Title Page

  • Project Name

  • Contractor Name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Auditor’s Signature

  • Location
  • Construction Activities

Administrative Compliance

  • Is there a copy of a valid letter of good standing

  • Is the CWP sign posted

  • Is the health and safety file on site

  • Is there a copy of the OHS Act, Act 85 of 1993

  • Do all employees have valid medical fitness certificates

  • Construction Manager Appointment CR8(1)

  • CHSO Appointment CR8(5)

  • Construction Supervisor appointment CR8(7)

  • Risk Assessor Appointment CR9(1)

  • Fall Protection Planner Appointment CR10(1)

  • Incident Investigator Appointment GAR9(2)

  • First Aider Appointment GSR4

  • SHE REP. Appointment S17

  • Excavation Supervisor Appointment CR13

  • Material Hoist Supervisor Appointment CR19

  • Crane Operator Appointment CR22

  • Construction Vehicle Operator Appointment CR23

  • Electrical Installation and Machinery Controller Appointment CR24

  • Flammable Liquids Controller Appointment CR25

  • Stacking and Storage Supervisor Appointment CR28

  • Fire Fighting Team Members Appointment CR29

  • Are there permits for certain categories of work

  • Are all confined space entry employees trained

Site Camp Maintenance

  • Is there access control

  • Is the camp well maintained

  • Is there a Mandatory Signage at the entrance to the site

  • Is there a CoC for temporary electrical connection

  • Are there waste bins for general and hazardous waste

  • Is there adequate serviceable fire fighting equipment

  • Is there fuel storage that triggers Fire Department approval

  • Is the site compliant with Environmental Workplace Regulations and Construction Employees Facilities

  • Are there service records for sanitary facilities

Risk Management

  • Is there an updated issue based risk assessment

  • Is there proof of employee training on assessed risks

  • Are there records of weekly toolbox talks

  • Are there DSTI records on file

Registers and Checklists

  • Are there records of SHE REP. Inspections

  • Are there updated induction records

  • Is the PPE Issue register still up to date

  • Are portable electrical/pneumatic tools inspected

  • Fire fighting Equipment Inspected

  • Are all ladders inspected

  • Are daily excavation inspections done

  • Are construction vehicles Pre-start checks done

  • Are Mobile plants Pre-start checks done

  • Do all road going vehicles and plan have Valid Licence Disks

  • Are all small plant inspected

  • Have all lifting gear been inspected

Incident & Emergency Management

  • Is there an emergency plan in place

  • Is the incident register updated

  • Has an emergency drill simulation been done in the last three months

  • Has the assembly point been identified and sign posted

  • Have you managed an incident free site since last audit

Site Observations

  • Are all employees wearing adequate PPE

  • Is housekeeping up to acceptable standard

  • Are construction vehicles safe for use

  • Are construction vehicles and plant operated safely

  • Are there fire extinguishers in cabs of construction vehicles and plant

  • Is there no joy riding

  • Are all excavations safe

  • Is there adequate barricading on the sides of the excavations

  • Are lifting operations done safely (Manual/machine)

  • Are small plants used safely

  • Are small plant in serviceable condition

  • Are there fire extinguishers next to fuel powered small plants

  • Are ladders used correctly

  • Are power tools safe for use

  • Are extension cords safe for use

  • Is hot work done by permitted employees only

  • Is there no horseplay on site

  • Is there dust suppression on site

  • Are Hazardous chemical substances labelled

  • Are there Safety Data Sheets for HCA

  • Is there specific training on the use of hazardous chemical substances

  • Is there adequate protection against overhead and underground services

  • Is there adequate signage along the construction area

  • Is there traffic management along the construction area

Health and Hygiene

  • Is there potable water for drinking

  • Are smoking restrictions enforced

  • Is noise induced hearing loss prevented

  • Are there shelters eating areas outside the site camp

  • Are employees provided with first aid outside site camp

  • Are sanitary facilities provided outside site camp

Subcontractor Management

  • Do subcontractors have approved Health and Safety Plans

  • Are their letters of good standing valid and in line with the type of work

  • Do they have their own Construction Supervisor

  • Have you conducted a periodic audit on their work

  • Do they have access to first aid

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.