Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Area/ Village/Ward
Area/ Village type
School Name
Teacher of Class (Grade)
Class Strength/ No. of pupils
Gender (of Teacher)
Number of years of teaching experience
Period of engagement in the school/ NFE (in months or years)
Education of Teacher/ Educator (circle/ choose the correct option)
Please specfy
Do you teach as a volunteer?
What is (are) your primary motivation for teaching?
What are the main issues that children face when accessing education?
What are the primary reasons for out-of-school children in your community?
Are there any particular reasons for the drop-out of children from schools, especially female children?
Do you have any knowledge on the concept of ‘protection of children in emergency situations’?
Do you have any knowledge on the requirements of psycho social support for children?
Do you have any knowledge on the requirements of vulnerable children in particular those living with disabilities, displaced or any other?
What kind are the requirements of vulnerable children in your opinion?
What challenges do you experience as a teacher in delivering education services in the schools/NFE centre?
Do you have access to water and toilets in school/ NFE? Is it separate than the one for children?
What improvements can be made to make education and learning more accessible, equitable and gender-friendly in your school?