Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Untitled Page

City conducted:

  • PN Number:

  • Principle contractor:

  • Sub contractor (if applicable):

  • Please remember to provide photo evidence for all applicable questions

Pole Inspection

  • Have whereabouts been submitted and are details (persons on site, date/time of work etc) consistent with what you have found at site?

  • Are you inspecting an Openreach or CityFibre pole?

  • Please advise who owns the asset .

  • What is the Pole ID?

  • Has the engineer got the correct accreditations (NRWSA, SA001, SA7)?

Pole Check/Test

  • Have drop wire minimum height checks been completed?

  • Has the engineer checked the correct depth of installation?

  • Is there any sign of damage to the pole? (Damage caused by hedge trimming, vehicle damage, Vandalism etc.)

  • Is the pole in date to climb?

  • Can at least three quarters of the circumference of the pole be seen and tested?

  • D = Defective (Decay) DO NOT CLIMB
    SC= Shallow climbable SD= Shallow depth (THESE POLES SHOULD NOT BE CLIMBED)
    H + Z = Hazard near the pole, if an engineer can safely position their ladder in such a way to reduce the hazard then the pole can be climbed.

  • Is there a D, SC, SD, H or Z tag?

  • Is there any decay or rot suspected on the pole?

  • Is there any bleeding apparent on the pole

Pre-climb Set Up

  • Is the site set up in accordance with Streetworks guidance (Red Book)?

  • Has consideration been given to passing MOPs and vehicles and an adequate exclusion/drop zone been put in place?

  • Has consideration been given to current and potential weather conditions?


  • Is PPE being worn correctly and appropriate for the works being conducted?

Commencement of Climb

  • Is the pole being accessed as per SA001?

Bringing Tools and Equipment to Work Area

  • Are tools and equipment secured to prevent drops?

ASN Checks

  • Has the equipment been fitted safely and securely in accordance with CF & OR specs?

Good Practice & Sign Off

  • Are there any exceptionally good safety behaviours or standards of work being exhibited?

  • Please give a description of the practice you have observed and would like recognised

  • Sign Off

  • Auditor Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.