
  • AAVG Project Number (P-xxxx)

  • Client Name

  • Project Name

  • Conducted on

  • Personnel

6.1 - Physical and Safety Inspection

  • 6.1.1 - Inspect and verify that all exceptions from the "Staging" checklist have been successfully completed.

  • 6.1.2 - Verify the full complete inventory to be all new equipment, in full compliance with the specification, or as modified by approved submission. Record all equipment not present, and why.

  • 6.1.3 - Using a swage gauge, confirm that rigging crimps were properly performed.

  • 6.1.4 - Verify that any power receptacles accessible to the user are safe, and there are no stray AC voltages on any equipment accessible to a user relative to ground.

  • 6.1.5 - Confirm that there are no sharp or jagged surfaces accessible to a user. Inspect equipment mounting, and confirm that all mounting appears mechanically stable under all conditions.

  • 6.1.6 - Measure the thermal gradient of all equipment mounted in the rack and deployed in the room (including wall plates, floor box plates, credenzas, etc.) and verify that equipment is operating within manufacturers’ guidelines. Record the highest measurement and where it was found.

  • 6.1.7 - Verify that the system is serviceable. This includes accessibility to equipment to be easily pulled for repair by one person, neatly dressed cables, bundled in forms (refer to Giddings, Davis and Davis, InfoComm), having no excessive pressure on cables at termination points and connectors, utilize service loops, and have each cable number in agreement with the as-built drawings. This includes the equipment rack itself. All switches and receptacles shall be logically and permanently labeled.

  • 6.1.8 - Measure the total power consumption used by the AV system in standby mode, and in "full on" mode. Identify conditions for the highest power consumption.

  • 6.1.9 - Verify that any required muting or operational change of the installed system(s) has been made in accordance with local regulations in the event of a life safety or similar emergency.

6.2 - Cable/Connector Inspection

  • 6.2.1 - Inspect the cable installation for proper cable dress, signal separation (cables carrying voltages differing by 20 dB or more must be separated by 4 inches), cable stress, serviceability, and cable management. Verify that all cable labeling is positioned and oriented in a consistent manner, are legible and unambiguous. Cable supports are used when unsupported lengths exceed 12 inches (depending on size and stiffness of cables), and that all terminations are free from stress due to gravity acting on the form.

  • 6.2.2 - Terminations have sufficient service loop, allowing at least two re-terminations without having to open a form to lay in a new cable.

  • 6.2.3 - Verify that coax cables have sufficient bend radius: at least 5 times the radius or as specified by the manufacturer.

  • 6.2.4 - Verify that CatX or twisted pair cables are neatly tied and there are no cable deformities caused by poor dress or fasteners being too tight; patch cables between the equipment cabinet and wall or floor receptacles are stranded and flexible, have a "home" near the panel, and are properly identified; any color convention used by the building/integrator, or used to identify POE, proprietary video or data cabling is conforming to plan.

  • 6.2.5 - Confirm that RJ terminations are solid in their connectors.

  • 6.2.6 - Verify that fiber cables are neatly tied, and have been properly identified in an unambiguous manner; unterminated spares have dust caps; they are loosely dressed, and any color convention used by the building/integrator is labeled by the patch panel.

  • 6.2.7 - Verify that screw terminals have spade or ring lugs on wires.

  • 6.2.8 - Confirm rack elevation and flow drawings, cable labels and engravings are an accurate paper model of the furnished system, and in compliance with latest revised specifications. Confirm all nomenclature for consistency: drawings, touch screen, wall plates, floor boxes, patch panels, equipment, etc. Record test results as pass/fail.

  • 6.2.9 - Confirm that all inputs and outputs of switchers are labeled (wherever possible), so that users can easily make manual routes quickly, without having to refer to the system drawings.

  • 6.2.10 - Verify that all equipment in the rack is labeled in an appropriate and reasonable manner, and the labels match those on the drawings (equipment symbols and/or description), control system, field plates, patch panels, and any labels associated with the system. This will allow for easy serviceability, as well as prevent confusion in systems with multiples of similar equipment.

  • 6.2.11 - Capture a representative sampling of the wiring practices of the System Under Test using digital photographs.

  • 6.2.12 - Verify that all unbalanced and balanced terminations are in agreement with the equipment manufacturer's recommendations.

6.3 - Audio System(s) Validation

  • 6.3.1 - Confirm that all connectors on input and output plates are identified in a discernible, consistent manner (i.e., there is only one "MIC 1" in the system), and in agreement with all other labels in the system.

  • 6.3.2 - Verify that no power amplifier shall have its rated load exceeded. Record the impedance (and at what frequency) of each loudspeaker line on each power amplifier at 63, 250, and 1,000 Hz. (“Loudspeaker Impedance Test”).

  • 6.3.3 - Develop a "test plan", locating a representative sampling of all listener positions, with at least "center" and "corner" locations, and describe the identity and location of these positions.

  • 6.3.4 - Record ambient noise, slow (1-second average) at each frequency band center contained in the test plan. Record the highest measurement and its location.

  • 6.3.5 - Measure at each location on the test plan a nominal operating level of __(66) dB SPL (Sound Pressure Level) for conference speech, __(60) dB SPL for program material, at all listeners’ ears +/-3 dB ("Uniformity of Coverage") (or at least 15 dB above the ambient noise, whichever is greater), with the control system volume control indicating "normal" or default setting. Record results for each channel and source.

  • 6.3.6 - Verify that the sound system is capable of producing an additional __(14) dB above this level (__(80) dB SPL) for each audio source, with less than 0.5% THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) plus noise. Measure THD plus noise when source is at __(15) dB above nominal operating level at each “destination”, for all sources selected.

  • 6.3.7 - Record the average STI-PA at each location on the test plan. Assure STI-PA is greater than 0.62 for all listeners.

  • 6.3.8 - Confirm that the electrical noise level for all audio channels are 70 dB below the normal operating level for all audio sources. “Noise” refers to hum, electrostatic noise, RF interference, etc. Measure and record Signal to Noise (“signal” measured electrically at nominal operating level at each destination, for all sources selected.)

  • 6.3.9 - Confirm that program loudspeakers and speech loudspeakers are all be connected in the same polarity (“Polarity Test”).

  • 6.3.10 - Verify that the System Under Test has no more than a __(1) dB variance in program source levels, when each program source is playing a calibrated media (CD, video tape, setup test tone, etc.).

  • 6.3.11 - Verify that there is no audible vibration caused by improper mechanical installation. Use continuous swept sine wave signal at headroom level (from generator or test CD). Record results as pass/ fail result or which device at what frequencies. (“Buzzes and Rattles Test”).

  • 6.3.12 - Confirm that equalizers have been adjusted for best intelligibility, and in accordance with the preferred acoustic level response curves.

  • 6.3.13 - For wireless microphone systems, with all wireless microphones turned on, confirm that throughout the specified operating area for the transmitter, there are no dropouts, intermodulation interaction between wireless systems, or RF caused artifacts. Also confirm that there is little or no RF activity on a receiver’s “S” meter when the designated microphone transmitter is off.

  • 6.1.14 - Verify intercom system(s) work as specified in the project documentation.

  • 6.1.15 - Verify that all devices that are part of the assistive listening system have been tested as a complete end-to-end personal listening system. Verify that the assistive listening system complies with regulatory requirements and adheres to project documentation. This verification item should require a metric to be verified. (AP-113)<br>

  • 6.1.16 - Verify use of audio dynamics, including but not limited to noise compensation, automatic gain control, gating, feedback suppression, compression, limiting, delays, and levelers meets the requirements defined in the project documentation. (AP-114)

  • 6.1.17 - Verify that the audio outputs of a multi-channel loudspeaker system are assigned correctly to designated outputs as defined in the project documentation. (AP-128)<br>

  • 6.1.18 - Verify that audio system sound-pressure levels and equalization are adjusted to the level of sound masking as defined in the project documentation. This verification item shall require a metric to be verified. (AP-129)<br>

6.4 - Video System(s) Validation

  • 6.4.1 - Verify that the system has been configured in accordance with the client’s EDID needs, and the designer’s EDID Plan, where applicable, and that the system performs as intended (resolutions, displayed images, audio formats, etc.) 

  • 6.4.2 - If there are any composite video sources, confirm optimum brightness, contrast, and color in displays using SMPTE source with PLUGE (Picture Line Up Generation Equipment) display, and that each display (or "sink") receives 1 volt peak-to-peak +/- 10% (or 1dB). If several displays are visible in the same place, demonstrate consistencies in colors across all of them.

  • 6.4.3 - When several displays are visible in the same space, demonstrate consistencies in colors across all of them.  For RGB and digital video signals use a colorimeter and test color signal software to confirm consistent images. Confirm +/- ___(5%) tolerance in brightness, black levels and color temperature.

  • 6.4.4 - For RGB sources, demonstrate 700 mV +/- 10% (or 1 dB) from each source to each destination. (If requested only) record results using a flat-field pattern signal at the highest resolution specified, or at least 1024 by 768 resolution (VESA 8). For RGB sources measure and record peak-to-peak voltage for peak white signal, and record “peak” and “Level” control settings on any interface at the positions whereby the 700 mV voltages were attained.

  • 6.4.5 - Confirm that displays are focused, centered, and evenly illuminated. If requested, confirm using the calibrated light meter that the brightest measurement locations shall be no more than +10% above average, and the dimmest locations no less than –5% below average measurement. Also if requested, document that geometric distortion is within 2% tolerance. Take actual measurements if necessary (top, bottom, left, right dimensions of white portion of screen) and photograph if necessary.

  • 6.4.6 - Verify that the system can display stable images, with no scaling-related visual artifacts when switching between, at a minimum, _____(1024 x 768), (1280 x 1024), (1920 x 1080) and (1280 x 720) sources, and/or all those specified in the performance criteria for this system. Record test results.

  • 6.4.7 - Confirm that displays can switch between different color spaces and resolutions. Show a BluRay or TV (YUV) signal, then show a laptop (RGB) signal, and then switch back to the BluRay/TV (YUV) signal. The source should always display properly.

  • 6.4.8 - Verify that automatic CEC controls do not affect the displays. With the displays powered on, power off each source in the system. The displays should remain on (no Power Off command sent from a source).

  • 6.4.9 - Confirm that all sources can be routed to all expected destinations. Disregard any routes that are not permitted by design, as described in the narrative, such as HDCP sources routed to a codec.

  • 6.4.10 - Verify that all HDCP sources can be routed to all expected destinations at the same time. There are some devices with a limited capability to display on multiple displays. The system requires that each source can display on the required number of displays in the system.

  • 6.4.11 - For HDMI signals, using an appropriate HDMI generator, display the following resolutions and timings, as required in the design, with HDCP enabled (check all that apply):

  • 6.4.12 - Using a static video source, perform a pixel by pixel comparison through entire signal chain from each source location. Test will compare ten frames. Set generator to the highest resolution supported by the system, route to each display, and compare frames at each display. Repeat for every source location. QD 780 Analyzer and separate HDMI generator required.

  • 6.4.13 - If the switcher makes available a system status report with information regarding each source and destination signal integrity, EDID and CEC status information, etc., then obtain a report. If a printed or ‘pdf’ report is not included, take a screen print showing the status of the system (including source and destination communications with the switcher) and include it in the Report.

  • 6.4.14 - When testing BluRay, confirm that the movie plays. Sometimes HDCP is not enabled during the menus and previews, but only during the movie. BluRay disc required.

  • 6.4.15 - Confirm typical client laptops have been successfully used with the system, inclusive of default resolution (works with switcher EDID), any adapters, etc. Client laptop required.

  • 6.4.16 - For laptops with digital outputs: if the audio is not embedded in an HDMI connection, or if the user connects to his audio out, is the analog audio satisfactorily distributed? Client laptop required.

  • 6.4.17 - Confirm acceptable TV levels, and any channel presets are accurate.

  • 6.4.18 - Confirm there are no lost or stuck “on” pixels when Full White Test signal is displayed (follow manufacturer’s specification). Note number and location of lost pixels, if any.

  • 6.4.19 - Check motion video for lip sync. While observing each display using a video of someone clapping their hands, confirm that there are no objectionable latency issues

  • 6.4.20 - For front projection systems, measure the ambient lighting in the vicinity of the screen when the lighting is set for projection. Also measure the contrast ratio (using the 16 box checkerboard pattern, take the ratio of averaged white squares divided by the averaged black squares when the light meter faces the projector) and confirm contrast levels have been meet the client’s needs and/or performance specification noted in the design (7:1-Passive Viewing, 15:1-Basic Decision Making, 50:1-Analytical Decision Making, 80:1-Full Motion Video).

  • 6.4.21 - Measure the displayed image height relative to furthest viewer ratio:____(1:6) Record each, compare to recommended ratio.

  • 6.4.22 - Verify that displays have On-Screen Displays/Menus Are disabled, or as specified by the user.

  • 6.4.23 - Verify that video projectors, if any, have 'blue screen' or ‘no image screen’ disabled, or perform as directed by the user.

6.5 - Control Systems(s) Validation

  • 6.5.1 - Verify that the Control System performs all the functions as indicated on the function list (“control system specification”) provided, with stability, and in sync with the equipment being controlled without the need to reset any item of equipment. Confirm that every single button on every panel has been pressed and the system provided the expected results.

  • 6.5.2 - Confirm that when system is powered down, system “up” sequence presents the system in a desirable state with no objectionable anomalies.

  • 6.5.3 - Confirm touch panels are properly calibrated so that touch coordinates align with displayed targets and buttons.

  • 6.5.4 - Thoroughly test any web-based system control or monitoring features, and other IP functionality of system (time servers, system-generated e-mail, etc.).

  • 6.5.7 - Verify that mobile devices that are to be supported are integrated and operating as defined in the project documentation. (CON-102)<br>

6.6 - VTC System(s) Validation

  • 6.6.1 - Inspect camera image quality. Check for excessive vibration on VC camera(s) at full telephoto position, when someone walks by the camera, or when applicable when someone walks on the floor directly above.

  • 6.6.2 - Verify that camera presets are programmed as specified by the user.

  • 6.6.3 - Confirm that all codec options specified by the customer have been installed.

  • 6.6.4 - Verify that all IP information provided by client is loaded into the system, including IP address, network ID’s, subnet masks, default gateway, timeserver, Gatekeeper, alias, hostnames, etc. All network functions specified by the customer are shown to function properly on customer's LAN. These settings are listed in a report that will remain with the system.

  • 6.6.5 - Log all test conference calls (audio and video). Log should include time, line used, number called, success of connection, who we spoke with, success of full duplex, success of auto disconnect, level in the room, note static or jitter/packet loss, etc. Note if auto disconnect functions as specified.

  • 6.6.6 - Confirm that the speech reinforcement system is stable (no feedback) for the entire talker and listener areas specified.

  • 6.6.7 - For audio conference systems, confirm microphone input gain settings are such that the "standard talker" (60 dB SPA at 1 m, IEC 60268-16), positioned at each talker position in the room, produces a nominal “0 dB” level at the input of the mixer bus of the audio conference DSP device. If there is local reinforcement ("mix-minus"), AGC and ALC may need to be restricted. Record test results as pass/fail. Record level across analog telephone line. Inspect DSP mixer telephone line levels, both transmit and receive, when normal speech is encountered in the room.

  • 6.6.8 - For conferencing mode, at the __(65) dB SPL listening level, be able to demonstrate full duplex operation, with no reports of echo or “speech trails” (as detected from the far end).

  • 6.6.9 - Confirm RF immunity at areas where users are expected to operate cell phones, mobile devices, smart phones, etc.

6.7 - Final Checks

  • 6.7.1 - Videorecord or photograph non-conformances and anomalies as required, facilitating corrective actions.

  • 6.7.2 - Sanity check: would the user object to anything about this system? Is everything plumb and square, clean and blemish-free? Are displays and equipment free of fingerprints and dust? Is the user in a safe, injury-free environment?

  • 6.7.3 - Does the system under test satisfy ALL of the system requirements as laid out by the client-approved narrative/signed proposal?

  • 6.7.4 - Prepare document report, certifying the product, performance, and practices are in compliance, and noting any exceptions. Distribute accordingly.

  • I hereby attest that the system(s) described above is installed and complete, all items on the above checklist have been completed, that rack elevations are as specified, that all equipment is new, and that all engineering, fabrication, programming, installation, testing, and checkout is in accordance with the specification in product, practice and performance.

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