Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Inspection Reference Number
1. Emergency & Security Arrangements
Is there adequate Number of First Aiders on Site and are their details displayed on Noticeboards.
Has the nearest hospital route been printed off and displayed in Offices and Welfare facilities
Is the First Aid Kit adequate for the number of personnel on site, adequate contents as per contents list and within its expiry date?
Is there evidence of First Aid Kit Inspection and have the been carried out?
Are Fire Extinguishers within date and suitable for their use in the event of a fire?
Is the Fire action Plan and Building Layout Plan displayed in the Offices and Welfare, does the content stipulate Emergency Assembly Point Location.
Are there adequate numbers of Fire Marshalls and are they trained for the buildings as per the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005 (RRFSO) Section 21 Training.
Is there evidence of Fire Fighting Equipment Inspection log and has it been completed.
Has an Environmental Emergency Preparedness Plan been Completed.
Is the perimeter fencing adequately secure without gaps or holes prevent unauthorised access into work area.
Is the perimeter fencing Heras? if so are all panels double clipped as per manufacturers Installation Procedures.
Pre-Construction Information & CDM 2015
Is there evidence of CDM Site Authorisation agreement from the client
Are the CDM Areas identified, displayed and have been communicated to all staff.
Are the CDM areas adequately Signed
Asbestos Management in place (plan and/or survey)
Existing site hazards (ATEX zones, HPP etc)
Health & Safety File received from Client / PD
Ecology and biodiversity surveys (Eg. Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam, Giant Hogweed, hedges, trees, bats, newts, badgers, nesting birds etc.)
Is there a spill kit / drip trays available and are they being used?
What 3 Words available on company phones/tablets?
Has an electrical inspection and test been completed for welfare units within the qualifying period.
Is PAT Test in date and items with PAT Test Label attached.
Hand cleaning facilities available on site or vehicle (van sink / hot & cold running water / DEB system /hand wipes)
Drying / changing rooms with hooks, benches and heating.
Canteen, Clean tidy with adequate number of tables and chairs, with Hot & Cold Running water.
Are suitable and sufficient welfare facilities in place or available to Boil water and prepare food?
Is the welfare and drying room in a clean condition.
F10 displayed
Have all personnel on site received a SHEQ induction and are records available?
Accident / Records Recorded and Kept locked as per GDPR Regulations.
RAMS in place, available on site and evidence communicated
Is the Site Register of Inspections (SRI) utilised and up to date?
COSHH Assessment (Attached to RAMS)
Training records available and checked for site activities
POWRA's completed at the point of work
Waste Transfer books available
TBT’s & Safety Alert Briefings Evidence of Communication?
Waste Carriers License available and checked on EA Website
Project Management Plan in date and reviewed within the last 30 days.
Water hygiene cards held for clean water sites
All relevant permits being utilised as part of safe system of work?
Is there evidence of Task Specific PPE being used or worn i.e. FR/ ARC Clothing
PPE being worn to Coffey standards