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1. Customer Communication

  • Audit Criteria: ISO 9001: 8.2, ISO 14001: 7.4, ISO 27001: A.7, ISO 45001: 7.4

  • Are all customer communications documented and maintained on the CMS system?<br>Evidence Required: Records of emails, service requests, and on-site meeting notes.

  • Is there clear communication regarding environmental, OH&S, and information security requirements? <br>Evidence Required: Environmental Aspects Procedure (MP08), Communication Procedure (MP15)

  • Are customer feedback mechanisms (complaints, compliments, surveys) effectively implemented, documented, and analyzed? <br>Evidence Required: Customer Portal data, satisfaction surveys, feedback reports.

  • Is customer feedback reviewed during management reviews, and are actions taken for improvement?<br>Evidence Required: Management review meeting minutes.

  • Are legal and regulatory compliance obligations related to customer communications addressed?<br>Evidence Required: Documentation on compliance with data protection (GDPR), environmental laws, and OH&S regulations.

2. Determination of Customer Requirements

  • Audit Criteria: ISO 9001: 8.2.2, ISO 14001: 6.1.2, ISO 27001: A.6, ISO 45001: 6.1.2

  • Are customer requirements identified through site visits, tenders, and CMS requests?<br>Evidence Required: Tender documents, site visit reports, CMS records.

  • Are environmental, health & safety, and information security impacts considered in proposals/quotations?<br>Evidence Required: Proposal documents, method statements.

  • Is there a documented process for handling enquiries, quotations, and tenders?<br>Evidence Required: SharePoint records, CMS quotations.

  • Are risks and opportunities related to customer requirements identified and managed?<br>Evidence Required: Risk assessment documentation (ISO 9001: 6.1, ISO 14001: 6.1.1, ISO 27001: 6.1.2, ISO 45001: 6.1.2).

3. Review of Customer Requirements

  • Audit Criteria: ISO 9001: 8.2.3, ISO 14001: 6.1.2, ISO 27001: A.6, ISO 45001: 8.1.3

  • Are contract reviews conducted to ensure all customer and legal requirements are met?<br>Evidence Required: Signed contracts, contract review forms on SharePoint/CMS.

  • Are contract amendments reviewed and documented appropriately?<br>Evidence Required: Contract variation records on CMS.

  • Are changes that affect OH&S, environmental, or information security performance managed and controlled per IMS Guide 8.1.3?<br>Evidence Required: Change management documentation.

  • Are all compliance obligations (legal, regulatory, contractual) reviewed and addressed in customer contracts?<br>Evidence Required: Compliance logs, legal requirement checklists.

4. Risk and Opportunity Management

  • Audit Criteria: ISO 9001: 6.1, ISO 14001: 6.1.1, ISO 27001: 6.1.2, ISO 45001: 6.1.2

  • Are risks and opportunities related to customer processes identified and documented?<br>Evidence Required: Risk registers, opportunity assessments.

  • Are identified risks (quality, environmental, OH&S, information security) evaluated and mitigated appropriately?<br>Evidence Required: Risk mitigation plans, corrective action records.

5. Continual Improvement Processes

  • Audit Criteria: ISO 9001: 10.2, ISO 14001: 10.2, ISO 27001: A.16, ISO 45001: 10.2

  • Are corrective actions for non-conformities effectively implemented and tracked?<br>Evidence Required: Corrective action logs, non-conformance reports.

  • Are trends in customer feedback used to drive continual improvement?<br>Evidence Required: Trend analysis reports, improvement action plans.

  • Are improvement opportunities identified during audits, management reviews, and feedback evaluations?<br>Evidence Required: Management review minutes, audit reports.

6. Compliance with ISO Standards

ISO 9001 (Quality Management):

  • Are customer satisfaction levels monitored and addressed?

  • Are quality risks in customer processes identified and mitigated?

ISO 14001 (Environmental Management):

  • Are significant environmental aspects identified and managed in customer processes?

  • Are compliance obligations with environmental laws met?

ISO 27001 (Information Security Management):

  • Are customer-related information security risks identified and managed?

  • Are data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR) followed?

ISO 45001 (Occupational Health & Safety Management):

  • Are OH&S risks associated with customer contracts identified and mitigated?

  • Are emergency preparedness and response plans in place for customer sites?

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