Facility Name:
Prepared by
* Begin with a pre- audit conference with the Facility Supervisor.
* Each section and question must be answered.
* If the answer to a question is No, an action plan shall be developed and documented during the post-audit conference with the Operations Foreman.
* If the answer is NA to the question, the reason the question is not applicable shall be noted and documented in the post-audit conference with the Facility Supervision.
Process Safety Management Elements
Section C - Employee Participation
1. Does a site specific written employee participation plan exist?
2. Does the written plan provide for access to the documentation generated by the PSM program including the hazards analysis information?
3. Is there documentation that supports the participation of employees in the process hazards analysis?
4. If safety committees are used to satisfy employee participation requirements, are management and employees represented on the committee?
5. Is there documentation that supports the participation of employees in the development of the process safety information?
6. Is there documentation that supports the participation of employees in the development of training programs including content and frequency?
7. Is there documentation that supports the participation of employees in the Management of Change/Pre-Startup Safety Review process?
8. Is there documentation that indicates the employees have been informed of and are aware of their rights regarding employee participation under the standard?
Section D - Process Safety Information
Hazardous Chemical Information
1. Does the facility have Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for very hazardous chemical on site?
2. Does the facility have a plan for administration of the MSDS program?
3. Does the plan have a person identified for being responsible for administration of the MSDS program?
4. Are the MSDSs accessible to all employees?
5. Does the facility maintain a Chemical Inventory List?
Technology Of The Process
6. Does the facility have a block flow diagram or simplified process flow diagrams that accurately depicts an overview of the process?
7. Does the facility have the applicable process chemistry available within the process safety information?
8. Does this facility have the maximum intended inventory of the process listed as the design inlet capacity of the process?
9. Does the facility have a list of the liquid volumes maintained within the process under normal operating conditions?
10. Does the facility have the design capacity of the treating systems available within the process safety information?
11. Does the facility have the maximum design capacity of the product storage including considerations for vapor space listed?
12. Does the facility have a listing of the safe upper and lower operational limits of the process?
13. Does the facility have an evaluation of the consequences of deviation from the upper and lower limits that could result in an uncontrolled release?
Equipment Information
14. Does the facility have U-1 or U-1A forms for all the process vessels and heat exchangers?
15. Does the facility have metal thickness, corrosion allowance, maximum allowable working pressure, temperature rating, hydrostatic test pressure, and the ASME codes used for the equipment where no U-1 or U-1A forms exist?
16. Are the piping specifications for the piping systems throughout the process identified?
17. Are equipment data books that contain performance data, materials of construction, parts lists, maintenance procedures and operating limits available for all rotating equipment?
18. Is instrumentation specification data that contains performance data, materials of construction, parts lists, maintenance procedures and operating limits available for all instrumentation that contacts process fluids?
19. Does an accurate set of Piping and Instrument Diagrams exist at the facility?
20. Does the Piping and Instrument Diagrams include all plant piping components, equipment, controls and instrumentation which are directly involved in or support the process?
21. Is there an accurate electrical classification drawing at the facility?
22. Is there an accurate plot plan drawing at the facility?
23. Does the relief volume information at the facility include flange size and the ANSI rating for each relief valve?
24. Does the relief value information at the facility include the orifice size for each relief valve?
25. Does the relief valve information at the facility include the set pressure for each relief valve?
26. Does the relief valve information at the facility include the design back pressure for each relief valve?
27. Does the relief valve information at the facility include the relieving capacity for each relief valve?
28. Does the relief valve information at the facility include the basis for design for each relief valve?
29. Is there a drawing which depicts the layout of the flare header and the relative location of the relief devices connected to the header?
30. Is documentation which indicates the design capacity of the flare or vent piping system available?
31. Are the Design Codes and Standards under which the facility equipment was manufactured or fabricated indicated in the process safety information?
32. Is there a material and energy balance for any new process built after May 26, 1992?
33. Is there a drawing (i.e. Cause and effect or fault tree diagrams) which depicts the alarm and shutdown system for the facility?
34. Is there a description of any detection system (i.e. flame, H2S, etc.) including shutdown and alarm settings that exists within the facility?
35. Is the process safety information maintained where it is accessible by affected employees?
Section E - Process Hazards Analysis
1. Have 100% of the initial process hazards been performed prior to May 26, 1992?
2. Did the hazards analysis team contain persons with expertise in engineering and process operations?
3. Did the hazards analysis team contain persons knowledgable in the methodology utilized to complete the hazards analysis?
4. Is there a system to address the action items identified in the hazards analysis?
5. Are the actions taken as a result of concerns identified in hazards analysis documented?
6. Is there documentation supporting employee access to hazards analysis results?
7. Is there documentation supporting employee involvement in the hazards analysis?
8. Does the facility have a system in place to update and revalidate process hazard analyses within five years of the initial PHA, including grandfathered studies?
9. Have all initial PHAs been revalidated on time?
10. Have revalidated PHAs been performed by a team meeting the same qualifications as the initial PHAs?
11. Do the revalidated PHAs reflect the current design and operation of the process?
Section F - Operating Procedures
1. Do written procedures for each process exist?
2. Do the procedures contain instruction for initial startup?
3. Do the procedures contain instruction for normal operations?
4. Do the procedures contain instruction for temporary operations?
5. Do the procedures contain instruction for emergency shutdown of the process?
6. Do the procedures contain instruction for the conditions under which an emergency shutdown would be initiated?
7. Do the procedures contain instruction for emergency operations?
8. Do the procedures contain instruction for the normal shutdown of the process?
9. Do the procedures contain instruction for startup after turnaround or after emergency shutdown?
10. Do the procedures contain the operating limits of the process?
11. Do the procedures contain the consequences of deviation form the operating limits?
12. Do the procedures contain instruction on steps required to correct or avoid deviations from the operating limits?
13. Do the procedures contain the properties and hazards presented by the chemicals used in this process?
14. Do the procedures address the precautions necessary to prevent exposure to the hazardous chemicals?
15. Do the procedures address control measures to be taken if physical contact or airborne exposure occurs?
16. Do the procedures address inventory control of the hazardous chemicals
17. Are any special or unique hazards associated with process addressed in the operating procedures?
18. Do the procedures describe the safety system and its' function?
19. Is there a written annual certification that the current procedures are accurate and reflect actual practice?
20. Is there written safe work practice procedures in place that include lockout/tagout, confined space entry, line breaking, and controlled access to the process?
Section G - Training
1. Is there documentation that demonstrates employees operating the process prior to May 26, 1992 were certified to safely perform their duties?
2. Is there a written training procedure established for the initial training of employees operating the process?
3. Is there a written training procedure established for the training of all affected employees in an overview of the process?
4. Is there a written training plan for the refresher training of employees operating the process?
5. Is the frequency of refresher training established in the plan every three years or less?
6. Is there documentation supporting initial training of any employee who began operating the process after May 26, 1992?
7. Does the documentation of initial training contain the content of the training and the method by which understanding by the employee was established?
8. Is there documentation supporting refresher training of any employee who operates the process?
9. Does the documentation of refresher training contain the content of the training and the method by which understanding by the employee was established?
Section H - Contractors
1. Is there documentation that illustrates that each contract employer's safety performance was evaluated prior to selection?
2. Is there a written procedure established to inform each contract employer's of the hazards associated with the process?
3. Does the procedure explain the applicable provisions of the emergency action plan to each contract employer?
4. Is there documentation which supports the procedures regarding each contract employer are active?
5. Is there a system to control the entrance, presence and exit of contract employees in the process?
6. Is there documentation which illustrates the safety performance do each contract employer has been evaluated?
7. Is there a written contract employee injury/illness log?
Section I - Pre-Startup Safety Review
1. Is there a written Pre-Startup Safety Review Procedure?
2. Does the procedure include provisions for the update of process hazards?&
3. Does the procedure include provisions for the update of the process technology?
4. Does the procedure include provisions for the update of equipment specifications?
5. Does the procedure include provisions for the update of operating procedures?
6. Does the procedure include provisions for the update of maintenance procedures?
7. Does the procedure include provisions for the update of emergency procedures?
8. Does the procedure include provisions for the required employee training?
9. Does the procedure include provisions for a process hazards analysis on a new process?
10. Does the procedure include provisions for integrity assurance documents on a modified process?
11. Does the procedure include assigning responsibility for authorization to startup a new or modified process?
12. Is there documentation which illustrates an active Pre-Startup Safety Review program?
Section J - Mechanical Integrity
1. Is there a written mechanical integrity program?
2. Does the written mechanical integrity program include procedures to assure the integrity of pressure vessels?
3. Does the written mechanical integrity program include procedures to assure the integrity of pressurized storage tanks?
4. Does the written mechanical integrity program include procedures to assure the integrity of piping systems?
5. Does the written mechanical integrity program include procedures to assure the integrity of the relief and vent system?
6. Does the written mechanical integrity program include procedures to assure the integrity of the emergency shutdown system?
7. Does the written mechanical integrity program include procedures to assure the integrity of instrumentation and controls?
8. Does the written mechanical integrity program include procedures to assure the integrity of pumps?
9. Does the written mechanical integrity program include procedures to assure the integrity of fired heaters?
10. Does the written mechanical integrity program include procedures to assure the integrity of compressor/drivers?
11. Is there documentation supporting training for employees maintaining the process in the hazards and procedures applicable to the job tasks?
Inspections and Test Documentation
12. Does the inspection and test documentation include the date of the inspection or test?
13. Does the inspection and test documentation include the name of the person(s) performing the inspection or test?
14. Does the inspection and test documentation include a unique identifier for the equipment being inspected or tested?
15. Does the inspection and test documentation include a description of the inspection or test being performed?
16. Does the inspection and test documentation include the results of the inspection or test?
17. Does the inspection and test documentation include actions taken to address deficiencies identified on the equipment?
18. Is there a written procedure to address deficiencies identified on equipment?
19. Is there a written procedure to assure spare or replacement parts meet design specifications?
Section K - Hot Work Permit
1. Is there a written Hot Work Permit procedure?
2. Does the procedure designate who may authorize hot work?
3. Does the procedure designate when a hot work permit is required?
4. Does the procedure designate the conditions required to be satisfied before hot work may begin?
5. Does the procedure designate the conditions which require a person to be assigned as a fire watch?
6. Does the procedure designate the duties of a person assigned as fire watch?
7. Is there documentation which illustrates an active Hot Work Permit Program?
Section L - Management of Change
1. Is there a written Management of Change procedure?
2. Does the procedure include provisions for the description of the change?
3. Does the procedure include provisions for the technical basis for the change?
4. Does the procedure include provisions for time required to implement the change?
5. Does the procedure include provisions for the start and ending date on temporary change?
6. Does the procedure include provisions for responsibility designation or assignment?
7. Does the procedure include assigning responsibility for authorization of change?
8. Does the procedure address the review and/or update of design and construction specifications for the equipment?
9. Does the procedure address the review and/or update of process chemistry?
10. Does the procedure address the review and/or update of Material Safety Data Sheets?
11. Does the procedure address the review and/or update of the piping and instrument diagrams?
12. Does the procedure address the review and/or update of process flow diagrams?
13. Does the procedure address the review and/or update of the facility plot plan?
14. Does the procedure address the review and/or update of electrical classification drawings?
15. Does the procedure address the review and/or update of the electrical classification of equipment?
16. Does the procedure address the review and/or update of process operating limits?
17. Does the procedure address the review and/or update of operating procedures?
18. Does the procedure address the review and/or update of the relief and vent system?
19. Does the procedure address the review and/or update of the ventilation system?
20. Does the procedure address the review and/or update of the safety systems?
21. Does the procedure address the review and/or update of the mechanical integrity program?
22. Does the procedure address the review and/or update of the safe work practices in the facility?
23. Is there documentation which illustrates an active Management of Change program?
24. Are employees involved in operating a process, and maintenance and contract employees whose job tasks will be affected by the change informed if, and trained in, the change prior to startup?
Section M - Incident Investigation
1. Is there a written incident investigation procedure?
2. Does the procedure address the type of incidents which require an investigation be initiated?
3. Does the procedure address the 48 hour maximum time by which an investigation must be initiated?
4. Does the procedure designate an incident investigation team?
5. Does the procedure establish the requirement for a written report on an incident?
6. Does the incident investigation report include the date of the incident?
7. Does the incident investigation report include the date the investigation began?
8. Does the incident investigation report include a description of the incident?
9. Does the incident investigation report include the factors contributing to the incident?
10. Does the incident investigation report include recommendations resulting from the investigation of the incident?
11. Does the procedure establish a system to address report recommendations and document any corrective actions taken?
12. Does the procedure establish a system to review the report with affected employees and to document that review?
13. Does the procedure establish a 5 year retention requirement for all incident investigations?
14. Has each incident been investigated which resulted in or could reasonably have resulted in, a catastrophic release of highly hazardous chemicals in the workplace?
Section N - Emergency Response Plan
1. Is there a written emergency response plan?
2. Does the plan establish emergency escape routes and emergency escape route assignments?
3. Does the plan address employees who remain to operate critical plant operations before they evacuate?
4. Does the plan establish a system to account for all personnel after emergency evacuation has been completed?
5. Does the system establish a contact list for any assistance which may be required in an emergency?
6. Is there an established alarm system for emergency alerting and response procedures to be initiated?
7. Is there documentation that employees have been trained in the emergency plan?
8. Is there a wind sock/wind indicator installed in a highly visible location?
9. Is there a written procedure for handling small, incidental releases?
Section O - Compliance Audits
1. Is there a written compliance audit procedure?
2. Does the procedure establish the qualification criteria for the person(s) conducting the audit?
3. Does the procedure require the generation of a written report on the compliance audit?
4. Does the procedure establish a frequency for the compliance audit of three (3) years or less?
5. Does the procedure establish a system to address the audit findings and document any corrective actions taken?
6. Have the two (2) most recent audit reports been retained? (Note: Only 1 Audit Report is required prior to 1998.)