Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Audit questions
Is there an accurate inventory of all chemicals on site in place?
Is there a procedure in place to control chemicals entering site?
Is there safety data sheets and COSHH risk assessments in place for all chemicals on site?
are COSHH risk assessments and MSDS available at point of use?
Are stored liquid chemicals stored on suitable bunding, 110% capacity?
Are chemicals correctly stored when not in use on the shop floor areas?
Are chemicals clearly labelled with what they are, associated hazard symbols present
Are waste chemicals labelled as waste and stored in a suitable location until final disposal
Do operators know what PPE they are required to wear when using chemical in their work area and why?
Do operators know what to do in the event of a spillage or personal contamination?
Are chemical spill kits available around the site?
Are all gas bottles clearly labelled with their content?
Are gas bottles chained when not in use and plastic caps in place?
Do the gas regulators have date inspection labels attached?
Is there suitable hand wash facilities in place for all staff within the site? Is soap and barrier creams available at point of use?
Are suitable controls in place to address dust and fumes?
Do first aid measures take into account the specific hazards of the chemicals used e.g. burns treatment, eye wash stations etc.
Are appropriate fire fighting equipment in locations where flammable chemicals are being used?