Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Working at Heights
1.1. Fall risks of 2m or more? (including voids, pits, and trenches)
1.2. Lack of edge protection?
1.3. Unsafe or incomplete edge protection?
2. Plant and Equipment
2.1. Unsafe or damaged plant/equipment? (including missing or damaged guards)
2.2. Incorrect plant /equipment for job? (e.g. grinding discs for cutting)
2.3. Unsafe or incompatible attachments used with plant/equipment?
2.4. Unlicensed operators?
2.5. Lack of safe work instructions?
2.6. Lack of training in safe operation, clean-up and maintenance?
2.7. Lack of LOTO procedures for cleaning, servicing and maintenance?
2.8. Lack of inspection regime?
3. Scaffolds
3.1. Unlicensed persons erecting scaffold above 4m?
3.2. Unsafe or incomplete scaffold?
3.3. Lack of inspection and properly tagged
3.4. Incompatible scaffold components? Unlabelled or do not meet AS?
3.5. Safe Work Load (SWL) exceeded? (tools, stored materials, number of persons)
4. Cranes Equipment
4.1. Pre op completed for shift
4.2. Operator have training and certification
4.3. Lack of maintenance, testing and inspection?
4.4. Riggers have training and certificed
4.6. Unsafe or damaged lifting equipment, including ropes, slings, chains, hooks?
4.7. Lifting equipment unlabelled, does not meet AS, no SWL displayed?
5. Fall protection
5.1. PFAS inspected, good condition and worn correctly
5.2. Incompatible hooks/equipment?
5.3. Workers tied off in scissor or man lifts
5.4. Double lanyard used for free climbing
5.5. Lack of of warning lines and proper distances established for leading edge work
5.6. Roof work permitted and weather conditions
6. Ladders
6.1. Unsafe or damaged ladders?
6.2. Unsafe positioning of ladders?
6.3. Ladder not properly secured?
6.4. Ladder unsuitable for job? (e.g. metal ladder used for electrical work)
7. Mobile equipment
7.1. Pre op completed and documented
7.2. Equipment safe working condition
7.3. TMs using seat belts
8. Hazardous Chemical (including fuel and oil)
8.1. Unsafe storage location? (e.g. flammables near ignition sources, spills could enter stormwater drains, etc)
8.2. Inadequate spill containment equipment?
8.3. Insufficient ventilation?
8.4. Insufficient, or incorrect, PPE?
8.5. Unsuitable storage containers? (unlabeled or stored in food containers)
9. Fire protection
9.1. Fire extinguisher sized for the task and inspected
9.2. Flammable liquids controlled and stored correctly
9.3. Hot work permit isssed
9.4. Is the hot work permit being followed and signed
9.5. Fire watch and fire extinguisher on job site
11. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
11.1. Lack of, or inadequate PPE ( includes high vis vest, hearing protection)
11.2. Proper PPE for the task
12. Work Environment
12.1. Trip hazards, slip hazards
12.2. Insufficient lighting?
12.3. Inadequate 5s
12.4. Proper rigging of material
13. Electrical
13.1. Unsafe electrical leads? (damaged, out of test date or untested)
13.2. Lack of GFCI protection?
13.3. Contact with underground assets?
13.4. Contact with overhead electrical lines?
13.5. Energy sources identified and controlled
13.6. Appendix 4 posted and all TM names listed
13.7. Electrical equipment safe work practices being followed
13.8. Electrical equipment arc flash clothing proved and being used including gloves and testing equipment
13.9. Electrical equipment near chemicals that could cause damage?
14.1. Lack of Lock-out/tag-out (LOTO) procedures for electrical equipment?
14.2 All TMs lock out
14.3. All lock box identified and posted at project board
14.4. All energy secource controlled
14. Environmental Hazards
14.1. Lack of/or inadequate Environmental Management plan (EMP)?
14.2. Lack of/or inadequate ventilation
14.3. Lack of/or inadequate systems to prevent contaminants entering stormwater drains?
14.4. First aid kits. Eye wash station
15. Administrative Procedures
15.1. Lack of/or inadequate Site Safety Plan?
15.2. Failure to obtain permits (Council, EPA, WHS, also Hot Works, Confined Space etc)
15.3. JSA/JHA signed and approved
15.4. JHA for the being performed
15.5. Worked trained on JHA
15.6. JHA poster on board
15.7. Lack of, or inadequate, routine inspections, monitoring, audits?
16. Tools hand and power
16.1 Tools in good and safe condition
16.2 Grinding tools guarded and adjusted
16.3 tools used correctly
17. Signs and barricade
17.1. Proper warning tape and sign in sheets
17.2 Names posted with numbers and contact person
18. Welding, cutting, grinding
18.1. Proper PPE FR cloths
18.2 Welding shielding
18.3. Hot permit issued and being followed
18.4. Gas and electrical equipment inspected and all safety equipment install
19. Excavation
19.1. Excavation over 5 feet sloped or benched or shored
19.2. Spoil 3 feet away from edge
19.3. Safe condition in the trench
20. Concrete
20.1. Rebar / rod caps protected
20.2. Limited access zone
21. Steel erection
21.1 Area protected and identified
21.2. Site specific erection plan
22. Confined space
22.1. Air quality tested
22.2 Permit posted and signed
22.3. Workers trained and recuse notified
Project audits
1. Has the contractor completed their daily safety audits
2. Had the PL completed their daily safety audits
Corrective Actions
Enter any corrective actions that will be undertaken
Sign Off
On site representative
Auditor's signature