
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Are hard hats inspected periodically for damage to the shell and suspension system?

  • Does the hard hat bear the original marking required by ANSI?

  • Is the company logo and the employ name clearly displayed on the hard hat?

  • Is there an employee identification sticker on the inside of the hard hat and is the information current and legible?

  • Is hair confined to eliminate entanglement in moving parts of machinery, combustibles, or toxic contaminants?

  • Is the helmet free from paint?

  • Are any/all stickers at least 1/2" away from the edge of the helment?

  • Is the helmet free from any modifications?

PPE- Eye and Face Protection.

  • Does the PPE bear the ANSI-required marking?

  • Is PPE equipment in good repair?

  • Are filter lenses proportionate to the radiant exposure level?

  • Are face shields and goggles being used for associated work?

  • Are welding helmets being used in addition to primary eye protection?


  • Is the safety footwear in good repair?

PPE-Hearing Protection

  • Are all affected employes wearing hearing protection when required?

  • Is hearing protection being used per manufacturer recommendations?

PPE-Fall Protection

  • Is anchor point capable of supporting 5,000 lbs per employee attached?

  • Is the body harness donned per manufacturers recommendations and has it been inspected prior to use?

  • Is the lanyard/SRL appropriate to the task? Has it been inspected?

  • Is the PFAS rigged in such a way that the person can neither free fall more than 6', nor contact any lower level?

  • Where practical, is the anchor end of the lanyard/SRL secured at a level not lowered than the employee's waist?

  • Are all parts of the personal fall arrest system properly maintained, and stored when not in use?

  • When used in conjunction with hot work/welding activities, are PFAS parts made of Kevlar, wire rope or other fire/ flame resistant material?

  • Is damaged equipment immediately removed from service?


  • Ensure that employees are NOT using gloves where there is danger of the hand protection being caught in moving machinery/material.

  • Are gloves being used when conducting work activities that may injure hands?

  • Is the protection appropriate to the risk? Caustic/Thermal/Electric/Chemical/Puncture/Cut, ect?

  • Ae gloves on their person at all times?


  • Are high visibility vest worn in the vicinity of heaving equipment operations?

  • At a minimum a 4" sleeve is required on all projects.

  • Is FRC available and donned where there's risk of flash fire/ explosion?

  • Is clothing to loose that movement is restricted or poses an entanglement/ trip hazard?

General Project Requirements

  • Is the project safety plan (JSP) on site?

  • Has he JSP been communicated to all workers? Does all project personal know where to find it?

  • Does the employee understand their responsibilities under the emergency response plan (ERP)?

  • Are first aid kits/ stations inspected and maintained? Can employees tell you where to find the nearest kit/station?

  • Are Cal/OSHA and IWSS postings up? Are they visible or at least available to employees? Can they tell you where?

  • Are all work areas adequately illuminated?

  • Are applicable danger/ warning signs up and maintained?

  • If applicable, are designated smoking areas identified and observed?

  • Are at least the minimum number of toilets/ washing facilities provided?


  • Is scrap lumber with protruding nails and all other debris clear from work areas, passage ways and stairs?

  • Are sufficient trash containers provided for trash and/ debris?

  • Is construction debris and scrap being picked up and removed and regular intervals?

  • Are hazardous and flammable wastes placed in covered containers separate from normal debris?


  • Are portable ladders in use tied,blocked,or otherwise secured to prevent their being displaced?

  • Are job-built ladders built to specifications?

  • Do side rails of ladders extend at least 36" above the landing?

  • Are ladders maintained in good condition?

  • Ensure step-ladders are not being used as a lean-to/extension ladder

  • Are employees instructed not to use the top two steps of ordinary stepladders as a step or seat?

  • Are ladders equipped with non-slip safety feet?

  • Are ladders maintained free of oil,grease,and other slipping hazards?

  • Are employees facing ladder while descending/ ascending?


  • Are scaffolds provided for work that cannot be done safely by employees standing on ladders or on permanent /solid construction that is at least 20" wide?

  • Is the maximum intended working posted/or provided for each scaffold?

  • Is the erection/dismantling of scaffolds performed under the supervision and direction of a qualified person?

  • Are guardrails installed on all open sides /ends of platforms?

  • Are toe boards In place on all railed sides of work surfaces where employees work/pass below?

  • Are ladders used to access scaffold platforms:securely attached and extend 3' above the platform?

  • Has scaffold been inspected by a competent person for visible defects before each shift?

  • Is a colored tag applied to scaffold and are the respective indications/directions observed?

  • Is scaffolding kept clean and uncluttered?


  • Are impact tools such as drift pins,wedges,and chisels free from mushroom heads?

  • Are all hand and power tools and similar equipment,whether furnished by the employer or the employee,being kept and maintained in safe condition?

  • Are all tools found not in proper working order,or that have devoleped a defect during use,being removed from service and not used till properly repaired?

  • Are the tools being tested each day before use to check to and see if the safety devices are in proper working condition?

  • Do personnel operating Powder-Actuated Tools have a valid operator's card?

  • Are guards in place?

  • Is the right tool being used for the job?

Vehicles & Equipment

  • Is a qualified person operating the proper equipment as per his/her training?

  • Do all vehicles and or equipment have an adequate audible warning device at the operator's station and in an operable condition?

  • Are all employees operating company vehicles and equipment in a safe manner?

  • Are vehicles and or equipment being backed up only when an observer signals that it is safe to do so?

  • Are wheel chocks in place on all vehicles 1 ton or larger or on sloped surfaced?

  • Has a vehicle inspection been performed?


  • Are wire ropes,chains,ropes,and other rigging equipment being inspected prior to use and as necessary during use to insure their safety?

  • Are we insuring that shop hooks and links and makeshift fasteners are not being used and taken out of service if so?

  • Are outriggers fully extended and marked accordingly with cones to identify hazards?

  • Are accessible areas within the swing radius of the rear of the rotating superstructure of the crane barricaded in such a manner as to prevent an employee from being struck or crushed by the crane?


  • Are operating rules established and posted at the operating station?

  • Are rated load capacities,recommended operating speeds,and special hazards warnings or instructions posted where operator can visually see them?

  • Are crane hooks equipped with safety latches?

  • Is a tag line being used for all suspended loads and is the tag line free from knots to insure total control of the load?

  • Do boom cranes have boom stops to prevent the possibility of overtopping the boom?

Floor,Wall,&Roof Openings

  • Is every floor hole into into which persons can accidentally walk guarded by either a standard railing system or a floor hole cover?

  • Are hole covers of sufficient strength,secured to prevent accidental displacement and marks"OPENING-DO NOT REMOVE"?

  • Are hazard notifications such as caution tape,barricades,delineators,etc.being applied as a means of identifying open holes and trenches,and if removed for immediate access,are they immediately put back in place when needed?

  • Are wall openings which present more than a 4'foot drop guarded?

Compressed Gas

  • Are valve protection caps in place & secured when compressed gas cylinders are being transported,moved,or stored?

  • Are cylinder valves closed when work is finished,cylinders are empty,or moved at any time?

  • Are flashback arrestors in place?

  • Are cylinders placed so that they do not form any part of an electrical circuit?

  • Are oxygen cylinders and fittings free from oil and grease?

  • When in storage,are oxygen cylinders separated from fuel-gas cylinders or combustible materials by a minimum of 20' or a noncombustible barrier at least 5' high?

Excavations and Trenching

  • Is trenching/excavation operation overseen by a competent person and are all associated permits in place and appropriately acknowledged and signed off?

  • Are employees protected from excavated or other materials or equipment that could pose a hazard by falling or rolling into excavations?

  • Has a safe means of egress been provided for trenches 4' or more in depth so as to require no more than 25'of lateral travel?

  • All excavations in which employees will enter shall be monitored for atmospheric hazards.

  • All excavations deeper than 5' in which employees will enter shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1 1/2H:1V or protected by means of shielding or shoring.

  • Is the excavation easily identifiable and barricaded to prevent accidental entry

Fire Prevention

  • Are fire extinguishers properly maintained,monthly inspected,and easily accessible?

  • Are designated smoking established?

  • Are all ignition sources taken into consideration prior/while conducting work?

  • Are fully charged water extinguishers available and in good condition when working in grassy areas?

  • Are flammable or combustible materials stored away from ignition sources?

  • Are flammable liquids kept in closed containers when not in use?

Electrical hazards

  • Have all electrical sources been identified and communicated to affected personnel?

  • Is the assured grounding program in place?

  • Are extension cords and cables in good condition?

  • Are worn or fried electrical cords or cables being used if damages are visible?

  • Is there a means of providing a way to safely disconnect each appliance?

  • Are flexible cords designed for hard service?

  • Flexible cords shall not be used as a substitute for the fixed wiring of a structure.

Welding/cutting hazards

  • Are we ensuring that when electro holders are left unattended the electrodes are removed and the holders are placed or protected so that they cant make electrical contact with employees or conducting objects?

  • Is hot work permit In place and does it have appropriate signatures?

  • When arc welding and cutting operations exist,are employees being shielded by noncombustible or flame proof screens which will protect employees and other person(s) working in the area?

  • Is a portable 20#ABC fire extinguisher off the truck in good and operating conditions and immediately ready for use?

  • Are atmospheric conditions being monitored and recorded in reference to hot work permit?


  • Are hot work permits drafted during hot work operations?

  • Are all applicable permits being filled out properly and consistently?

  • Have appropriate/required signatures been secured prior to the start of work?

  • Are all the conditions prescribed on the permit being observed?

Material Storage and Handling

  • Are all materials stored in tiers stacked,racked,blocked,interlocked,or otherwise secured to prevent sliding,falling or collapse?

  • Are scaffolds and platforms free from unnecessary supplies?

  • Is used lumber free from nails prior to stacking/storing?

  • Are structural steel members,poles,pipe,bar stock,and other cylindrical material racked or stacked and blocked so as to prevent rolling/tipping?

  • Is storage area(s) free from accumulation of materials that constitute hazards tripping,fire,explosion,or pest harborage?

  • Are oily rags kept in fire resistant covered containers until removed from worksite?


  • Is there an MSDS for each hazardous substance on your project?

  • Are MSDS's located in an area where they are immediately available to workers on all shifts?

  • Are all containers of hazardous substances ,such as bottles,cans,vats,storage tanks,etc.,labeled properly


  • Has an environmental checklist been completed?

  • Are Non-Haz and Haz Waste handling/disposal measures in place?

  • Are potable water cans sealed after filling and throughout the day?

  • Do employees know what to do in case of a spill/release?

  • Are sufficient trash containers made available for break/lunch areas and are they being used?

  • Are employees aware of their environmental responsibilities?


  • Is the current California and Federal poster displayed?

  • Is the Califonia Wage Orders poster displayed?

  • Is CAL/OSHA Operating Rules for Industrial Trucks poster displayed?

JSA Inspections

  • Are employees filling out a JSA for tasks performed?

  • Is front-line Supervision authorizing work to begin by signing JSA prior to work starting?

  • Do employees know what they're doing and are they aware of the associated hazards and mitigations in place?

  • Can the workers identify the points(s)?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.