Document No.
Sudent Name
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Does Student check for DANGER
Does Student check for a RESPONSE
Does Student Send for Help
Does Student complete an Airway check / open
On an adult
On an infant
Does Student do a Breathing- check
Does Student Deliver CPR
On an adult
On an infant
Student shows Correct hand position
Student demonstrates Correct depth for compressions
Student completes a Continuous cycle of 30:2
Student displays Pistol grip, hand clear of throat
Student completes Head tilt
Student gets a Mouth seal
Student Use second operator when available
Student Calls for AED
Completes Breaths within the cycle
Operate AED
Student Operate AED according to instructions
Signs of life, aftercare
Student Clear airway
Student demonstrates the Recovery position
Student Monitors the casualty
I declare that the information included in this report is true and I have witnessed the student participate in activities set out to simulate first aid