Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Health and safety documentation
Has a setting risk assessment been completed and documented at least annually?
Has the risk assessment been completed by a competent person?
Is the risk assessment suitable and sufficient taking into account all significant hazards?
Are the control measures included on the risk assessment suitable?
Have staff been made aware of the findings of the setting risk assessment?
Has a fire risk assessment been completed and documented at least annually?
Have recommendations on the fire risk assessment been implemented?
Have staff been made aware of the findings of the fire risk assessment?
Is there evidence of fie drills completed at least twice yearly?
Is there a fire log book showing all fire equipment is serviced appropriately?
Is there a register kept by the setting of all vehicles with relevant documentation such as: <br>Insurance, MOT, named and vetted drivers?
Does vehicle insurance cover the use of vehicles for the purpose of work?
Is there a written policy and procedures on the transport of children?
Is there proof that parents give their written permission for children to travel in vehicles owned by the setting?
Is there appropriate employers and public liability insurance in place and displayed?
Is there a written policy and procedures on how to deal with safety emergencies and is this communicated to staff?
Is there a list of all substances and COSSH assessments completed?
Can children access the substances?
Safety in the setting
Are all ponds, pools, septic tanks or any water are made safe or inaccessible to children?
Does all Safety glass conform to BS EN standards or purpose-made protective film is fitted to any doors, windows or furniture that are accessible to children?
Is there due care and attention is paid to minimising fire risks and assuring fire safety?
Is visitor access suitably controlled?
Are there any staff members under the influence of any substances that would impair their judgement whilst in charge of children at time of inspection?
Is there any alcohol in the setting at time of inspection?
Do all staff have an understanding of health and safety requirements?
Are all obvious hazards both inside and out of the setting managed down to a suitable risk level?
Do all windows that children have access to have restricted access and is this safe?
Is the setting and outside play area secure and are children not left unsupervised?
Are children kept away from boiling water?
Is there arrangements clearly defined for evacuating the setting in the event of an emergency?
Are all fire exits clearly signed, easily opened from the inside and not wedged open?
Are all fire escape routes clear and free from obstructions?
Is there a fire blanket in the kitchen that conforms to BS EN standards?
Are fire extinguishers, fire alarms and smoke detectors that conform to BS EN Standards provided and kept in working order?
Are all gas and electric appliances in good working condition and not posing a hazard to children at time of inspection?
Are all soft furnishings flame retardant and comply with BS EN standards?
Do any cords or blinds pose a hazard to children? Are they shortened to be inaccessible?
Is there any slip, trip or fall hazards in the setting?
Has action been taking to reduce the risk of slipping?
Person conducting the inspection
Setting representative