Title Page
Company Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Deputize workplace coordinator(s) charged with addressing COVID-19 issues
Maintain 6-foot distancing when possible; discourage shared spaces
Frequently disinfect all high-touch areas (Additional Guidance)
Post signage for employees and customers on good hygiene
Ensure proper ventilation (OSHA guidance)
Avoid gatherings (meetings, waiting rooms, etc) of more than 10 people
Implement symptom monitoring protocols (including workplace temperature monitoring and symptom screening questions) where possible<br><br>● Best practice is to implement a temperature check station at the entrance to the business. If this is not feasible, employee will check for symptoms at home and report symptoms either electronically or on paper per the system created by the business
Eliminate or regularly disinfect any items in common spaces (i.e., break rooms) that are shared between individuals, e.g.,, condiments, coffee makers, vending machines)
Provide appropriate protective gear like gloves, masks, and face coverings and encourage appropriate use
Require employees showing any symptoms or signs of sickness, or who has been in contact with known positive cases to stay home. Connect employees to company or state benefits providers
Provide flexible or remote scheduling for employees who need to continue to observe Stay-at-Home, who may have child or elder care obligations, or who live with a person who still needs to observe Stay-at-Home due to underlying condition, age, or other factors
Encourage and enable remote work whenever possible
Minimize all in-person meetings
Provide hand washing facilities/stations and hand sanitizer
Encourage breaks to wash hands or use hand sanitizer
Phase shifts and breaks to reduce employee density
Wear appropriate protective gear like gloves, masks, and face coverings and encourage appropriate use
Create special hours for people at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19
Encourage and facilitate 6-foot distancing inside of the business for all patrons
Encourage use of protection like gloves, masks, and face coverings
Provide hand sanitizer at entrance
Install shields or barriers where possible between customers and employees
Use contactless payment solutions, no touch trash cans, etc. whenever possible
Name and Signature