Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Site specific safety - documentation, signage and administrative controls
1.1 Is a live SMP or SSSP on site?
1.2 Has everybody signed onto the documentation having acknowledged they have read it?
1.3 Are all subcontractors signed onto the documentation?
1.4 Has everybody who is on site, been inducted?
1.5 Is the hazard board up to date with all applicable hazards listed?
1.6 Is there evidence of site meetings and toolbox talks?
1.7 Is there clear evidence of a person in charge (PIC) on site?
1.8 Are regular site inspections talking place?
1.9 Is there clear process for reporting incidents and accidents?
1.1.1 Is there a training matrix on site? (Check WTR, CS MEWP tickets)
1.1.2 Is their a Task Analysis for all works taking place?
2. Emergency procedures and equipment
2.1 Is there a clear emergency procedure in place?
2.2 Is there a clearly marked emergency assembly point with signage?
2.3 Has an emergency evacuation drill been carried out in the last six months?
2.4 Is there a first aid kit available? <br>2.4a Is it sufficiently equipped?
2.5 Is there evidence of certified fully charged fire extinguishers located on site? (How many were located?)
2.6 Is there trained first aiders on site? 1:10
3. PPE
3.1 Is everybody wearing the minimum PPE requirements? (Hard hat, hi-vis, steel capped boots)
3.2 Is eye protection being worn? (Task specific)
3.3 Is hand protection being worn? (Task specific)
3.4 Are those using loud equipment wearing hearing protection? (Task specific)
4. Environmental
4.1 Is there protection from the elements for the workers?
4.2 Is there fencing protecting the public from entering the worksite?
4.3 Is the run off protection/sediment controls adequate?
4.4 Is dust being controlled appropriately?
4.5 Is a spill kit available (minimum zeolite to absorb spills immediately)
4.6 Is noise an issue for workers or adjacent houses?
4.7 Is a noise consent in place? (Check works comply with consent)
5. Trenching and excavation - CRITICAL RISK
5.1 Are there trenches on site that require edge protection?
5.2 Is edge protection in place around exposed edged?
5.3 Is there safe access/egress in place?
5.4 Does the trench look safe?
5.5 If a trench shield is in use, is there a safe means of access/egress to ensure trench collapse is mitigated?
5.6 Have all services been exposed and marked out?
5.7 Are all excavations (>1.5 deep) battered, benched or supported?
6. Plant and machinery - CRITICAL RISK
6.1 Does the machine have roll over protection?
6.2 Is the plant in good operational condition?
6.3 Has a daily pre-start checklist been undertaken on the machine?
6.4 Is the chain and rigging equipment in good visual condition?
6.5 Is the appropriate quick hitch in place on the machine? (Secondary pin in place)
6.6 Is there a fire extinguisher located in the machines?
6.7 Are reversing vehicles controlled?
7. Lifting operations
7.1 Is there lifting activities taking place at time of audit?
7.2 Is a lift permit in place? (For lifts >10T or 1000kg)
7.3 Has the lift plan been communicated to all involved?
7.4 Are all persons in the vicinity of the lift, cleared from falling objects?
8. Fall prevention - CRITICAL RISK
8.1 Is there work at height taking place at time of audit?
8.2 Is scaffold secure, legs locked, scaffolding tagged and certification not expired?
8.3 Are barriers installed around scaffolding where mobile plant can strike it?
8.4 Is there gates fitted at access points?
8.5 Are toe/kick boards in place?
8.6 Are all mid rails in place?
8.7 Are top rails in place?
8.8 Are ladders being used to work off?
8.9 Are harnesses being used in accordance with the ACOP?
9. Hazardous substances
9.1 Are hazardous substances being stored away in a safe location?
9.2 Are the containers clearly labelled?
9.3 Are they bunded in appropriate bunds to contain any large spills?
9.4 Are there SDS sheets for all hazardous substances on site?
9.5 Is there a hazardous works notification register on site?
10. Electrical safety - CRITICAL RISK
10.1 Are all leads test and tagged?
10.2 Does the builders temporary power supply have a Certificate of Verification?
10.3 Are all power boxes commercially rated? (No plug boss multi boxes on site?)
10.4 Are all exposed services isolated from contact with workers?
11. Contamination - CRITICAL RISK
11.1 If Asbestos works are being undertaken at time of audit, were there signs to indicate such works?
11.2 Is an Asbestos Removal Control Plan (ARCP) in place?
11.3 Is the correct methodology being followed in accordance with the ARCP?
11.4 Is a decontamination unit on site?
11.5 Is the appropriate PPE/RPE being used for the work?
11.6 Is 200 micron polythene provided on site to safely remove any contaminants?
11.7 Is their other contaminants being removed at the time of audit? (Comment on type)
11.8 Are the works being managed accordingly?
12. Confined spaces - CRITICAL RISK
12.1 Are there any confined spaces on site at time of audit?
12.2 Are all personnel involved in the confined space activities qualified to undertake such tasks?
12.3 Are correct barriers and signage in place?
12.4 Is there appropriate access/egress in place? (Check it doesn’t require a tripod for emergency evacuation)
12.5 Is an entry/exit log being maintained?
12.6 Is gas monitoring being undertaken prior to CS entry?
12.7 Is a spotter in place?
12.8 Is there adequate ventilation and is it working effectively?
13. Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP)
13.1 Is there safe MEWP use on site at time of audit?
13.2 Are harnesses being used where required?
13.3 Are those who are using the machines qualified or competent to do so?
14. Housekeeping, site amenities and general site safety
14.1 Are all work areas clean and tidy?
14.2 Are slip trip and fall hazards controlled?
14.3 Are materials stored safely?
14.4 Are adequate bins provided for the removal of site rubbish?
14.5 Are there toilet and hand washing facilities available?
14.6 Is the site shed/container clean enough to eat in?
14.7 Is there adequate site safety signage?
14.8 Is there adequate site fencing, sufficient enough to keep general public out?
14.9 Is the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) being followed accordingly?
14.1.1 Is there safe pedestrian access around the perimeter of site?
14.1.2 Are the site barriers, fencing or cones sufficient for the type of works taking place?