conditions

    a) The Owner reserves the right to alter anything in these terms and conditions regulating the use, safety, security, control, care, cleanliness and payment terms of any vehicle allocated by the Owner to the Driver.
    b) The Owner is to give written notice of any alterations or variations to this agreement. It is the Driver’s responsibility to ensure, that at all times the drivers contact details are up to date, if the driver changes their contact details, they must notify CDS within 3 business days
    2. Right to Refuse to Lease a Vehicle

    a) CDS Fleet Management reserve the right to not enter into any agreement and reserve their right to lease a vehicle.

    3. Shift Agreement

    a) Without in any way derogating from or limiting the driver’s obligations and responsibilities to the Owner under the agreement or at law, (including the driver’s duty to act responsibly) and to drive in a safe manner at all times in accordance with the Road Traffic Code 2000.
    b) The driver is not to drive the vehicle when it is unsafe to do so or would cause or be likely to cause damage to the vehicle.
    4. Sale of Shift

    a) The driver agrees that he/she shall not sell a shift or sub lease a vehicle without prior written approval from General Manager to any other driver or person without the Owner's prior knowledge and written consent.
    b) This consent will be written in way of email or a hand-written document
    c) Any unauthorised driver/s will not be covered by our insurance policy. (Refer Insurance Schedule attached for more details)
    d) However, where the shift remains unsold, The Owner will not under any circumstances bear any liability to the Driver, and the Driver will remain liable to the Owner for the full shift fee.

    5. Payment of Lease Fee

    a) The lease week runs from Monday to Sunday and all leases are invoiced accordingly.
    b) All Drivers are required to pay the Owner their vehicle lease fees by no later than the close of business on the Thursday of the current week.
    c) Lease is charged out at nominated shift lease rates determined by CDS Fleet management and is subject to change based on market conditions.
    d) A late fee of $10 is payable by the Driver for every day or part thereof where payment is not received by the required payment deadline, if a continual pattern of late payments is identified it will result in an increase in Bond Payment or loss of taxi lease.
    e) If vehicle lease fees in respect of a weekly lease remain unpaid by 10.00 am on Friday immediately after payment was due:

    • the driver forfeits his entitlement to the use of the vehicle
    • the Owner may sell any shifts booked to the driver,
    • The owner may deal with the vehicle and future shifts -accordingly, without prejudice to any other action that the Owner may take or any other rights that the Owner may have against the Driver,
    • including the right to claim any outstanding monies owing to the Owner by the Driver from any cause whatsoever
    • Such items may include monies owing in respect of shifts that the Driver would have had which have not been sold.

    f) If a driver uses the vehicle when he is more than 1 week in arrears of his lease payment, he is not permitted to drive the vehicle, unless he has written consent from the General Manager.
    g) If a driver continues to drive a vehicle without written consent from the Owner, this will be seen as unauthorised use of a motor vehicle and the matter referred to WA Police.
    h) this may result in criminal charges being laid and CDS Fleet Management may start civil proceedings against the driver.
    i) Any unpaid lease monies will be referred to a debt collection agency and the driver will be responsible for all legal costs incurred in the recovery of the unpaid lease payments, as well as any additional administrative costs.
    j) Full lease payment is due each week, no part payments or discount (downtime) is permitted without the prior authorisation by management.
    k) Any discount (downtime) must be accompanied by an authorised application form which can only be claimed in person at our office.
    l) No over-the-phone approval will be given. Please note that NO downtime claims will be authorised unless lease payments are up to date.
    6. Bond Payment

    a) A Security bond will be payable at the time of a lease contract signing and held by CDS Fleet Management (amount specified in the attached schedule 1).
    b) Please note that Bond Money is a separate payment to the insurance excess imposed and is compulsory.

    Note: The bond will be usually returned within 14 days once the vehicle has been returned to CDS in the same condition it was when first leased.
    7. Notice Period for Annual Leave or Resignation (Must have driven for more than 6 months)

    a) Drivers will be responsible for 2 weeks’ worth of shifts from the day of notice to leave and/or annual (holiday) leave. The notice must be given in writing at the office.
    b) Breaching the terms of this agreement that results in the vehicle being removed from the driver does not excuse the driver of his 2-week obligation regarding shifts.
    c) The driver will be responsible for 2 weeks’ worth of shift payments from the date of his last shift.
    7. Notice Period for Annual Leave or Resignation (Drivers leaving within the first 6 Months)

    d) Drivers will be responsible for 4 weeks’ worth of shifts from the day of notice to leave and/or annual (holiday) leave. Notice must be given in writing at the office.
    e) Breaching the terms of this agreement that results in the vehicle being removed from the driver does not excuse the driver of his 4-week obligation regarding shifts.
    f) The driver will be responsible for 4 weeks’ worth of shift payments from the date of his last shift.
    8. Drivers Liability to the Owner in respect of accidents and or mechanical issues

    a) In the event of an accident, the driver is liable for any insurance excess imposed, regardless of who is at fault. However, if the excess is recovered, then it will be refunded to the driver. (Please also refer to the attached Insurance Schedule).
    b) The driver will not be charged for shifts if the vehicle is unavailable for use as the result of an accident. If the accident is the fault of a Third Party the company will recover its lost shifts from them.
    c) Where the driver is involved in an accident which is caused by the driver’s wilful intention, recklessness or negligence, the driver will be responsible for all loss and damage suffered by the Owner as a result of or arising out of or as a consequence of the accident, including, but not limited to any and all loss and damage caused by or arising out of damage to the vehicle, and any lost income.
    9. Accident Procedure

    a) In the event of an accident, the Driver agrees to obtain full details of and relating to any third party involved in the accident, this includes the following information.
    b) the third-party driver's name, address, driver’s license details and other relevant details of the owner and driver of each other vehicle involved in the accident.
    c) a description of all other vehicles involved in the accident, including the make and registration numbers of the vehicles.
    d) As well as any names addresses' and contact details of any witnesses to the accident.
    e) The Driver agrees to call CDS Fleet Managements or the Swan Taxis Call Centre to organise towing should the vehicle require to be towed. The driver will only allow Excel Towing or Specialised Towing to Tow the vehicles. Should the driver allow any other Towing companies to take the vehicle the driver will be liable for all towing costs incurred.
    f) The Driver agrees to complete an accident report form within 24 hours and no later than 48 hours of the accident happening to enable an insurance claim to be processed as soon as possible. Please note that the insurance company imposes a penalty excess of $4000.00 should the accident not be reported in a timely manner.
    g) The Driver agrees to provide to the Owner, a full and accurate account of the circumstances leading into and any other information relating to the accident required by the Owner for the purpose of insurance claims.
    h) The Driver agrees to report any accident to the Police as soon as reasonably possible after the accident, and take any other steps reasonably required by the Owner, or legally required at law, in relation to the accident.
    10. Responsibility for the vehicle whilst in driver’s care

    (a) The driver agrees to visually inspect the vehicle and equipment before commencing each of his/her shifts.
    (b) Any damage to the vehicle or to any equipment or missing equipment is to be reported to the Owner before commencing shift.
    (c) Upon any such report of loss or damage is made before the commencement of a shift, the driver who drove the vehicle in the shift immediately preceding the report will be liable for all costs incurred in repairing the damage or replacing the missing equipment.
    (d) However, where any loss or damage is not reported and is subsequently ascertained, all drivers who drove the vehicle since its last inspection will be equally liable for all costs of repairing the damage or replacing the equipment.
    (e) The driver agrees to check all oil, water, coolant, and fluid levels before commencing each shift to ensure that such levels are satisfactory. In addition, the driver agrees also to check the tyre pressure and the condition of the tyres, including the spare tyre before each shift to ensure that the vehicle is safe to drive.
    (f) If the driver fails to check these levels or to undertake any necessary rectification, the driver will be liable for any loss or damage to the Owner, including but not limited to any damage to the vehicle and any loss of income.
    (g) The driver acknowledges they are responsible if they do not present the vehicle for servicing on the due date, and any damage to the vehicle due to not having the vehicle serviced will be the driver’s responsibility.
    (h) The driver is responsible for all damages to the Owner's vehicle while the vehicle is being leased to him/her, whether the damage is caused directly or indirectly by the driver or whether the vehicle is being driven or stationary.
    (i) The driver agrees they are responsible for all speeding fines, parking fines and any other road traffic infringements incurred whilst in possession of the vehicle.
    (j) The driver agrees that they will be solely responsible for the vehicle being towed if the said driver has run out of fuel and all costs associated with the towing of the vehicle will be the driver’s responsibility.
    (k) The driver is responsible for keeping up with the maintenance service schedule and all services will be carried out in the driver’s time.
    11. Cleaning

    a) The driver agrees to keep the vehicle clean at all times, and, in particular, to clean the windscreen daily, shake out the mats daily, and ensure that no rubbish is left in the vehicle.
    b) The vehicle is also to be washed and vacuumed by the drivers on a regular basis.
    c) The Owner reserves the right to charge the Drivers for cleaning the vehicle if found dirty.
    d) There will be no downtime if the Taxi is taken off the road as a result of un-cleanliness.

    Please note:

    All CDS Fleet Management vehicles are smoke-free zones and there is absolutely no smoking permitted in any of our vehicles. If you smoke in a CDS Fleet vehicle you will be charged to have the vehicle detailed.
    12. Personal Care

    a) As a lessee of CDS Fleet you are always required to dress smartly in the uniform of the Taxi Dispatch Service with whom you are affiliated, for further details please refer to Annexure 1.
    b) At all times drivers are required to groom appropriately and present themselves in an appropriate and professional manner.

    13. Timely return of the vehicle

    a) If the driver returns the vehicle later than the specified change-over time, the driver will be charged a late fee of $7.00 per 15 minutes or part thereof as a genuine pre-estimate of the damages suffered because of the vehicle being returned late.
    b) The driver shall pay this late fee to the driver of the subsequent shift.

    c) The driver agrees and acknowledges that it is at all times his responsibility to find out the relevant change-over time for the vehicle that he is driving.
    14. LPG /ULP

    a) Each vehicle driven by the driver is to be completely refuelled at a site as close as possible to the vehicle change-over point immediately preceding the handover. If failure to do so a $25.00 administration fee and a rate of $3.00 per litre will be charged.
    b) A receipt of the refuel shall be presented when returning the vehicle.
    c) If the vehicle has been fuelled with the wrong fuel type, do not start the vehicle call the after-hours number and let the operator know what you have done, they will arrange for the vehicle to be picked up by the tow truck.
    d) All fuel-operated vehicles shall be filled with unleaded fuel (95 or 98), and diesel vehicles filled with diesel fuel only.
    e) If a driver fills the vehicle with the wrong fuel type, they will be responsible for the repair of the vehicle as well as the invoice for the tow truck recovery.
    15. Breakdown Procedure

    (a) In the event of a breakdown of the vehicle during a shift, the Driver shall contact the Owner immediately.
    (b) The driver shall not under any circumstances drive a vehicle that is overheated or is likely to, or may be unsafe to drive, and in any such circumstances, the Driver shall contact the Owner (or any other person nominated by the Owner from time to time in writing), who shall arrange for the towing of the vehicle by an authorised tow truck.
    (c) The Driver agrees that he will be liable for any loss or damage as a result of or arising from or because of the driver continuing to operate or drive a vehicle which has overheated or is otherwise unfit for use, including, but not limited to the cost of repair to the vehicle and any loss of income.
    (d) The Driver agrees to leave a note in a prominent position on the vehicle to prevent another driver from attempting to start or drive a vehicle that is or may be un-roadworthy or unsafe to drive.
    (e) The driver agrees not to jump-start a vehicle, unless instructed by the Owner and the driver acknowledges that if this is done incorrectly, permanent damage to the electrical system may result. In the event of any loss or damage being suffered by the Owner as a result of or as a consequence of a driver jump-starting a vehicle unauthorised, the driver will be liable to the Owner for such loss or damage.
    16. Accuracy of Drivers Information Provided

    (a) The Driver warrants that the information provided in the application is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge and authorises the Owner to use this information for any legitimate purpose.
    (b) If a driver leaves CDS Fleet with monies outstanding, the driver's information may be passed onto a debt collection agency to recover the outstanding monies.
    17. Use Only for Purpose Authorised

    (a) The Driver agrees to use the vehicle only for the purpose of conveying fare-paying passengers as a taxi service, and for no other purpose, including using the vehicle for personal use.
    (b) By signing this lease, the driver acknowledges they understand if they use the vehicle for other than it is intended use, they will not be covered by insurance and will be responsible for any damage that may be caused to the vehicle whilst in their possession.
    18. No Representations

    (a) By signing this lease document, the driver acknowledges that he/she has entered into this agreement of their own free will, without inducement or promises or undertakings by the Owner, other than as set out in the agreement.
    19. Disclosure

    I, the below-mentioned, give full permission to CDS Fleet Management to request any or all data information held by any previous ODBS (On-demand Booking Service) I have previously worked for.


  • Personal Data Disclaimer

    What is Personal Information and why do we collect it?

    - Personal Information is information or an opinion that identifies an individual. Examples of personal information we collect includes but not limited to: names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, Identity documents and logged activities.
    - This Personal Information is obtained in many ways including but not limited to correspondence by telephone and email, dispatch information and information received from third parties.
    - We collect your Personal Information for the primary purpose of providing our services to you, however we may also use your Personal Information for secondary purposes closely related to the primary purpose, in circumstances where you would reasonably expect such use or disclosure.
    - When we collect personal information we will, where appropriate and where possible, explain to you why we are collecting the information and how/if we plan to use it.

    Sensitive Information
    Sensitive information is defined in the Privacy Act to include information or opinion about such things as an individual's racial or ethnic origin, political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union or other professional body, criminal record or health information.

    Sensitive information will be used by us only:
    - For the primary purpose for which it was obtained
    - For a secondary purpose that is directly related to the primary purpose
    - With your consent; or where required or authorised by law and/or any relevant government agency.

    Third Parties
    Where reasonable and practicable to do so, we will collect your Personal Information only from you. However, in some circumstances we may be provided with information by third parties. In such a case we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the information provided to us by the third party.

    Debt Recovery
    Any Outstanding debt incurred by you the driver whilst leasing a CDS vehicle must be paid in full prior to leaving the company, failure to satisfy any outstanding debt will result in your personal information being passed onto a debt collection service. This may have an impact on your ability to obtain credit in the future and restrict your ability to lease vehicles in the future.


  • ABN: 56622177217

    08 9453 7070


  • Please find attached my bond declaration for the Taxi stated above as part of my lease contract, I have been informed that i am required to pay a bond amount of $1000.00.

    I am fully aware of my obligations to maintain the vehicle during my time as the lessee and have been informed that there is an insurance access of $2000.00 if I have an accident that is deemed at a fault and should i have another at fault accident my excess will increase to $4000.00 for the next 12 months.

    I am aware that I will be given a vehicle that is clean with a full tank of fuel and that when I return the vehicle it will be returned in the same condition. Should I not fuel the vehicle upon return I am aware that i will be charged a refuel cost of $2.20 per litre and a cleaning fee ranging between $50.00 and $400.00 depending on the level of dirtiness should the vehicle be returned uncleaned.

    I have also been informed that my bond will be returned to me usually within 14 days as long as the vehicle has been returned to CDS Fleet Management in the same condition it was when I first leased the vehicle.

    I am aware that my bond maybe used for mechanical repairs and vehicle damage caused through my negligence or if I fail to maintain the vehicle as per my contract.

    I am also aware that I may surrender my bond or part thereof to pay any outstanding debts or vehicle repairs owning by myself to CDS Fleet Management.

  • I agree to surrender my bond or part of my bond to CDS Fleet Management for repairs/outstanding monies for Taxi stated above:






    All our Taxis are insured but do carry an excess payable by the Driver for all claims. The Amount is determined as listed below. In the event of an accident, the driver is liable for any insurance excess imposed, regardless of who is at fault. However, if the excess is recovered, then it will be refunded to the driver.

    The Driver must inform the Owner immediately of any accident.

    You must notify us immediately if your licence has been suspended. It is against the law to drive while your licence has been suspended. If you continue to drive after your licence has been suspended, not only do you face traffic infringements, but the Owner's Vehicle will be confiscated for a period of 28 days. In this case you will be liable to the Owner for all lost shifts while the vehicle is confiscated and any fines and costs associated with its recovery.

    Under our agreement, the person that signs the agreement is the ONLY person authorised to drive our taxi. If an unauthorised person is driving the vehicle there is NO insurance cover.

    Have you ever been involved in an accident? __________________________________
    If so, were you at fault? ____________________________________________________
    Have you ever been refused insurance? ______________________________________
    Have you ever lost your licence? ____________________________________________
    No of years experience as a driver? _________________________________________
    No. of years experience as a Taxi Driver? ____________________________________
    Excess Imposed: $________________(PAYABLE WITHIN 1 WEEK OF ACCIDENT)

  • Have you ever been involved in a accident?

  • If so, were you at fault?

  • Have you ever been refused insurance?

  • Have you ever lost your licence?

  • No. of years experienced as a Driver?

  • No. of years experienced as a Taxi Driver?


  • Driver's Signauture

  • Applicable Excess Amounts:

    EXCESS: $ 2,000 for each and every claim:

    • Plus, additional excesses as per the policy wording, if the Person driving the vehicle at the time of the accident is:
    • Under 21 years of age - $700
    • Under 21 years of age with less than 2 years experience Driving such type of vehicle - $1,000
    • Aged between 21 and 25 years of age - $350
    • Aged between 21 and 25 years of age with less than 2 years experience driving such type of vehicle - $650
    • Aged 25 years or over with less than 2 years experience Driving such type of vehicle - $300
    • Late reporting of an accident $4000.00


  • You may contact us as follows:
    Phone: 08 9453 7070
    Email: admin@cdsfleetmanagement.com.au
    Mail: 7 Harvey Street, Victoria Park WA 6100

    All communication addressed to us should include your Customer Number: (ID NUMBER)


  • Customer Number: (Driver ID)

  • Customer Name:

  • Taxi Plate (Original Issue):


    Payments will be debited on the due date.

  • PART C - Payment Amounts

    Payments amount will be debited in full.

  • Which Direct Debit?

  • PART D - Cheque/Savings Accountor Credit Card Authorisation I/We request and authorise SWAN TAXIS PTY LTD (314011) to arrange, through its own financial institution, a debit to your nominated account any amount SWAN TAXIS PTY LTD (314011), has deemed payable by you. This debit or charge will be made through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) from your account held at financial institution you have nominated below and will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Direct Debit Request Service Agreement.

  • Financial Institution

  • Account Name:

  • BSB:


  • Signature

  • Partner Signature (Only Applicable if Joint Account)

  • Date:

  • Credit Card Account I/We request and authorise Acknowledgment. By signing and/or providing us with a valid instruction in respect to your Direct Debit Request, you have understood and agreed to the terms and conditions governing the debit arrangements between you and SWAN TAXIS PTY LTD as set out in this Request and in your Direct Debit Request Service Agreement.

  • Credit Card Number

  • Expiry Date

  • Cardholders Name

  • Signature

Direct Debit Payment Amounts

  • Driver agrees to Weekly Direct Debit Payments For Lease

  • First Payment Amount

  • Frequency

  • Regular Payment Amount (if different to First Payment Amount)


  • Prepared By:

  • Roster Officer Checklist Cover Sheet: Please ensure with each application all identification documents have been certified correctly and attach the documents to the lease application.

  • Identification Documents provided

  • Accident procedure explained

  • Accidents and Insurance explained

  • Bond Payments read and understood

  • WA Driver License Verified

  • Driver ID/PTD Confirmed

  • Payments explained and understood

  • Refuelling and cleaning explained

  • Visa Status Confirmed

  • Breakdown Procedure Explained

  • Cleanliness of vehicles explained

  • Timely return of vehicle explained

  • Accuracy of driver information explained

  • Bond Declaration Form Completed

  • Purpose of use explained

  • Termination/leave process explained (4 weeks)

  • IMPORTANT NOTE THE LEASE RATE WILL BE REVIEWED AT END DATE STATED CONDITIONS OF LEASE:<br>1. $1000.00 lease bond to paid prior to commencing driving with vehicle.<br>2. 1 week lease in advance must be paid.<br>3. Vehicle inspection may be completed on a regular basis.<br>4. Direct Debit lease payment option only.<br>5. 4 week notice period applicable if vehicle is driven less than 6 months.<br>6. Single or 2 Driver lease option approved only by CDS Authorised Representative.<br>7. Driver excess applicable immediately in respect to vehicle accident.<br>8. Lease driver must provide replacement driver in case of emergency or end of lease.<br>9. In case of Direct Debit default full week lease will be applied plus late fee of $10/day.


  • Driver Declaration:

    I, declare that I have read and understood the terms & conditions set out in this agreement and additional schedules including:

  • 1. Title Page information is accurate and correct

  • 2. Lease Details have been read and understood

  • 3. Additional Driver Information provided

  • 4. Vehicle Lease Agreement Terms and Conditions read and understood

  • 5. Personal Data read and understood

  • 6. Details of Bond Conditions read and understood

  • 7. Details for Insurance Schedule is read and understood and the information provided is accurate and correct

  • 8. Details for Direct Debit is read and understood and the information provided is accurate and correct

  • 9. I have been explained each section and I understand each point in the roster checklist

  • By signing below, you agree to the Terms/Conditions and accept the Agreement with CDS Fleet Management.

  • Driver's Signature:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.