Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Risk Assessment
Generic Risk Assessment
Do you have an up to date copy of the Generic Risk Assessment ?
If the answer to the above question is No, have you informed your Line Manager ?
Hazard Identification
Does the Generic Risk Assessment cover the activities for scope of works ?
If the answer to the above question is No, have you informed your Line Manager ?
PPE Requirements
Do you have the relevant PPE required to complete the task/s safely ?
If the answer to the above question is No, have you informed your Line Manager ?
Equipment Requirements
Do you have the correct equipment for the task/s
If the answer to the above question is No, have you informed your Line Manager ?
Do you have an up to date copy of the relevant CoSHH data sheets ?
If the answer to the above question is No, have you informed your Line Manager ?
Have you had the relevant training to carry out the task/s safely ?
If the answer to the above question is No, have you informed your Line Manager ?
Emergency procedures
Do you have access to a First Aid Kit
If the answer to the above question is No, have you informed your Line Manager ?
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