
  • General Laboratory Inspection

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


Radiation Safety

  • Radioactive Materials

  • X-rays

  • Lasers


  • Level 2 or higher

  • Bloodborne Pathogens

  • Toxins


  • Particularly Hazardous Substances

  • Peroxide Formers

  • Pyrophorics

  • Water Reactives

  • Mercury

  • DEA Controlled Substances

  • Explosives

  • Compressed Gases

  • Corrosives

  • Flammables

  • Hydrofluoric Acid

Documentation and Training

  • All appropriate safety manuals and documents available?

  • Chemical hygiene plan (CHP) read and understood (acknowledgement page signed)?

  • Required training completed?

  • Standard operating procedures (SOPs) written for hazardous or non-standard procedures?

  • Medical surveillance provided when necessary?

  • Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) available?

  • SDS location known to employees?

Emergency Information and Fire Safety

  • Lab sign posted and up to date?

  • Hazards properly characterized on the sign?

  • Items not stored too close to the ceiling?

  • Fire extinguisher present and not obstructed?

  • Fire extinguisher inspection up to date?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Proper PPE worn based on hazards?

  • Eye protection available?

  • Lab coats available?

  • Gloves compatible with hazard are available?

  • Other PPE available (as needed)?

  • PPE not worn outside of lab?

  • Respirators not in use unless authorized?

General Safety

  • Exits not blocked?

  • Lab doors closed?

  • Lab access controlled?

  • Windows in lab doors not obstructed?

  • Safety shower/eyewash present?

  • Eyewash and safety shower not obstructed (16" radius)?

  • Eyewash and safety shower testing up to date?

  • Spill cleanup materials present?

  • Gas cylinders properly secured?

  • Gas cylinders properly stored?

  • Lab equipment properly labeled?

  • Sink available for hand washing?

  • Soap available for hand washing?

  • No slipping or tripping hazards?

  • Mechanical devices available for pipetting?


  • No food or drink in the lab?

  • No chemical storage on the floor (unless secondarily contained)?

  • Broken glass container available and containing only approved items?

  • Sharps container available and containing only approved items?

  • Minimal glassware in sink?

  • Overall housekeeping good?

Chemical Safety, Storage and Compatibility

  • Chemical storage in good condition?

  • Chemical storage cabinets properly labeled?

  • Less than 10 gallons of flammables outside flammable storage cabinets?

  • Less than 10 additional gallons of flammables outside storage cabinets in approved safety cans?

  • Less than 60 gallons of flammables stored in the lab total?

  • Containers properly labeled?

  • Chemicals segregated and stored based on compatibility?

  • Chemical containers in good condition?

  • Peroxide forming chemicals properly labeled, segregated and stored?

  • Water reactive chemicals properly labeled, segregated and stored?

  • Pyrophoric chemicals properly labeled, segregated and stored?

  • Explosive chemicals properly labeled, segregated and stored?

  • Chemicals dated with date received?

  • Chemical containers kept closed?

  • Chemicals that polymerize or decompose to form hazardous by products labeled with date opened and target disposal date?

  • If hydrofluoric acid is present, proper safety precautions followed?

Fume Hoods and Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs)

  • Vented cabinets vented properly?

  • Fume hood certification current?

  • Sash at or below indicated height?

  • Minimal clutter in hood and baffles not obstructed?

  • In use hood not used for storage?

  • Alarm or monitor installed and operational?

  • Sash in good condition?

  • No other critical fume hood issues?

  • BSC certified in the last year?

  • Front grill of BSC not obstructed?

  • Disinfectant trap in use for vacuum lines?

  • BSC not too cluttered?

Chemical and Biological Waste

  • Waste containers properly labeled?

  • Waste containers closed?

  • Waste containers in secondary containment?

  • Waste containers properly segregated?

  • Satellite Accumulation Area sign present?

Inspection Closure

  • The inspection is considered still open until all of the following criteria are met:

    1) A score of 80% or higher is achieved
    2) The are no outstanding critical deficiencies
    3) The Principal Investigator is satisfied with the inspection score and does not wish a subsequent inspection

    If the closure criteria are not met at the conclusion of the initial check, a subsequent inspection will occur within 2 weeks to attempt to close the inspection. If the inspection cannot be closed after the subsequent check, the escalation process will be utilized.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.