Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Second Checker
CD Audit
Are all CD's clearly segregated?
Is the stock level appropriate?
Are there any out-of-date medicines in the CD cupboard?
Are drugs awaiting destruction clearly segregated from other stock on the cupboard?
Is there anything else stored in the CD cupboard that should not be in there?
CD Register
Is there a separate page in the CD register for each drug, each formulation and strength?
Are all entries complete, clear and legible? <br><br>-This should include name and form of drug, quantity of stock, date received, resident name, date, time, quantity supplied, signature of person administering drug, signature of witness and remaining balance.<br>
Are all entries supported by two signatories if required?
If applicable, are any amendments in the CD register annotated with footnotes (initialed and dated) ) rather than crossed out?
If crossing out is found, has follow up action taken been documented?
Are all stock balances correct?
Is there a record of all CDs that have been destroyed or returned to pharmacy?
CD Administration
At administration has the prescription chart been signed by two members of staff?
Has the CD register been signed by the same two members of staff who administered the medicine?
Patient Administration
Collect CD register and a prescription chart for a patient who has been administered a CD - <br><br>Check prescription, administration and documentation is correct
Overall Assessment
Are there any improvements needed?
Does the department practice well?