
  • Document No.

  • Cafeteria Operation Review

  • School

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Manager's Name

  • Review Period


  • 1. Are current Production Records printed and forecasted for planned menu?

  • 2. Are production records used as a food production guide for employees?

  • 3. Are food production records complete with all required information on the day of meal service?

  • 4. Do production record meal count totals match point of sale meal count report totals?

  • 5. If menu substitutions are made, has approval from Registered Dietitian been obtained?

  • 6. Are Special Diets kept on file and entered into POS system?

  • 7. Is the planned and printed menu served?

  • 8. Are correct food portion sizes served according to food production records?

  • 9. Are correct serving utensils being used in meal service?

  • 10. Are adequate quantities of menu items available for the entire meal service for all students?

  • 11. Are cashiers correctly counting and claiming ITEMS for breakfast and COMPONENTS for lunch?

  • 12. Are cashiers using the correct counting and claiming method according to established Method of Collection agreement with TDA?

  • 13. Did student take a fruit or vegetable for breakfast and lunch?

  • 14. Is the Justice For All Poster in public view?

  • 15. Is the most recent Health Department Inspection Report posted?

  • 16. Is the Chocking Poster visible in cafeteria?

  • 17. Is the correct menu Signage posted at the appropriate place on the serving line? {What make a lunch at beginning of the line. Do you have a fruit or vegetable at POS area. You may may take {2} servings of fruit or vegetables {High School Only} at fruit/vegetable area on the serving line}; Breakfast Items Select 3-4 Items/Grain, Fruit, Milk. Breakfast do you have a fruit and or vegetable?


  • 1. Is staff well trained in production and cooking of menu items?

  • 2. Are recipes printed and provided to employees for correct food production?

  • 3. Are product instructions being followed as per manufacturer's instructions?

  • 4. Does manager provide training, monitoring and follow up for all food production?

  • 5. Is the manager monitoring during food production periods?

  • 6. Are recipes followed to ensure quality Appearance, Flavor and appropriate Texture?

  • 7. How does the manager check and confirm quality standards before food is placed on the serving line?

  • 8. Is Just-In-Time production being practiced?

  • 9. Is potable water available for all students at breakfast and lunch?

  • 10. Are scales, measuring containers and portion tools being used correctly?

  • 11. Do employees and manager know how to operate all food production, holding and serving equipment correctly?

  • 12. Are employees able to work efficiently within designated time frame?


  • 1. Are monthly and all planned promotions implemented and visible?

  • 2. Are service lines and service area appealing and inviting?

  • 3. Are all A-la-carte items merchandized correctly {variety, plentiful, neatly arranged, label facing forward}?

  • 4. Are all menu items arranged attractively on serving lines in appropriate pans, containers, trays, bowls, etc.?

  • 5. Are employees practicing good customer service to all students, staff and co-workers?


  • 1. Are all employees practicing good customer service skills?

  • 2. Do employees use eye contact and positive verbal communication with students, staff and parents?

  • 3. Are student/ adult accounts handled accurately and courteously?

  • 4. Are customer complaints responded to and recorded on established form?

  • 5. Are Civil Rights customer complaints handled correctly according to compliance regualtions?


  • 1. Is established HACCP Plan in place and being used?

  • 2. Are Standard Operating Procedures being practiced from receiving to storage of food and after meal service?

  • 3. Are food temperatures being taken and recorded on HACCP logs?

  • 4. Have all thermometers been verified for calibration and used properly?

  • 5. Is correct sanitizing solution being used with wiping cloths at all work stations and under serving lines?

  • 6. Are employees observed using proper hand washing technique at appropriate times?

  • 7. Is all equipment clean and free from food particles and dust?

  • 8. Is ice machine free of slime and scoop properly stored?

  • 9. Is date marking of Potentially Hazardous Foods being done?

  • 10. Do employees clean and sanitize work areas before beginning another food production task?

  • 11. Do employees use disposable gloves when handling foods during production?

  • 12. Are All HACCP logs completed and correct?


  • 1. Is the back door locked with designated signage posted?

  • 2. Is back door area clean?

  • 3. Is the sign in sheet used for all delivery , vendors and visitors?

  • 4. Are all employees following all dress code requirements including wearing safety shoes?

  • 5. Is personal Protective Equipment available for employees and being used properly at appropriate times? {goggles, pot holders, oven mitts and sleeves, rubber gloves, mask, cutting gloves, freezer gloves, back belts and freezer jackets}

  • 6. Are all areas of the kitchen clean including cooking and serving equipment, floor, walls, etc.?

  • 7. Is the Restroom clean, sanitary and properly stocked?

  • 8. Are kitchen work and storage areas organized and free of clutter?

  • 9. Is SFS Chemical System and products being used safely and adequately?

  • 10. Is all equipment in good working order?

  • 11. Is the kitchen pest free?

  • 12. Is the manager's office and files clean and organized?


  • 1. Are Storeroom, Cooler and Freezer clean and organized as per posted Storage Maps?

  • 2. Are items stored off the floor in cooler, freezer or store room?

  • 3. Is manager practicing established standards to accurately forecast, order and produce food to meet menu requirements, minimize waste and ensure {5} days of inventory?

  • 4. Is FIFO in place and items properly date marked?

  • 5. Is perpetual inventory taken on designated items?

  • 6. Does manager train and assign multiple people to participate in perpetual and physical inventories?

  • 7. Do Physical counts match the Inventory Valuation Report and corrections submitted by deadline?


  • 1. Are Basic Cafeteria Standards posted and being practiced?

  • 2. Is waste can in place and being used?

  • 3. Are waste sheets completed and attached to production records?

  • 4. Are required posters and signage posted in appropriate areas?

  • 5. Is Cafe Communication posted for employees to read and sign?

  • 6. Are work schedules posted and in use?

  • 7. Is PPP, Computer Reference Guide, HACCP Binder, Financial Binder and Employee Handbook readily available, up to date and in use?

  • 8. Is the Professional Growth file in place with documented training lessons?

  • 9. Is High Five conducted prior to meal service? {Breakfast & Lunch}

  • 10. Are all money handling procedures as described in PPP in practice? {deposits, starting change audit, safe audit, daily receipt, etc.}

  • 11. Are good management skills being practiced? {Review financial reports, MPMH, Days in Inventory, Breakfast & Lunch Participation, Ala-Carte Sales}

  • Additional Comments:

  • Scoring
    Exceeds Expectation 95 -100
    Meets Expectation 85 - 94
    Needs Improvements 75 - 84
    Unsatisfactory 74 or Less

  • Manager Signature

  • Supervisor Signature

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