Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Safety Performance
Any work injuries during the period of the contract / last 12 months? <br>If YES, details.
Where any Corrective Actions required <br>If YES, details. Were all corrective actions completed within given timeframe?
Was the contractor involved in any safety, environmental or other incidents? <br>If YES, give details.
System and Safe Work
Contractor’s ability to prevent injuries & align with safety vision
Contractor’s physical safety performance
How good was the housekeeping and orderliness?
Safety attitude and co-operation of the contractor’s supervisors
Safety attitude and co-operation of the contractor’s employees e.g. wearing PPE, barricading work areas properly etc
Planning of safety during the contract. Was it positive and proactive?
Quality of the contractor risk assessments /JSA/ SWMS/ work procedures
Work Performance
How well were requirements understood, including safety
How responsive was the contractor to requests?
How easy was communication (fax, email, etc.) with the contractor?
Was all the work completed on time?
How prompt & complete was the work doc’n?
Did the finished work meet the contract specific’ns?
How well was the contract ‘self-managed’?