Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
If applicable, has employer provided a site specific risk assessment?
Is the site specific risk assessment relevant to the activities audited?
If applicable, has a generic risk assessment been made job/site specific by the audited prior to the start of work?
Does the auditee have a good understanding of the processes/procedures provided by the employer to ensure health and safety?
Does the auditee have ready access to relevant procedures provided by the employer to enable him to reference relevant information?
Is there supporting relevant documentation (e.g. CoSHH assessments/Manual Handling assessments)available relevant to the activities audited?
Does the auditee have a good understanding of the roles and responsibilities relevant to the work (e.g. Safety From The System/General Safety)?
Can the auditee readily contact a SAP for Safety From The System issues?
Can the auditee readily contact a suitably competent person in his organisation for General Safety issues?
Has the auditee been adequately inducted (e.g. understands emergency procedures, assembly point, PPE requirements etc.)?
Is the auditee's RAMS suitable and sufficient for the work audited?
Does the auditee have the necessary resource and equipment to carry out the work planned without having to use NG equipment?
Does the auditee have evidence of competence to carry out the work?
Does the auditee have the correct NSI30 authorisations to carry out the work?
Does the auditee have evidence of competence to carry out the work?
Does the auditee properly understand the work he is expected to carry out for NG?
Is the Contractor working in accordance with the SSOW at the time of the audit? <br> <br>
Has the auditee registered his attendance on site? (T card) <br>
If appropriate, has the auditee correctly completed the Working Party Register?
Were the RAMS handed to the contractor doing the work, by his employer or by the SAP?
What is the Contractors thoughts if the working methods or tools/equipment/machinery should change mid-job?
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