
  • Audit Title - Entity / Trading Name

  • Contractor

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Name of Respondent

Contractor Information


  • Safety Review
    The objective of the safety review is to determine if the contractor has an implemented system appropriate to the size and nature of their organisation and to confirm the system is supporting the provision of safely operated services.

    Compliance Review
    The objective of the non-safety compliance portion of this review is to determine if the contractor is meeting their administrative obligations as set out in the contract/s under which they provide service/s.

Administration Issues

  • Party Id

  • ABN Compliant?

  • ABN Issues

  • Email address active and correct?

  • Correct Email address

  • Has the contractor provided evidence of their workers' permits, i.e. Driver's licence, First Aid & WWC?

  • Evidence required as part of the compliance review.

Contract Overview

  • Does this contractor operate a single or multiple contracts for the PTA?

  • Service Name

  • Contract Number & RTSims Number

  • Type of Contract

Compliance / Performance - Service Related Issues

  • Scope - To determine contractual compliance for contracts operated under the TRM arrangement and regarding issues that are unrelated to safety, i.e. operational performance and service standards.

  • Did the contractor provide a service timetable in accordance with the contract?

  • Details:

  • Did the service drop off and pick up nominated students at the appropriate times?

  • Details:

  • Did the contractor notify the PTA of permanent and temporary variations in accordance with the contract?

  • Details:

  • Was the service/s operated on each school day as required?

  • Details:

  • Did the contractor notify the PTA of the names of all bus drivers and, where appropriate, Bus Aides in accordance with the contract?

  • Details:

  • Did the contractor submit an SAR in accordance with the contract?

  • Details:

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

  • Type of Service

  • Other service type - specify:

  • Vehicle Information

  • Vehicle Registration Number

  • Communications Devices

  • Other - Specify

  • VIMS Issues

  • Details of other reviews that have been conducted during this cycle:

  • Details of subsequent review/s that remain incomplete at the time of this review:

  • List the Contracts this Contractor operates:

  • Contract Information
  • Service Name

  • Contract Number & RTSims Number

  • Type of Contract

Compliance / Performance - Service Related Issues

  • Scope - To determine contractual compliance for contracts operated under the TRM arrangement and regarding issues that are unrelated to safety, i.e. operational performance and service standards.

  • Did the contractor provide a service timetable in accordance with the contract?

  • Details:

  • Did the service drop off and pick up nominated students at the appropriate times?

  • Details:

  • Did the contractor notify the PTA of permanent and temporary variations in accordance with the contract?

  • Details:

  • Was the service operated on each school day as required?

  • Details:

  • Did the contractor notify the PTA of the names of all bus drivers and, where appropriate, Bus Aides in accordance with the contract?

  • Details:

  • Did the contractor submit an SAR in accordance with the contract?

  • Details:

  • Type of Service

  • Other service type - specify:

  • Vehicle Information

  • Vehicle Registration Number

  • Communications Devices

  • Other - Specify

  • VIMS Issues


  • Does the contractor have all necessary insurance policies in place?

  • What insurances has the contractor failed to secure?

  • Insurance Policies

  • Workers Compensation Insurance Details

  • Policy Number

  • Value of Policy (Single Event)

  • Expiration Date

  • Evidence: Certificate of Currency

  • Public Liability Insurance Details

  • Policy Number

  • Value of Policy (Single Event)

  • Expiration Date

  • Evidence: Certificate of Currency

  • Vehicle Insurance Policy

  • Policy
  • Policy Number

  • Vehicles covered by this policy (VIN / Plate Numbers)

  • Value of Policy (Single Event)

  • Expiration Date

  • Evidence: Certificate of Currency

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Vehicle Safety

Vehicle Checking & Roadworthiness

  • Scope (Information for Assessor)
    Confirm whether a driver or a suitably qualified individual undertakes vehicle pre-start checks.

  • Are vehicle pre-start checks done before vehicles are used each day?

  • How are vehicle checks completed?

  • Evidence - Pre start checking form.

  • How do you know that vehicles are safe to use?

  • Scope (Information for Assessor)
    Determine if a system of vehicle defect checking, reporting and tagging out of unroadworthy vehicles is in place.
    Note: Where an owner/operator provides the service, a tagging out procedure may not be necessary.

  • Are vehicle defects reported by drivers?

  • How are vehicle defects reported?

  • How are vehicle defects reported?

  • Where a vehicle is unsafe to use, how would drivers know not to use the vehicle?

  • Following repairs, how are drivers informed the vehicle is safe to use?

  • Evidence - Vehicle Defect Form

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendation
  • Details

  • Are vehicles managed sufficiently that they are safe for use, and where they are not safe for use they are not used?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Passenger Management

  • Scope (Information for Assessor)
    Determine if the appropriate instructions/information is readily available to manage the individual circumstances of passengers.

Passenger Information

  • Are passenger lists kept on the school bus?

  • How are passenger lists kept up to date?

  • How do you know who travels on the bus/es each day?

  • Do drivers use a list to check students on and off their bus?

  • Evidence - Student Travel Checklist

  • In the event of an emergency, how do you, or your driver, manage passengers that are on the bus at the time of an incident?

  • Are vehicles checked at the end of each run?

  • Where is the bus checked?

  • Where is the bus checked?

  • How do you/your drivers know all of the students have left the bus and are not at risk of being left on the bus?

Medical, Physical Mobility & Education Support Requirements

  • Are there any students who travel on the school bus that have medical conditions or special needs?

  • What special requirements do these students have?

  • Specify:

  • Is a specific set of instructions on how to manage these students individual requirements available on the bus?

  • How are these students managed?

  • What instructions/information/training has been provided to your workers in regard to these students in managing their needs?

  • Evidence - Integrated Care Plan

  • What actions would you or your drivers take if you were advised that as student was diagnosed with a medical condition?

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendation
  • Details

  • Are passengers managed appropriately?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Service Contingency Planning

  • Scope (Information for Assessor)
    Issues that may interrupt the provision of the service have been identified and appropriate instructions have been provided.
    Contact details for individuals and / or organisations that may be needed in the event of a service delay / interruption have been identified, recorded and are easily accessible in the school bus.

  • Are instructions available to manage contingencies?

  • What contingency issues have been identified that specifically relate to the contractor's service/s?

  • Other - Specify

  • Evidence - Instructions

  • How do drivers know what action to take?

  • Are contact details available on the school bus?

  • Evidence - Contact List

  • How do drivers/other staff advise all the appropriate individuals that the service has been delayed?

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendation
  • Details

  • Are Service Contingency issues appropriately managed?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Emergency Management

  • Scope - Information for Assessor & Compliance - AS/NZ 4801 Elements
    - Emergency Preparedness & Response - 4.4.7

  • Has the contractor identified all possible emergency situations and documented an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan?

  • How does the contractor manage emergency situations?

  • Evidence

  • Does the contractor test the Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan on a regular basis?

  • How does the contractor know their emergency response system works?

  • How is the system tested, e.g. emergency evacuation drills?

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendation
  • Details

  • Are the systems for managing emergencies appropriate?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Student Behaviour Management

  • Scope (Information for Assessor) To determine if the PTA's Behaviour Management Guidelines have been implemented and are being used appropriately.

  • Do you use the PTA's Behaviour Management Management Guidelines to manage student behaviour?

  • How are the poor behaviours of students managed?

  • Are Behaviour Management Notices issued?

  • Evidence - Behaviour Management Notice

  • How are incidents reported?

  • Do you or your staff communicate with parents as a result of poor behaviours of their children?

  • How is communication managed with parents as a result of poor behaviours of their children?

  • Do you transport Students with special needs?

  • How are the Behaviour Management Guidelines used to manage these students?

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendation
  • Details

  • Is student behaviour management conducted appropriately?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Safety Committment

Safety Commitment

  • Scope - Information for Assessor & Compliance - AS/NZ 4801 Elements
    This section is intended for the assessor to review the contractor's commitment to safety via their documentation.


  • Scope - Information for Assessor & Compliance - AS/NZ 4801 Elements
    - Policy - 4.2

  • Are OH & S Policies in place?

  • What OH & S policies are in place?

  • Other Policies - Specify

  • Are the policies; signed by an appropriate person, dated and have a review date?

  • Evidence - Signed Policy Document

  • How does the contractor demonstrate their commitment to providing a safe workplace?

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendations
  • Details

  • Are the Contractor's policies documented, implemented and reviewed appropriately and in context of the size and nature of their business?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Safety Responsibilities & Legal Obligations

  • Scope - Information for Assessor & Compliance - AS/NZ 4801 Elements
    - Legal & Other Requirements 4.3.2
    - Structure & Responsibility 4.4.1
    To determine if the Contractor has a systematic approach to identifying the legal requirements of the business activities and provides access to employees upon request.

  • Has the Contractor defined and documented the areas of OH & S accountability and responsibility for all personnel?

  • Evidence - Organisational Chart or similar

  • Have these responsibilities been formally communicated to personnel?

  • Evidence of communication documentation, e.g. employee induction records.

  • How has the contractor planned to implement/fully implement their policies to their employees?

  • How does the contractor intend to achieve this, including communicating the information to their personnel?

  • Has the Contractor (including any managers / supervisors) undertaken any OSH training?

  • Evidence OH & S training records.

  • Has the contractor planned to undertake or complete this training? If so, when?

  • Has the Contractor identified the OH & S Legal Requirements of their business, i.e. Acts, Regulations, Standards and other relevant information?

  • How does the contractor understand their legal obligations?

  • Evidence - document listing

  • Do employees have access to this information?

  • How do employees gain access to the information?

  • How does the contractor expect employees to gain access to relevant information?

  • Does the contractor have a mechanism in place to review and update this information?

  • How does the contractor intend to keep the information up to date, e.g. review dates, email update notifications and toolbox meetings etc

  • How does the contractor plan to ensure this information is current and relevant to their business operations?

  • Evidence - partially completed documentation

  • Where available, do employees have access to this information?

  • How do employees gain access to the information?

  • How does the contractor expect employees to gain access to relevant information?

  • Does the contractor have a mechanism in place to review and update this information?

  • How does the contractor intend to keep the information up to date, e.g. review dates, email update notifications and toolbox meetings etc

  • How does the contractor plan to ensure this information is current and relevant to their business operations?

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendations
  • Details

  • Does the Contractor have a mechanism in place that identifies and communicates their legal obligations?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Objectives & Targets

  • Scope - Information for Assessor & Compliance - AS/NZ 4801 Elements
    - Objectives & Targets / Safety Management Plan 4.3.3

  • Has the Contractor established OH & S Objectives & Targets for their business?

  • How does the contractor measure their performance?

  • Evidence - Objectives & Targets Matrix

  • Does the Contractor (larger organisation) have an OH & S Management Plan outlining how the Objectives & Targets will be achieved?

  • Evidence - OH & S Management Plan

  • How does the Contractor plan to achieve their Objectives & Targets?

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendations
  • Details

  • Has the contractor established appropriate Objectives & Targets, including reviewing their performance, that are consistent with the size and nature of their business activities?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Safety Administration

Documentation & Document Control

  • Scope - Information for Assessor & Compliance - AS/NZ 4801 Elements
    - Document & Document Control 4.4.4 & 4.4.5

  • Has the contractor documented the policies and procedures that outline the core elements of their safety management system?

  • Evidence - Document Register

  • Are the policies and procedures readily accessible to employees and other interested parties?

  • How are the documents for procedures and processes accessed by the appropriate personnel?

  • How does the contractor intend to provide access to all personnel?

  • Does the Contractor have a process to ensure that all policies and procedures remain current?

  • Are there review dates established? List dates:

  • How does the contractor ensure that policies and procedures remain current?

  • How will the contractor comply with this requirement?

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendations
  • Details

  • Is the contractor's documentation and document control procedures appropriately managed?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Records & Record Management

  • Scope - Information for Assessor & Compliance - AS/NZ 4801 Elements
    - Records & Record Management - 4.5.3

  • Does the Contractor have a procedure that outlines the identification of all records that must be retained and how these records will be maintained and disposed of?

  • Evidence - Document Register (record retention and destruction elements defined)

  • How does the contractor plan to undertake records management and the proper destruction of confidential documents?

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendations
  • Details

  • Does the Contractor maintain their record keeping practices appropriately and in compliance with current legislation?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Contractor Review of Systems (Self Assessment & Review)

  • Scope - (Information for Assessor) AS/NZ 4801 Element
    - Audit & Management review - 4.5.4 & 4.6

  • Has the Contractor undertaken a self-assessment of their safety performance?

  • Evidence - Self Assessment Checklist

  • How has the Contractor determined the status of their safety systems?

  • Does the Contractor periodically review all procedures to ensure compliance with their requirements?

  • Evidence - Findings (Internal or third party reviews)

  • Does the Contractor review the findings to identify deficiencies, prioritise and implement corrective actions?

  • How is this achieved?

  • Evidence - Corrective Actions Register

  • How does the contractor review and update their systems?

  • How does the Contractor know their procedures are appropriate to their business and remain appropriate when changes occur?

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendations
  • Details

  • Does the Contractor have an appropriate internal and/or third party systems review in place?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Risk, Incident & Hazard Management

  • Scope - Information for Assessor & Compliance - AS/NZ 4801 Elements
    - Identification of Hazards, Risk Assessment and Control - 4.3.1 & 4.4.6
    - Incident Reporting and Investigation - & 4.5.2

Risk Assessment & Hazard Management

  • Has the contractor identified hazards associated with their business activities?

  • How is the contractor managing the hazards associated with the provision of the service?

  • What system is in place for managing hazards?

  • Has this been documented in a hazard register (or similar)?

  • Evidence - Hazard Register

  • How does the contractor ensure that hazard management is tracked?

  • Has the contractor identified and assessed the risks associated with their business activities?

  • How does the contractor understand the risks associated with business related activities?

  • What mechanism is used to manage risks?

  • Evidence - Risk Matrix, Risk Assessments or Register

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendations
  • Details

  • Is the system for identifying, assessing and managing risk and hazards appropriate?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Incident Management

  • Does the contractor have a procedure that outlines their incident reporting process?

  • How are incidents reported?

  • How are incidents managed?

  • Does the incident reporting process include reporting requirements to third parties, such as WorkSafe and PTA?

  • How does the contractor report notifiable incidents?

  • What process is in place for the notification of incidents?

  • Evidence

  • Is there evidence to support that the incident reporting procedure is followed?

  • How does the contractor determine the procedure is complied with?

  • What checking mechanisms are in place to provide evidence this procedure is complied with?

  • Does the contractor have a procedure that outlines an incident investigation process?

  • How does the contractor undertake incident investigations?

  • Is there evidence to support that the incident investigation procedure is followed?

  • How does the contractor determine the procedure is complied with?

  • What checking mechanisms are in place to provide evidence this procedure is complied with?

  • What procedure does the contractor have for investigating incidents?

  • Does the incident investigation identify contributing factors to the incident?

  • Are incident investigations used to prevent further incidents from occurring?

  • Does the incident investigation process provide evidence that incidents are prevented from reoccurring?

  • Evidence - Incident Report Form

  • Does the incident management process identify control measures?

  • What action does the contractor take to ensure similar incidents do not re-occur?

  • Evidence - Incident Register

  • Are relevant staff trained in the incident investigation process?

  • How are incident investigations conducted without suitably qualified individuals?

  • How are staff inducted into Incident Investigation appropriate to their level of involvement?

  • Evidence - Induction Checklists / Training Registers

  • Has the contractor completed JSA's / Risk Assessments for the tasks that they undertake?

  • How does the contractor ensure they are providing a safe system of work?

  • Are the JSAs and Risk Assessments consistent with their business activities and items identified in their JSAs and Risk / Hazard matrices?

  • Evidence

  • Has the contractor developed Safe Working Procedures for the activities that they undertake?

  • How does the contractor know tasks are completed in a safe and appropriate manner?

  • Evidence - Safe Work Procedures/Statements & Document Register

  • Do the JSA's and Safe Working Procedures include control measures for all identified hazards?

  • How does the contractor ensure potentially unsafe practices are controlled?

  • Evidence - JSA Form

  • Does the contractor review their control measures to ensure they are effective?

  • How does the contractor ensure that implemented control measures are effective and remain appropriate?

  • Evidence - Corrective Actions Register

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendations
  • Details

  • Is the system for identifying, assessing and managing risk and hazards appropriate?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date


Fitness for Work

  • Do drivers sign off each day before commencing work that they are fit for work, that they are not affected by fatigue, have a BAC of zero and are not under the influence of any medications (prescribed or otherwise) that would impair their function?

  • Are all elements documented in the fitness statement?

  • How is the contractor aware their staff are fit to undertake work each day?

Induction and Training & Competencies

  • Scope - Information for Assessor AS/NZ 4801 Elements
    - Training and Competency - 4.4.2
    Determine whether the contractor provides the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to their personnel to confirm their staff have the necessary competencies to undertake their roles.

  • Does the contractor provide an induction to their employees that includes information related to specific hazards in the workplace and relevant to their role?

  • How is the driver/staff expected to understand the requirements of their role?

  • What issues are covered during induction of personnel? Evidence: Induction Checklist

  • Do the bus staff have access to a set of instructions on the bus that assists them in understanding their role?

  • Evidence: Driver/Bus Aide instructions

  • How do individuals know how to undertake the role of driver, Bus Aide or Bus Warden and provide the service consistent with the PTA's requirements?

  • Has the contractor, in consultation with employees, identified the training required in order to conduct their business activities?

  • How does the contractor know whether their staff have the necessary skills and competencies to undertake their role?

  • How are staff involved in determining what training is required?

  • Evidence: Training Matrix, JDFs, Risk Assessments, JSAs, Workplace Inspections and findings from Incident Reports.

  • Is there a training program in place to ensure competencies are obtained and maintained?

  • Are dates for ongoing or refresher training established, including legislative compliance?

  • How does the Contractor know that their staff are trained and competent as a result of legislative compliance or when circumstances change?

  • Are records of training retained by the employer?

  • What records are kept?

  • Who does the contractor track the training needs of their staff?

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendations
  • Recommendations

  • Is training appropriately managed?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Communication & Consultation

  • Scope - Information for Assessor & Compliance - AS/NZ 4801 Elements
    - Consultation & Communication - 4.4.3

  • Does the contractor have a procedure in place that outlines how they will consult and communicate with employees?

  • What process / mechanism does the Contractor use to consult with their employees?

  • Is there evidence to support that this procedure has been implemented?

  • Evidence: Toolbox Meeting minutes or Safety Committee Meeting minutes (Larger organisations)

  • How does the contractor confirm they consult with their staff?

  • In the absence of consultation and communication how does the Contractor involve their staff in safety improvements in the workplace and keep them informed of changes?

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendations
  • Recommendations

  • Does the contractor have an appropriate consultation and communication procedure implemented?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Site Inspections

Monitoring & Inspection

  • Scope - Information for Assessor & Compliance - AS/NZ 4801 Elements
    - Monitoring & Inspection - 4.5.1

  • Does the contractor regularly conduct workplace inspections using a Workplace Inspection Checklist, including vehicle, garaging and depots, wheel chair tracking, hoists (servicing program)?

  • Evidence: Workplace Inspection checklist

  • Is there evidence that corrective actions are identified and implemented?

  • Evidence: Corrective Actions Register

  • How does the Contractor know their workplace is safe?

  • Does the contractor have a process by which employees can report hazards in the workplace?

  • Evidence: Hazard Report form and process flowchart or similar

  • Is there evidence to support that hazard reports are assessed and corrective actions are identified and implemented?

  • Evidence: Corrective Actions Register / Risk Assessments

  • How are reported hazards assessed and controlled?

  • How are hazards managed?

  • Has the contractor identified all requirements for testing and maintenance of plant and equipment, and where required are records of this retained?

  • Evidence: Checklists

  • How does the Contractor know their plant and equipment is safe to use and complies with current legislation for testing and inspection?

  • Are pre-start inspections of plant and equipment undertaken prior to use, i.e. other than 'orange' school buses?

  • Evidence: Checklists

  • How does the Contractor know the plant and equipment is safe to use?

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendations
  • Details

  • Are workplace inspections planned and undertaken appropriately?

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date

Depot / Workshop

  • Does the Contractor operate from a depot that is owned by the Contractor?

  • Separate Review Checklist to be completed "Depot System Review"

  • Where are vehicles stored when not in use?

  • Does the contractor operate a workshop where mechanical repairs are conducted?

  • Separate Review Checklist to be completed "Workshop System Review"

  • How are mechanical repairs conducted?

Injury Management & Return to Work

Injury Management & Return to Work

  • Does the contractor have an Injury Management Policy and procedure?

  • Evidence: Policy & Procedure documentation

  • How does the Contractor manage, or intend to manage, workplace injuries?

  • Has the contractor appointed someone in their organisation to be responsible for injury management and is this person identified as part of the injury management system?

  • Evidence: Organisational Chart (or similar)

  • How does the contractor intend to manage situations when an injury is reported?

  • Does the contractor seek to provide suitable alternative duties and establish return to work plans where an employee has sustained an injury?

  • Evidence - Return to Work Plan (does the plan include alternative duties as an option, if appropriate to the size of the organisation)

  • Are there any recommendations?

  • Actions

  • Recommendations
  • Details

  • Corrective Actions Required?

  • Corrective Action

  • Action Date

  • Select date


Summary of Findings

  • General Compliance Comments

  • Follow Up Actions - Assessor

  • Corrective Actions - Summary

  • Assessor's Signature

  • Select date

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.