Title Page

  • Company Name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Contact Person

  • Contact details

  • Industry

  • Number of Employees

  • Number of Branches / Sites?

  • Current Products

Industrial Relations

  • Do you need to belong to a bargaining council and do you pay the relevant levies?

  • Do you have company policies and procedures and have these been implemented?

  • Do all your employees have signed Employment Contracts?

  • Do you follow formal procedures (hearings/consultations) for misconduct/poor performance/ incapacity?

  • Do you comply with the minimum wages for your industry?

  • Do you comply with the minimum requirements in terms of leave etc. as per BCEA if no bargaining council?

  • Do you have any current CCMA cases pending?

  • Do you issues warnings for poor performance?

  • Do you have an independent chairperson?

  • Do you have a Trade Union?


  • Are you experiencing BEE pressure from your clients?

  • Are you currently B-BBEE Compliant?

  • Do you conduct business with government or have active or possible tenders?

  • Does your Turnover exceed 10 Million per annum?

  • Do you have a BEE strategy in place to achieve a specific BEE level? (Desired Level)

  • Do you have a software to track & manage your BBBEE strategy?

  • Do you have a budget assigned to BEE?

  • Do you submit an EEA2 and EEA4 (Employment Equity Reports) annually to the Department of Labour?

  • Do you submit your workplace skills plan and annual training report to the SETA annually?

  • Do you have black ownership within your organisation?

  • Do you implement learnerships?


  • Do you make use of payroll software and do you have a dedicated consultant?

  • Is your system Cloud based?

  • Is the company compliant with the requirements for issuing payslips to employees, including providing detailed information on earnings, deductions, and other relevant information?

  • Does your employees have online access to view Payslips, apply for leave and other financial reimbursements?

  • Is the company compliant with any specific industry regulations or bargaining council agreements that may impact payroll, such as additional benefits or allowances?

  • Do you submit UIF via E-filing as well as an electronic file to the Deparment of Labour?

  • Do you make use of HR software to record disciplinary and employee development ?

  • Do you have a performance appraisal and internal recognition cycle?

  • Can your payroll department present the latest EMP501 / EMP201 reconciliation?

  • Are the necessary payroll deductions being made accurately and on time? This includes deductions for Pay-As-You-Earn, Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF), skills development levy (SDL), and any other legally required deductions.

Health and Safety

  • Does the organisation have an internal resource with OHS Background?

  • Does the company have a OHS policy & strategic objectives, is it signed by the CEO and displayed in the workplace?

  • Have legal appointments been developed, signed and do they include responsibilities (16.1, 16.2, Risk Assessor, Incident Investigator, First Aider, Fire Fighter, Emergency Coordinator?

  • Is there competent personnel and adequate infrastructure (Fire fighting equipment, First Aid Kit, Emergency signage and Emergency floorplan) to respond to and mitigate emergency situations?

  • Are documented OHS Risk Assessments for the organisation conducted and reviewed?

  • Is there a documented Accident / Incident Reporting procedure in place?

  • Are monthly checklists completed on emergency equipment and other required items (ladders, portable electrical equipment, hand tools, vehicles etc.)

  • Valid Letter of Good Standing available?

  • Is there a signed OHS Plan?

Skills & Equity

  • Does your annual payroll exceed R500 000 per annum?

  • What is your annual payroll?

  • Is 1% of payroll paid to SARS in terms of Skills Development Levies?

  • Do you have a committee in place? (only if more than 50 employees)

  • Has the company appointed a Skills Development Facilitator?

  • Do you submit your workplace skills plan and annual training report to the SETA annually?

  • Do you identify Training needs in your organisation?

  • Have you applied for discretionary / mandatory grants from the SETA?

Information Compliance

  • Do you transfer information outside of the country?

  • How are you storing client and employee information?

  • Do you have anyone who processes information on your behalf? i.e. payroll, external auditor, external bookkeeper, medical aid broker, insurance broker.

  • Do you conduct any direct marketing? (i.e. sending bulk SMS's/emails advertising your products)

  • Do you make use of electronic devices?

  • Do you store any information by way of a database, external storage or even cloud based storage?

  • Do you have a PAIA manual in place?

  • Are your clients/employees aware of which information you have of theirs?

  • Do you have procedures in place for how to deal with a potential security breach?

  • Do you have a website?

  • Is your POPI and PAIA Manual visible on your website?

  • Do you process any children's information?

Sign off Sheet

  • Consultant Signature

  • Client Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.