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Kitchen Extract Systems and Cooking Ranges
1. Is the building fire compartmentation fully understood and documented?
2. Is the cooker extract ducting route fully understood and documented?
3. Is the construction of the building walls, floors and/or roof where the extract ducting passes through and finally exists the building known and fully documented?<br><br>Is any of this construction considered combustible?<br><br>If construction is combustible what protection measures have been provided?
4. Does the cooker extract ducting pass through any fire compartment walls? If yes:<br>• What additional fire compartment protection measures are provided within the duct?<br>• Is the extract duct suitably fire-stopped around the ducting passing through the fire compartment wall?<br><br>Is the fire compartment strategy integrity inspected and maintained?<br>• Is this included in the management of change process?
5. Is the extract ducting constructed of fire-resistant materials?
6. Is there a risk assessment in place for the cooking and extraction activities?<br><br>Does this include the actual exit point of the extract ductwork?
7. Is the area close to the extract duct exit point clean and clear of combustible materials?
8. Is there suitably designed automatic fire detection in every room/area and is the system serviced, maintained and tested?
9. • Is there an approved automatically and manually actuated fire suppression system (e.g. Ansul R-102, Amerex KP, Nobel K-Series) protecting the cooker hood/filter/ entire cooking range, (including any adjacent items e.g. deep fat fryer) extract ducting?<br><br>Are the manually actuated devices in readily accessible and safe locations?
10. Are the discharge nozzles to the fire suppression system provided with protective caps and are they all in place?
11. Is the fire suppression system serviced and maintained at least every six months by an approved company?
12. Does actuation of the fire suppression system automatically actuate interlocks that automatically shut down the:<br>• Extract fan?<br>• Power supplies and/or gas supplies to the cooking range equipment?
13. Are the interlocks tested to ensure correct operation as part of the servicing and maintenance of the fire suppression system?
14. Are there manually activated emergency isolations for any gas and electricity supplies?<br><br>Are these clearly labelled and located in safe and readily accessible locations on exit routes?
15. Is there regular servicing and maintenance of all cooking equipment/appliances and electrical installations as part of a preventative maintenance programme?
16. Are procedures in place to ensure power and fuel supply to the kitchen is shut-off outside working hours?
17. Is any deep fat fryer fitted with an automatic high temperature shut-off and is it serviced and maintained?
18. Are all fat fryers fitted with dual safety temperature shut-off devices which automatically shut down the fryers in the event that the main temperature thermostat fails?
19. Is the oil used in any fat fryer changed regularly (frequency dependant on usage and risk assessment)?
20. Are there accessible, clearly positioned and suitably maintained fire extinguisher(s) within the kitchen? <br><br>Are individuals trained in their use?
21. Are there accessible, clearly positioned and suitably maintained fire blanket(s) within the kitchen?<br><br>Are individuals trained in their use?
22. Are all kitchen staff competent and formally trained in understanding the:<br>• Risks present including within the ductwork?<br>• Use of all fire safety equipment?<br>• Manual isolation and interlocks provided? <br>• Emergency procedures?
23. Have written risk assessments been completed by specialist cleaners?<br><br>Is there a frequency of extract duct cleaning and associated intervals?
24. To ensure the interior of the duct is kept clean and free of fat deposits, is there a deep cleaning contract in force and is it carried out at appropriate frequencies?
25. Are there adequate access panels in the extract ducting to enable a full deep clean to be carried out of the entire length of the duct?<br>• Spaced at approximate 2-metre intervals?
26. Has the extract duct cleaning contractor issued:<br>• Completion certificate(s) <br>• Written reports that include photographic evidence of before and after cleaning?
27. In addition to duct deep cleaning, are the cooker hoods, canopies, filters and grease traps cleaned on a weekly basis?
28. Is there any form of UV filtration and is it regularly cleaned and serviced by specialist engineers?
29. If there are any wood-fired operations or barbecues, is it ensured they are undertaken externally?<br>If internal are the following provided:<br>• A spark arrestor system?<br>• A Carbon Monoxide (CO) sensing system and interlocks to enable the ventilation system in the space?
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