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I. Procedure

  • 1. Does the supplier have a procedure to control the equipment of monitoring and measurement?<br>供应商是否有程序对设备的监控和测量进行控制?

II. Selection of Device

  • 1. Does measurement can easily catch result without additional calculate?<br>量具是否可以不需要计算直接得到结果?

  • 2. Does supplier improve device technical material (user guide, certification, test spec. and qualification rule, check standard requirement)?<br>供应商是否建立完善监控和测量装置的技术资料(包括说明书、合格证、检测规范与验收准则、鉴定标准件要求)?

  • 3. Does device meet 1/10 tolerance principle?<br>量具是否满足公差的1/10原则?

III. Verification of Device

  • 1. Does device has acceptance criteria?<br>量具是否有接受准则?

  • 2. Does calibration interval define by using frequency or environment etc.?<br>制定校准间隔是否按量具的使用频次或环境等影响因素?

IV. Device Use and Maintenance

  • 1. Are monitoring and measurement devices available in working station?<br>是否有监视和测量设备在工作现场?

  • 2. Does the supplier correctly use devices of monitoring & measurement?<br>供应商是否正确使用检测和检测设备?

  • 3. Does the supplier perform MSA for important devices?<br>针对重要设备,供应商是否做测量系统分析?

  • 4. Does supplier have every device working instruction, user need to familiar with its performance and checking method, strictly follow up rules?<br>供应商是否有每种器具专门的操作指导书,使用者应熟悉它的性能和使用规程,严格按照操作规程使用?

  • 5. Does the supplier follow the working instruction when implement monitoring and measuring?<br>当实施监测与测量中,供应商是否按照指导书操作了?

  • 6. Does the PQP contain the gage information?<br>PQP是否包含检具内容?

  • 7. Does supplier select device and checking method according to different process environment, using frequency to ensure measure result can reflect actual status of product?<br>是否针对不同的过程环境,使用频次合理选择量具和测量活动,以保证测量结果能真实反映产品的状态?

  • 8. Are devices protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage?<br>设备是否在搬运、维护和储存时收到保护以防止损坏和退化?

  • 9. If abnormity happened in period of validity, need to find out root cause, device need to be adjusted or re-adjusted. Or redefine interval of calibration as necessary?<br>在有效期内出现异常,需要进行原因分析后,进行调整或再调整,必要时对检定周期做相应的调整?

V. Calibration Department/Agency Requirement

  • 1. Has certification of calibration?<br>是否有校准的资格?

  • 2. Does Calibration location meet environment requirement?<br>校准地点是否满足环境要求?

VI. Records

  • 1. Log book and check if there are any overdue gauges?<br>量检具台账是否有过期量检具?

  • 2. Whether is there age Guideline and WI<br>是否有检具指南和操作指导

  • 3. Are internal calibration records available?<br>是否有内部校准记录?

  • 4. Are records remained legible, readily identifiable?<br>记录是否清晰?易于识别?

VII. Gauge Use, Discipline

  • 1. Is guage 5S checklist available and updated?<br>量具5S点检表是否现场可见并及时更新?

  • 2. Is the actual gauge qty the same with checklist of gauge 5S?<br>量具实际数量是否和量具5S点检表一致?

  • 3. Is the gauge correctly placed in its location?<br>量具是否放置和保存在应有的放置?

VIII. Gauge Use, Approach

  • 1. Is the operator handle gauges gently, only for its own usage? 操作员是否对量具轻拿轻放,仅用于量具本身用途?

  • 2. Is the gauge protected from arc strike while being in use?量具的放置和使用是否避免电弧击伤?

  • 3. Is the gauge sufficiently cleaned and free from dirt or other contamination while use and storage?量具在存放和使用中是否保持洁净、避免沾污?

  • 4. Is the gauge protected from heat while being in use?量具的放置和使用是否避免接近热源?

  • 5. Is the vision of operator vertical with the measuring plane while reading the gauge?操作者读数时其视线是否与被侧面垂直?

IX. Digital Level Gauge& Protractor

  • 1. Does the gauge measure relative levels? 量具是否测量过相对水平面?

  • 2. Does the measurement surface, relative surface and the device in the same plane? 被侧面,相对面和设备是否在同一平面?

X. Tape Meter

  • 1. Whether vision is vertical with measurement plane and scale of tape? 视线是否与测量面和刻线垂直?

  • 2. Whether pull the tape when locked? 锁住后是否硬拉尺带?

  • 3. Whether the tape are back slowly? 尺带是否缓慢收回?

  • <br>4. Whether the tape is bend or snap? 尺带是否弯曲没有弯折?

  • 5. Whether the buckle contact tightly or pull straightly when use? 卡扣使用时是否贴紧或拉直?

XI. Welding Gauge

  • 1. Whether weld gap ruler put in the proper location? 焊缝尺是否卡住?

  • 2. Whether weld reinforcement and weld leg are tested in the highest point? 余高,焊脚是否测量最高点?

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