
  • Client / Site




  • DATE:


  • Is your Company currently part of the ACC WSMP or Partnership Programme (If yes please provide a copy of your current certificate)

  • Tap to enter information
  • Evidence

Health & Safety Policy & Responsibilities

  • Does your Company have a written Health and Safety Policy?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Evidence

  • Is the Health and Safety Policy signed by your Company's Manager/Chief Executive?

  • Have management of your organisation attended training to understand their health and safety legal obligations?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Have Supervisors been formally trained to understand the legal responsibilities they hold on behalf of their Organisation for health and safety?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Are health & safety responsibilities documented for:

  • Management

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Supervisors

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Employees

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Casual Employees

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Are all staff (that will be assigned to work on any Action Civil Ltd site) qualified & competent to carry out their tasks?

  • Does your Company have third party certification or approvals (select applicable items)

  • QEST

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • NZS4801

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Site Safe

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

Plant & Equipment

  • Does your Organisation have a preventative maintenance programme for its plant, machineryand equipment?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • When using plant and equipment either owned by you, provided to you by Action Civil Ltd or from any other Party (leased, hired, borrowed etc) do you have systems in place to ensure that:

  • All plant is fitted with safety equipment as per Action Civil Ltd minimum standards e.g. ROPs/FOP's/COP's, seatbelts, quickhitches etc

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Plant and equipment is safe to be used for the purpose you intend

  • Your employees who are to operate the plant and equipment are trained in its safe use

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Your employees have the correct licences to operate the plant and equipment.

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

Work Methods

  • Is your scope of work expected to involve working:

  • At Heights

  • Tap to enter information
  • Image of safe work practice

  • In Confined Spaces

  • Tap to enter information
  • Image of Safe Work Practice

  • With Chemicals

  • Tap to enter information
  • Image of Safe Work Practice

  • With Mechanical Plant

  • Tap to enter information
  • Image of safe work practice

  • Hot Work (welding, working with hot bitumen etc)

  • Tap to enter information
  • Image of safe work practice

  • With Compressed Gases

  • Tap to enter information
  • Image of safe work practice

  • Do you have Safe work practices in place for all of the above that you have responded " yes" to ?

  • Is your work expected to involve working around utility services such as:

  • Gas

  • Tap to enter information
  • Image of safe work practice

  • Electricity

  • Tap to enter information
  • Image of safe work practice

  • Water

  • Tap to enter information
  • Image of safe work practice

  • Telephone

  • Tap to enter information
  • Image of safe work practice

  • Do you have safe work practices in place for all of the above that have you responded "yes" to?

Hazard Management

  • Does your Organisation have a process to systematically identify and control significant hazards on site?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Does your Organisation have a system to record hazards and controls?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Does your Organisation have a system to advise Action Civil Ltd of any hazards you will bring to the work site?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Does your Organisation undertake to ensure the safety of the general public in and around your work site?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

Induction and Training

  • Does your Organisation have an employee induction programme that includes health and safety?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Does your Organisation maintain records of personnel when they are inducted?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Does your Organisation have specific health and safety rules?

  • Tap to enter information
  • If "yes", are the rules fully explained and understood by all employees?

  • Tap to enter information

  • Does your Organisation provide and record specific health and safety training for employees?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Does your Organisation have a documented drug and alcohol policy?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Have your employees been drug tested in the last 3 months?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Tap to enter information

  • Does your Organisation hold regular safety (toolbox) meetings?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

Selection of Subcontractors

  • Will your Organisation contract out or involve other personnel besides your own employees in the work you complete for Fulton Hogan?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Does your Organisation have a process to determine the health and safety capability of subcontractors?l

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • List Subcontractors to be used

Accident / Incident Management

  • Does your Organisation have: 

  • An Accident/Incident reporting/recording system?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • An Accident / Incident Investigation Process?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Does your Organisation have a system to report incidents/accidents to the principal they are working for?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • How many Full Time Equivalent (FTE ) does your Organisation employ?

  • Has your Organisation had any of the following Accidents/Incidents in the last12 months?

  • Fatalities   

  • Tap to enter information
  • How Many?

  • Serious Harm Accidents

  • Tap to enter information
  • How Many?

  • Medical Treatment Accidents

  • Tap to enter information
  • How Many?

  • Close Call/Near Hit Accidents

  • Tap to enter information
  • How Many?

  • Accidents causing damage during a Contract

  • Has your Organisation ever been prosecuted for a health and safety breach?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Please provide details:

Emergeny Preparedness and Response

  • Does your Organisation have emergency response procedures to deal with work site emergencies?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Will  your Organisation have Certified First Aiders on site that can respond in the event of an emergency?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

Personal Protective Clothing and Personal Protective Equipment (PPC & PPE)

  • Has your Organisation assessed the jobs/tasks that require PPC/PPE?

  • Does your Organisation provide/supply PPC/PPE to all staff as required?  

  • Does the PPC/PPE provided comply with NZ Safety Standards? 

  • Have staff been trained in its correct use?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

Health Monitoring

  • Does your organisation have a system in place to monitor the health of employees with regard to any hazards the maybe exposed to?

  • Tap to enter information
  • What is the frequency of your health monitoring Programme? Please select the frequency rate (in years).


  • Provide two referees that can verify your Company's capability and commitment to your management of health and safety.  Referees may be contacted to verify capability, competency and safe work management.

  • Name:

  • Company

  • Address:

  • Telephone:

  • Name:

  • Company

  • Address:

  • Telephone:

Insurance Coverage

  • Please attach evidence from your Insurance Company/Broker of your current Public Liability, Professional Indemnity and/or Motor Vehicle Insurance cover. Please state any liability limitations for each event.  



  • Does your Company maintain an ISO 9000 certified Quality Management System?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Does your company have a Quality policy or similar document?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Are you able to provide details of the proposed action plan for implementation?

  • Is your company considering ISO 9000 or an alternative structured approach to quality management?

  • Are personnel responsible for ensuring the company activities or works comply with Fulton Hogan's requirements nominated and their authority and responsibilities defined?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Are responsibilities for design control (i.e. who, when, how and review) identified?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Are procedures for ensuring that current issues of relevant documentation are available at work sites and/or inspections and test points documented?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Are procedures for purchasing adequately identified, including: sources of materials; procedures for inspection and test of incoming materials for specification compliance; compliance with suppliers recommendations for storage and handling; provision of MSDS and safety information

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Are procedures for evaluation of subcontractor's ability to meet specification requirements and for monitoring quality of subcontract works defined?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Are procedures documented for identifying all samples and test results with the field locations to which they relate?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Is there a process control plan for your company's activities that identifies: the process steps; factors affecting quality of products and services; methods used to monitor process; acceptability criteria and verification procedure; all activities where independent inspection, hold points or witness points are required

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Are procedures documented for identification and control of all occasions where the product fails to pass any inspection and test in accordance with defined acceptance criteria?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Where simple reworking or repair can achieve conformity, are the actions and procedures for notification and recording documented?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Are procedures for corrective and preventive action documented, including recording and follow-up analysis and improvement?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Are procedures documented for maintaining quality records?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Is there a process for ensuring that all personnel have undergone appropriate induction and training to deliver agreed customer requirements?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Is there a process to review and audit your quality system?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information



  • Does your Company maintain an ISO 14001 certified Environmental Management System?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Is your company considering ISO 14001 or the EnviroMark programme?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Are you able to provide details of the proposed action plan for implementation?

  • Is your company able to provide a list of environmental consents and permits that are relevant to the company's activities?

  • Tap to enter information
  • List environmental consents and permits

  • Has your company formally assessed the significant environmental aspects of its activities and the associated risks and impacts of these on the environment?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Does your Company have a documented Environmental System and / or Environmental Plans?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Does the company have a specific policy or action plan relating to managing waste?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Does the organisation reuse and recycle waste?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Does the organisation try to reduce the waste it produces?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Has your company set targets for environmental improvements, for example, sustainable purchasing, carbon foot print, cleaner production etc?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Tap to enter information

  • Does your company have a specific policy or action plan relating to Transport?

  • Does this include:

  • 1. A system for planning routes?

  • 2. An effective fuel-management System?

  • 3. Maintenance schedules for vehicles?

  • Has the company set up a programme for training staff on environmental issues?

  • Does this include:

  • Keeping a record of all employees who receive training?

  • Regular updates on environmental issues?

  • Within the last three years has your Company:

  • Been prosecuted for non compliance with the Resource Management Act, a resource consent or permit?

  • Had any infringement, abatement or enforcement notices served on it by an environmental regulator or authority?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Please give details:





  • Phone:

  • Fax:

  • Email:

  • Company Environmental Representative (if different from above)

  • Name:

  • Position:

  • Contact Number:

  • Company Health and Safety Representative

  • Name:

  • Position:

  • Contact Number:

  • Company Quality Representative (if different from above)

  • Name:

  • Position:

  • Contact Number:

  • Company Environmental Representative (if different from above)

  • Name:

  • Position:

  • Contact Number:

  • This Capability Assessment has been fully reviewed by a Fulton Hogan Represtative and ALL responses have been verified by:

  • Signature of FH Representative

  • Signature of Company Representative

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.