Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Do you think there is good awareness of the scheme?
Do you have evidence to support this.
Are the window stickers are large enough?
Is the street direction signage large enough?
What else could we do to help raise more awareness.
1: Very Difficult, 2: Difficult, 3: Neither Easy or Difficult, 4: Easy, 5: Very Easy
Have you noticed and increase in footfall since starting the scheme?
Have you noticed an increase in income over this period.
Have you seen any of the below.
Anti-Social Behaviour
Has this increased since joining the scheme?
Needles/ other sharps
Has this increased since joining the scheme?
Has this increased since joining the scheme?
Has this increased since joining the scheme?
Are records kept to support this?
Have you found you have had to increase your cleaning of the toilets since starting the scheme?
Do you have a method of monitoring customer comments?
What positive comments (if any) have you received about the scheme
What negative comments (if any) have you received about the scheme
Would you recommend the scheme to other businesses?
What would be the best way to get other businesses signed up to the scheme?