Health and Safety System Audit
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.0 - Safety System Structure
1.1 - Is there a Health and Safety system?
1.2 - Is the organisation part of an ACC workplace discount program?
1.3 - How many full-time and part-time Staff are employed by the organisation?
1.4 - Do employees have signed employment agreements with reference to H&S obligations?
1.5 - Do employees have position descriptions that outline key H&S responsibilities?
2.0 - Health and Safety Systems Explanation and Documentation
2.1 - Is there documentation detailing the components of the H&S system
3.0 - Health and Safety Policy
3.1 - Is there a documented H&S Policy Statement?
3.2 - Does the Policy give a clear statement of intent?
3.3 - Does the policy have clear goals and targets?
3.4 - Does the policy cover off rehabilitation of injured employees?
3.5 - Is the Policy signed off by the most senior person in the organisation?
3.6 - Is the Policy displayed?
4.0 - Hazard Register
4.1 - Is there a Hazard Register?
5.0 - Fire and evacuation plan
5.1 - Is there an evacuation plan
5.2 - Is there trial evacuations minimum every six months?
6.0 - Emergency Plans
6.1 - Is there provision for other types of emergency e.g. Floods, earthquakes?
7.0 - Accident and Incident reporting
7.1 - Is there a process for reporting workplace accidents and incidents?
7.2 - Is there an appropriate investigation form that caters for the minimum reporting requirements and details the corrective and preventative measures to be taken?
8.0 - Near miss and Hazard ID
8.1 - Is there a near miss reporting process?
8.2 - Is there a hazard ID process?
9.0 - Accident Data Base
9.1 - Is there a process to record, store and summarise accident history?
10.0 - Safety targets and goals
10.1 - Is there safety targets and goals for the organisation?
11.0 Health and Safety Employee Participation
11.1 - Does the organisation have regular H&S meetings?
11.2 - Are H&S meetings attended by employees?
11.3 - Are meetings held a minimum of every quarter (4 times a year)?
11.4 - Are meetings minuted?
12.0 - Compliance Checking and Review
12.1 - Is there a system to ensure minimum compliance to H&S standards are maintained?
13.0 - Induction for Employees
13.1 - Is there a process to Induct employees?
13.2 - Is there a process to renew induction annually?
13.3 -Is there a signed record of induction?
14.0 - Induction Contractors and Visitors
14.1 - Is there a process to induct non employees such as visitors and contractors?
14.2 - Is there signed evidence of Induction?
15.0 Hazardous Substances/Chemicals
15.1 - Is there a process for storage and handling of hazardous substances?
15.2 - Are there MSDS sheets for the Hazardous Substances?
16.0 Working Off Site/ Multiple Sites
16.1 - Is there a process to identify Hazards for any off site or multi site work?
16.2 - Is there a Site Specific Safety Plan for each new site?
17.0 - Contractor Review and Evaluation
17.1 - Is there a documented process to review or evaluate contractor H&S performance?
18.0 - Machinery and Mobile Plant Checks
18.2 - Is there means of recording that checks have been completed?
18.3 - List equipment needing checks
18.1 - Is there equipment that should have regular start up checklists?
19.0 - Pre Work Checks/ JSA/ Non standard Activities/Installations
19.1 - Is there a Job Safety Analysis or similar process for non routine work?
20.0 - Risk Rating Assesment
20.1 - Is there a risk rating matrix for assessing Likelihood Vs Severity?
21.0 - Training
21.1 - Is there a documented record of training/competency for staff?
22.0 - Industry Standard Compliance
22.1 - Is there any Industry or Worksafe guidelines, codes of practice or standards that the Organisation must comply with?
23.0 - Audit and Review?
23.1- Is there a regular inspection/audit process for H&S?
Sign Off
On site representative
Auditor's signature