
  • Store Number

  • Store Name

  • Conducted on

  • Completed by

  • Last MST Result

  • Current Accrual

  • Cycle Budget

  • Current Tracking

  • Next MST

  • Full Year Risk Projection

  • Previous Healthcheck Score


  • Store Security Guard can describe what the top loss lines are for the store

  • Colleagues can describe what is Shrink and 3 causes

  • Colleagues can describe what the shrink performance is for the store.

  • Colleagues can describe the tagging price points (choose 2 areas)

  • Shift Leaders can describe the store shrink performance and 2 of the points from the store action plan

  • Shift Leaders can describe the 6 Security Six checks


  • Checkout is manned and kiosk door secure

  • EAS gates and Checkout De-activation unit’s work. If not working they have been reported to maintenance

  • No unsecure tobacco or cash present

  • Staff Searches being completed and meeting company targets

  • Department Key Entry is reviewed weekly and a plan is in place to reduce usage

  • Self Service and Card Only Checkout voids have been reviewed and there is a plan to reduce the quantity

Product Protection

  • All fresh corporate Tag Me lines are protected using soft tags. Tags are applied close to barcode. <br>067684464

  • All ambient corporate Tag Me lines are protected with soft tags. Tags are applied close to barcode. <br>067684487

  • Store specific problem lines on Ambient areas are protected. Review Deep Dive and Dashboard

  • Store specific problem lines on Fresh areas are protected. Review Deep Dive and Dashboard

  • Restricted fill is in place on high risk areas.

  • Security POS is displayed in all high risk areas

  • Risers in place on high risk areas

  • Chewing Gum unit secure

Backdoor & Warehouse

  • Back door and gates are locked and alarmed at all times

  • High Risk alcohol is in a locked secured cage

  • No high value delivery left unsecure (Tobacco, Cards, Click and Collect)

  • Smoke Cloak is on ready with a green light. If not log with Maintenance. The key should be removed and stores in the secure key cabinet.

  • Click and Collect items are stored securely

  • Daily audit of Click and Collect parcels is completed

Safes/Cash Office

  • Cash Office door is closed and locked at all times

  • All change safes are locked and no cash left out of the safe.

  • Tobacco is in a locked safe and under dual control

  • All keys are controlled and kept locked in key cabinet

Stock Routines

  • Stock record movement reports have been reviewed and filed

  • Scheduled Overs and Lows target met and OSI is being completed

  • Gap Scan is completed to company standard with stock record errors below company target

  • Is the Security 6, Weekly Loss Prevention Dashboard and Deep Dive up to date with relevant next steps/action plan in place

  • Last week's Top 10 loss lines from Dashboard have been counted

  • Has the weekly DSS been reviewed and signed off by the SM and all issues captured on the DSS checklist

  • Store is 100% for all News and Mags KPIs

  • Coffee Machine milk is transferred daily

  • Colleague Room transfers have been actioned frequently and all products are accounted for.


  • Waste bins and waste cage are locked

  • Waste prints checked, signed and filed for 2 weeks

  • Review SBO - banana waste is recorded consistently 054739758 Express 050502269 Metro

  • Waste Areas in chillers or warehouse are clear

  • Check 2 waste bags to ensure all products recorded (incl Meat if available)

  • ACAYG reports are being reviewed and there is evidence of this

  • AM/OSM/GSSM sign off

  • Sign off by Store Colleague

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.