Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Primary Contractor/Client

  • Sub-Contractor

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • Is there an amended copy of the OHS Act G.A.R.4 / C.R.

  • Is the Act available to all employees (G.A.R.4) + Proof Of Communication

  • Notification of Construction Work - Copy available and proof of submission in site CR4

  • Is a Mandatory Agreement in place OHSA Section 37(2) - (If Not Abandon Audit and Prohibit Work)

  • Number of employees exceed 20 on site (Is a committee established G.A.R.5)

  • Is the Construction Work Permit Number Visibly displayed at the site entrance (if applicable - CR3(4))


  • Delegated overall authority in matters pertaining the Act - 16(2)

  • Health & Safety Representative - Section 17(1) (more than 20 employees)(Certified Proof of Competency)

  • Health & Safety committee nominated chairman - OHSA Section 19(3)

  • Incident/Accident Investigator G.A.R.9(2) + (certified Proof of Competency)

  • Appointment as Principal Contractor C.R. 5(1)k - (If not abandon audit and prohibit work)

  • Appointment of contractor by Principal Contractor C.R.7(1)(v)(c)

  • Construction Manager C.R.8(1) + Registered with the SACPCMP as per the Act 48 of 2000 (Proof)

  • Assistant Construction Manager C.R.8(2) (Where Applicable) (Detailed CV to be available)

  • Construction Safety Officer C.R8(5) (Where Applicable) (Certified proof of competency)

  • CHSO Registered with SACPCMP C.R.8(6) (Proof)

  • Construction Supervisor C.R.8(7) appointed by C.R.8(1) (Certified proof of competency)

  • Subordinate Construction Supervisor C.R.8(8) appointed by 16.2 (Certified proof of competency)

  • Construction Site Risk Assessor C.R.9(1) (Certified proof of competency)

  • "Designation" , Fall Protection Developer C.R.10(1)(a) (Certified proof of competency)

  • Temporary Works Designer and Supervisor C.R.12(1) & C.R.12(2) (Certified proof of competency)

  • Excavation Supervisor and Inspector C.R.13(1) (Detailed CV available)

  • Demolition work Supervisor C.R.14(1) (Detailed CV available)

  • PR Engineer appointed to conduct structural survey C.R. 14(2)

  • PR Engineer Appointed to draft Demolition Mythology C.R.14(2)

  • Scaffold supervisor (for all scaffolding work operations) C.R.16(1) (Certified)

  • Suspended platform supervisor C.R.17(1) (Proof of training)

  • Rope Access Supervisor C.R.18(1)(a) (Proof of competency)

  • Material Hoist Inspector C.R.19(8)(a) (Proof of training)

  • Bulk Mixing Plant Supervisor C.R.20(1) Proof of competency)

  • Explosive Actuated Fastening Device inspector C.R.21(2)(b) (Proof of Training)

  • Explosive Actuated Fastening Device accessories issuer C.R.21(2)(b) (Proof of training)

  • Construction vehicle and mobile plant inspector C.R.23(1)(k) (proof of competency)

  • Construction vehicle and mobile plant operator (proof of competency & Medical)

  • Temporary Electrical Installation Controller C.R.24(e) (Proof of competency)

  • Stacking & Storage Supervisor C.R.28(a)

  • Fire Equipment Inspector C.R.29(h) (Proof of competency)

  • Supervisor of Machinery / The registered person G.M.R.2(2) (Proof of competency)

  • Emergency Evacuation Co-ordinator (Proof of training)

  • Fire Marshall (Proof of training)

  • Hazardous Chemical Substance Supervisor (Proof of competency)

  • Safety Harness Inspector (Proof of competency)

  • Scaffold Erector C.R.16 & SANS 10085/1 (Proof of competency)

  • Scaffold Inspector C.R.16 & sans 10085/1 (Proof of competency)

  • Piling Rig Operator (Proof of competency)


  • Minor Injury Dressing Register available (first aid cases)

  • First Aid Equipment Checklist available and up to date G.S.R.3(3)(a) (Min Contents)

  • Portable Ladders Checklist available and up to date for all ladders

  • Safety Harness Checklist available and up to date for all Safety Harnesses

  • Scaffold Checklist available and up to date for all scaffolds built C.R.16 & SANS 180085/1

  • Scaff-Tag visible on each Scaffold and weekly inspections in order, and signed off on Scaff-Tag C.R.16 & SANS 10085/1

  • Excavation Checklist available for all excavations and up to date.

  • Explosive Actuated Fastening Device Register Available

  • Explosive Actuated Fastening Device Checklist available and up to date

  • Explosive Actuated Fastening Device Cartridge issue and return register available and up to date

  • Are all daily Pre-Shift Inspections for motorized equipment done and signed off by the Operator/Mechanic and are all findings recorded

  • Fire Prevention Equipment Checklist available and up to date

  • Gas Cutting/Welding Checklist available and up to date

  • Lifting Machinery Checklist available and up to date

  • Lifting machinery certificates available D.M.R.18 (Load Test Certificates/Crane Calibration Certificates)

  • Lifting machinery logbook available and up to date

  • Lifting Tackle Load Test certificates available and up to date D.M.R.18 (Rope/Slings/Chains)

  • Lifting Tackle Checklist available and up to date

  • Portable Electrical Equipment Checklist available and up to date E.M.R.10 / C.R.24(e) (including extensions)

  • All earth leakage tested monthly and Checklist available and up to date (SABS 0142-1)

  • All power sources protected by a earth leakage (SABS 0142-1)

  • Pneumatic Tool Register available and up to date

  • Pressure Equipment Register available and up to date

  • Is there an up to date record kept of P.P.E. issue and signed by employees.

  • Hand Tool Checklist available and up to date

  • PPE issued as identified on the Risk Assessments

Health & Safety Organisation

  • Health & Safety Plan approved by client C.R.7(2)(a)

  • Copy of Principal Contractor and Contractors health & Safety Plan available C.R. 7(1)

  • Client's Health & Safety Specification provided C.R. 7(1)(c)(i) (Proof thereof)

  • Organogram available (Organogram must be in accordance to Appointments)

  • Does the Principal Contractor audit the contractors at least once a month C.R. 7(1)(vii)

  • Health & Safety Representative monthly report available

  • Are the Representatives nominated and elected by the workers (proof must be provided)

  • Is the ratio of HSE Representatives correct (1 representative for 19-50, and an additional representative for every 50)

  • Health & Safety Committee established? OHSA Section 19(1)

  • Internal Health & Safety committee meeting held/minutes available and signed by 16.2 appointee. Are records kept for 3 years G.A.R.5

  • Evaluating the employees physical and psychological fitness necessary to operate Construction Vehicles, Mobile plant (C.R.21) and records thereof (validity period determined by Health Practitioner)

  • Fall Protection Plan Implemented C.R. 10(1)(b)

  • Fall Protection Plan maintained C.R. 10(1)(b)

  • Disciplinary action taken to ensure adherence to Fall Protection Plan C.R.10(1)(c)

  • Evaluating the employees physical and psychological fitness necessary to work C.R.10(2)(b), C.R. 7(1)(g) and records thereof (validity period determined by the Health Practitioner)

  • Program of training employees working from elevated positions and records thereof C.R.10(2)(c) (accredited training)

  • Are all 8(1) appointees in possession of the latest updated version of the Fall Protection Plan C.R. 10(3)

  • Rescue Plan in place and employees trained on the plan and competent to conduct rescues

  • All openings in floors, edges, slabs, hatchways and stairways adequately guarded, fenced or barricaded or similar means are used to safeguard any person from falling through C.R.10(4)(a)

  • Are all fall protection equipment suitable and of sufficient strength C.R.10(4)(d)(i)

  • Additional requirements need to be indicated in the Fall Protection Plan where roof work is being performed on a construction site C.R.10(5)

  • Roof work is properly planned C.R.10(5)(a)

  • Roof Erectors are competent C.R.(5)(b) (Proof of Competency)

  • No Employees permitted to work on roofs during inclement weather or weather conditions that holds hazard to employee's health & safety C.R.10(5)(c)

  • Roof work C.R. 10(5)(d-g) - Prominent warning notices are in placed at all covers to openings that cannot sustain applicable weight.

  • Areas mentioned in (d) barricaded to prevent person from entering

  • Suitable and sufficient platforms, coverings are provided to be used in such a manner that the weight of the person passing across or working on or from fragile material is supported

  • Sufficient guard rails or barriers and toe boards to prevent the fall of any person, material, or equipment

  • Alphabetical Hazardous Chemical Substance List available and up to date

  • Material Safety Data Sheet available (MSDS)

  • Planned Job Observation available

  • Daily DSTI's completed by Supervisor/Construction Manager and communicated to workers

  • Toolbox Talks Topics Available and Training Attendance Registers

  • Letter of Good Standing is valid and reflects the correct nature of work

  • Annexure 1, W.C.L. 1, and W.C.L. 2 Forms Available G.A.R. 9

  • All incidents investigated

  • Sheltered eating area available for employees

  • Showers available - at least one for every 15 employees

  • Sanitary Facilities - at least 1 for every 30 employees

  • Changing facilities for each gender

  • Is there a written lock-out procedure available (electrical)

  • Safety File available with all documentation required in terms of provisions of the OHS Act and C.R.7(1)(b)

  • Emergency Evacuation Plan available and communicated to all employees

  • Continuous Training Matrix available detailing H&S Training delivered to all employees

  • Contractor's Scope of Work to be defined and available in the Safety File

  • Lockout procedure available (mechanical)

  • Intoxication Policy - Does the employer have a procedure in place preventing any person who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs to enter or remain on his premises G.S.R. 2(a)

  • Lighting in the building (eating areas, work areas) adequate E.R.3

  • Facilities (toilets, urinals, and showers) kept clean and hygienic condition / checks done / actioned and kept on record

  • Hand wash facilities provided at toilets and eating areas

  • Are conditions in place under which a person may enter your workplace G.S.R.2(c)

  • Hearing protection used in areas where noise level exceeds 85 dB

  • All employees trained in the use of the available fire extinguishers (proof of training)

  • Are first aid boxes allocated to qualified First Aiders

  • Is the first aid ratio correct (1 for 10-50 then 1 additional for every 50 employees)

  • Is there an eyewash fountain / eyewash kit, should the need exist G.S.R. 3(8)

  • Are all employees trained in the use of the eyewash fountain / eyewash kit should the need exist (G.S.R.3(8)

  • Records kept of all minor injuries (first aid cases) on a dressing register

  • Are all injuries investigated and recorded on annexure 1 / W.CL. Forms

  • Are all injuries reported to the relevant person(s); eg. Supervisor, Safety Officer etc.

  • Are all method statements available (Detailed method of work)

  • Contractor's Project Baseline HIRA available and approved

  • Are all applicable Risk Assessments available C.R.9

  • Are all Risk Assessments communicated to employees involved in performing the tasks (proof of communication)

  • Are all written safe work procedures available

  • All employees inducted C.R.7(6) (proof of Induction and ID copies available)

  • All cranes fitted with a Load Limiter D.M.R. 18(9)

  • Provision made for site visitor's inductions

  • Is there a risk assessment monitor & review plan available

Field Execution

  • Are all elevated height work performed from a position as if working from a ladder or scaffold C.R.10(4)(b)

  • Are notices placed in conspicuous places at openings through which a person could fall C.R. 10(4)c

  • Is business conducted in such a manner that you do not expose another person to the hazards associated with your activities OHSA Section 9

  • All grinder machines clearly marked with the rated speed D.M.R. 8

  • Are all lifting machinery clearly marked with the maximum mass load D.M.R. 18

  • Are all Mobile Plant equipped with an automatic acoustic reversing alarm C.R. 23(j)

  • Are all gas cylinders secured in a vertical position

  • Are all operators of gas cutting & welding issued with appropriate PPE/PPC G.S.R. 9

  • Are all operators of welding and gas cutting equipment trained in the safe use thereof? G.S.R. 9

  • Are flashback arrestors fitted on both the bottles and the torch

  • Storage facilities for chemicals adequate

  • All Explosive Actuated Fastening Device operators provided with correct and adequate PPE / PPC D.M.R. 21(a)

  • All Explosive Actuated Fastening Device operators making use of PPE / PPC D.M.R. 21(a)

  • Cartridges for explosive devices accurately stored

  • Emergency telephone numbers displayed

  • First Aider in charge of box indicated by signage G.S.R> 3(6)

  • First Aid Box location indicated by signage G.S.R. 3(6)

  • Are all electrical Contractors registered with the Department Of Labour E.I.R. 6

  • Emergency assembly points indicated by signage

  • Emergency Evacuation Plan communicated to all employees

  • Emergency Evacuation Plan indicate key personnel contact details

Contractor / Employer Responsibility

  • Ensure that all ladders comply with G.S.R. 13 (a)

  • Ensure that all precautionary methods are in place in excavations as per G.S.R. 5(1) and in compliance with C.R. 13(2)(j)

  • Are warning signs positioned next to excavations as per C.R. 13(2)

  • Proof of permission given in writing to commence excavation C.R.13(2)(ii)(a)

  • Inspections of excavations and registers C.R. 13(2)(h)(i)(ii)(iv)(v)

  • Letter of authority and certification to operate construction vehicles and mobile plant C.R. 23(1)(d)(1)

  • Lifting Machinery Inspector D.M.R. 18(5)

  • Lifting Tackle Inspector D.M.R. 18(5)

  • Lifting Machinery Operator D.M.R. 18(11)

  • Accredited person - master / installation electrician E.I.R. 11

  • Portable Electrical Equipment Inspector E.M.R. 10(4)


  • Risk Assessment taking COVID-19 into account and workplace circumstances

  • Proof of communication of Risk Assessment

  • Procedure of managing the Risk Assessment and how it will be implemented (SOP/SWP)

  • Inform employees that if they have the associated symptoms for COVID-19, they must not come to work and take paid leave as per Section 22 of the BCEA

  • Do contractors conduct regular Toolbox Talks regarding COVID-19

  • Does the Contractor do screening tests on all employees and record the results daily

  • Does the contractor have a medical surveillance plan

  • Does the contractor have hand sanitiser available with at least a 70% alcohol volume

  • Does the contractor have additional hand wash facilities with soap and disposable hand towels Does the contractor do regular disinfection of work places and facilities and keep track on a checklist

  • Do all employees wear suitable face masks

  • Each employee to be issued with a minimum of 2 cloth masks as per Government requirements

  • All employees to be trained in the use of these cloth masks and safe keeping

  • Do the contractors have washing and drying facilities for these cloth masks

  • Does the contractor have a Compliance Officer Appointed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.