Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Chemicals, Fuels or Refrigerant Lines
There is an appropriate OHS plan which identifies all hazards and assigns risks and controls to each identified hazard relating relating to this task.
The project risk assessment or similar document considers all hazards associated with work nearby chemical, fuel or refrigerant lines, assesses relevant risks and outline controls with consideration of hierarchy of control and requirements as per jurisdictional legislation, standards and codes
Workers have been informed about materials present, relevant hazards, level of risk and controls to be employed.
Mechanical lifting over an active chemical/fuel/refrigerant line is restricted or controlled.
Physical barriers or other controls are installed to prevent potential vehicle impact with an active chemical/ fuel/ refrigerant line.
Hot work procedures and permit to work system.
Gas testing and monitoring programs.
The type of chemical/ fuel/ refrigerant is identified and there are systems in place to ;<br>Prevent uncontrolled escape of chemical/ fuel/ refrigerant.<br>and <br>Identify handling and emergency control measures in accordance with relevant MSDS, legislation and standards.
Chemical/ fuel/ refrigerant lines are labelled and marked in accordance with jurisdictional legislation, standards and codes.
Emergency response plans and/or emergency repose protocols detail uncontrolled release emergency scenarios and in accordance with MSDS, legislation and standards.
Emergency alarm and shut of systems in place.
Spill containment equipment and cleanup is available.
Fire protection, detection and emergency fire fighting equipment is available where necessary.
Location of all services have been identified and documented and the relevant services have been disconnected or made safe by suitably qualified person prior to working on or near chemical/ fuel/ refrigerant lines.
Documented process or procedure (or similar document) that identifies a process for identifying chemical/ fuel/ refrigerant lines that could be impacted with during the course of project work scope and/or site access.
Project risk assessment and relevant SWMS/JSAs identify and assess risk of contacting both above ground and under ground lines and outlines a means for preventing contact with services.
Exclusion zones have been identified, communicated and maintained on the project site in accordance with jurisdictional requirements.
Non mechanical excavation means are utilized on the site when necessary.
Service detection reports and diagrams.
Service locations and depths are identified and locations marked on the project site.
Signage and placards are erected in locations to warn workers of services
Isolation procedures are performed by trained process technicians (or similar) and include positive isolation, eg<br>Double block and bleed methods.
Lock out tag out procedures and processes.
Approvals and records of disconnection from service entity.
A document site rule or procedure that prevents hot tapping and similar methods being performed on the project.
Workers hold suitable qualifications and have been adequately instructed and trained in the safe work methods regarding work on chemical, fuel or refrigerant lines.
Document process/procedure (or similar document) that identifies minimum training and competencies required to perform work on relevant chemical, fuel or refrigerant lines.
SWMS/JSAs and training records.
Training and competency register.
The necessary PPE is available and being used to minimise the risk of inadvertent contact.
Specific PPE requirements have been incorporated within relevant SWMS/JSAs, in combination with other higher order hazard control and in accordance with MSDS recommendations and manufacture instructions.
Procedure or similar document addresses selection, maintenance and use of PPE on the project site.
PPE is available and adequate to protect against chemical and material types, concentrations and potential exposure levels.
Relevant PPE is available to protect workers in the event of an emergency eg <br>Escape masks available and carried on person where required.