Title Page
Customer Name:
Property Address:
Prepared by:
Conducted on:
What Product(s) does this Handover relate too?
- Air Source Heat Pump
- Solar PV
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Ground Source Heat Pump
- Solar Thermal
- Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery
Are there any minor items/defects that have been identified by either the installation team or the customer that need resolving that does not effect the operation of the installation?
- No
- Yes
Provide a brief description of any item(s) that need resolving:
Has a date been agreed with the customer to rectify?
What date has been agreed?
I confirm that the system(s) are operational and with the exception of the above detailed issued appears to be complete. All handover documents (including MCS Certificate, test certifications, DNO notifications and Local Authority notifications) required by MCS will be issued by Heatic Group Limited within 10 working days of final payment for the works. Acceptance of this statement does not affect your contractural or statutory rights under the contract. Any further defects subsequently discover and notified to Heatic Group Limited will be rectified without reasonable delay.
Installer Signature
Customers Signature