
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

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  • Location
  • Personnel

Contracts Agency

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are there regular spot checks by the depot on terms and conditions.<br><br>What good looks like : The agency can show the length of shift worked and related breaks, total hours in a week, breaks between shifts are all correct for previous week.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Have the correct working time directive opt out processes been used and documentary records kept.<br><br>What good looks like: Documentation has been recorded correctly, spot check 5 files

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Have the legal right to work checks been carried out and documentary records kept.<br><br>What good looks like : Documentation has been recorded correctly , spot check 5 files.<br>

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are training records kept up to date , is version control on training material recorded to ensure all training is up to date,<br><br>What good looks like : Agency files available and up to date , spot check for 5 team members.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Have agency staff attended / been briefed on team 5 .<br><br>What good looks like : Agency manager can confirm that team 5 is given to agency staff.

Contracts Catering

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Is there clear separation of cooked and raw preparation areas and equipment.<br><br>What good looks like : Colour coded equipment used and observed in use.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are cold chain guidelines followed when receiving deliveries.<br><br>What good looks like : Documented records of temperatures are maintained.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are regular audits of procedures undertaken by catering contractor .<br><br>What good looks like : Last audit is available any remedial action is completed.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Is the depot weekly audit completed to timescale.<br><br>What good looks like : Documented copy available , with next steps.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Is there next evidence of next steps and review.<br><br>What good looks like : Documented evidence.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Have staff completed their food hygiene certificate.<br><br>What good looks like : Training records available , check 5 staff that have food hygiene certificates available.<br><br>

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are temperatures of all refrigerated storage checked twice a day and recorded.<br><br>What good looks like: Record produced and actions recorded.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are temperatures of cooked food recorded.<br><br>What good looks like: Out of oven and display temperatures , a minimum of 72c for cooking / reheating, and 63c for holding; records are available. Where temperatures were incorrect , a record of corrective action is available.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are records of hot food temperatures kept for 3 months.<br><br>What good looks like: Record must be present.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are floors clean in preparation and serving areas with no spillages.<br><br>What good looks like: Floors clean and spillage free in preparation and serving area.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Is there a cleaning schedule for all areas of the kitchen.<br><br>What good looks like: Documented cleaning schedule detailing frequency and depth of cleaning.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are vending machines clean, food within use by date and chilled machines within temperature spec.<br><br>What good looks like: Machines clean, all food within use by date and chilled machines within temperature spec.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Is there a defect book or electronic defect process in use for faulty equipment.<br><br>What good looks like: Defect book or electronic process is in use and maintenance issues are death with through correct process.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Is all food within the store area ( ambient and cold stores ) within code date.<br><br>What good looks like : No out of code for sale food in chilled cabinet, back fridges and freezers storage. There is a procedure recording disposal of out of code products.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are restaurant opening hours on display.<br><br>What good looks like : Opening hours are on display and in line with stream opening hours.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Do vending machine / shop prices match product price list and point of sale material.<br><br>What good looks like : All prices match between lists and those on display cabinets / vending machines.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Does the vending machine range match the current Plano gram and includes local choice selections.<br><br>What good looks like : Range matches planograms for distribution vending snack centre 2 shopperton 2 chilled food merchandisers.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Is menu planning part of the forum agenda.<br><br>What good looks like : Menu planning is part of the forum agenda , including discussion of local choice items.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are light equipment audits completed each period with plans to replenish items in place.<br><br>What good looks like : Light equipment audits are in place and orders placed to maintain correct ratios i.e number of seats in restaurant by two. Light equipment is plates, crockery , mugs and serving utensils.

Contracts Catering 2

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Does the hot counter match the what good looks like in the managing your staff room.<br><br>What good looks like : Reference pages 18 and 19 in managing you staff room

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Does the cold counter match the what good looks like in the managing your staff room.<br><br>What good looks like : Reference pages 18 and 19 in the managing your staff room.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Do the chilled and snack and coffee machines match the what good looks like in the managing your staff room . <br><br>What good looks like : reference pages 20 and 21 and 24 in managing your staff room.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Is the staff room to the correct standards for self clear tables.<br><br>What good looks like: Staff have their finished meals/crockery to a tray clearing trolley, table talkers are within date and limited to one per table , one team newspaper visible and available , any posters on display are in date, no missing paint or sticky tape left on walls from previous posters.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are COSHH controlled substances , bleach etc stored safely. Note due to limited amount will not be in flame proof cupboard etc.

Catering Cleaning

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Is contractor cleaning equipment colour coded.<br><br>What good looks like: Red = Toilet, Blue = Food prep, Yellow = Offices/ Warehouse, Green = External, White = Other.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Is there evidence of a weekly cleaning audit being undertaken by the cleaning contractor and Tesco, are next steps produced and being actioned.<br><br>What good looks like : Weekly cleaning audit records available and confirm it is happening to timescale and next steps have been / Are being actioned.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are corridors clear from obstruction and the floor clean.<br><br>What good looks like : No rubbish or boxes stored in corridors, floor clean of spillages.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are toilets / rest facilities clean.<br><br>What good looks like : Facilities free from litter , debris , spillages and clean to mark yes.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are there clean tables and floors in canteen.<br><br>What good looks like : All tables and floors clean and free of food.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Check the warehouse floor including bay doors, etc are free from debris.<br><br>What good looks like : Premises are clean and free from debris.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Do soap / towel dispensers in the MHE workshop have sufficient soap / towels.<br><br>What good looks like : Towel dispenser has towels , Barrier cream dispenser contains cream and works, hand cleaner dispenser contains cream and works.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Is car park free of a build up of litter / debris .<br><br>What good looks like : No build up particularly around smoke shelter.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Check external areas R clean and free from debris.<br><br>What good looks like : Premises are clean and free from debris.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Check external drains are free from blockages and will allow the free flow of water.<br><br>What good looks like : Premises are clean and free from debris.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Check waste receptacles where provided are clean and are not overflowing .<br><br>What good looks like : Premises are clean and free from debris.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are all gas cylinders stored safely for cleaning contractors.<br><br>What good looks like : Cylinders must be stored upright ( locked ) cage. Oxygen cylinders must be a minimum of 3m away from LPG and acetylene; no smoking or naked flame and compressed gas signage erected.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are waste transfer notes provided by licences waste contractors for cardboard , shrink wrap , food and plastic.<br><br>What good looks like : Waste transfer notes and annual certificate provided by contractor or Tesco environmental code required to score yes. Note on some depots may be kept by maintenance manager and be included in their checks.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are waste transfer notes kept for 3 years .<br><br>What good looks like : Check dates of oldest notes, ensure all contractors notes kept for 3 years.

  • Type : Procedures<br><br>Are food skips uplifted on a regular basis.<br><br>Skips should be uplifted at least once a week, documented date of last uplift is within one week. Note on some sites maintenance manager may hold the documents.

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