Title Page

  • Do not enter text or alter the Incident Report Number Box, it will autogenerate the Incident Report Number.

  • Incident Report Number

  • Site

  • Date & Time of Incident

  • If selecting any Major Category or a Child Safety Incident, please contact your manager immediately. Your site manager will contact the relevant Site Support Person as required.


    Biological Hazard: Incidents relating to Code Browns, Infectious Clean-ups, or Sharps Found.

    Chemical Hazard: Incidents involving Chemical Spills or Chemical related Injuries.

    Child Safety: Incidents involving negligence of a child, sexual, physical or verbal abuse of a child.

    Confrontation: Incident involving people arguing, abusing or fighting.

    First Aid Treatment (Minor): Incidents with minimal damage, not requiring a follow up by a medical professional.

    First Aid Treatment (Major): Incidents where someone requires medical assistance, wither after the event, or by calling an Ambulance that is not life-threatening.

    Major Incident (Drowning): Incident that requires an unconscious patient to be removed from water and CPR commenced.

    Major Incident (Medical): Incident where someone requires immediate medical attention and is potentially life-threatening.

    Major Incident (Non-Medical): Incidents that are major but not medically related such as a evacuation, fire, bomb threat, or armed assault.

    Security Event: Incidents that involve non-life threatening theft or breaking and entering.

    Water Rescue: Incidents that involve removing a conscious swimmer from the water or any instance where lifeguard intervention is required to a swimmer to prevent injury or drowning.

  • Incident Type

  • Emergency Services Involved

  • Was the Person Involved an Employee or Patron

  • Person Completing this Report

Incident Report Details

Person Involved in Incident

  • Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Gender

  • Address

  • Phone

  • Guardian's Name (If Applicable)

  • Guardian's Mobile (If Applicable)

Site of Incident

  • Area of Incident

  • Specific Location of Incident

Incident Details

  • Please write a detailed description of the event with factual information only. Capture information so someone reading would be able to have full context.

  • Description of Incident

  • (Optional) Witness Details
  • Name

  • Phone

  • Address

  • Witness Statement

  • (If Applicable) First Aid Report
  • Area of Injury/Incident on Person

  • Type of Injury

  • Describe Treatment Given & For How Long

  • Was Oxygen / Defibrillation Required

  • Was further medical treatment advised post event?

  • What further treatment was advised & why?

  • (Add if Required) Ambulance Involvement
  • Time Called

  • Time Arrived

  • Any additional notes given by Paramedics

  • (Add if Required) Police Involvement
  • Time Called

  • Time Arrived

  • Police Investigation Number

  • Responding Officer / Investigator

  • (Add if Required) Fire Department Involvement
  • Time Called

  • Time Arrived

  • Time allowed back on site (If Applicable)

Follow Up Requirements

  • If incident requires further investigation and follow up, Please select Yes to the questions below, which will notify the site manager. Please also contract Manager directly. Site Managers should contact required persons for follow up within 48 hours.

  • Is further investigation & follow up required by the Site Manager?

  • If an incident involves learn to swim programming please select yet to notify Learn to Swim General Manager.

  • Is further investigation & follow up required due to Learn to Swim related Incident?

  • If an incident involves learn to swim programming please select yet to notify Squad General Manager.

  • Is further investigation & follow up required due to Squad related Incident?

  • Incident Investigation (To Be Completed if Required)
  • Use the optional items below to gather data to help determine the primary and root cause of the incident, and provide a summary and conclusion to the investigation. If control items are required, add them in the next section, titled: Control Actions.

  • Information Gathered

  • Environmental Factors Contributed

  • Environmental Factors Contributing to the Incident

  • Elaborate Reasoning for Response Selection

  • Equipment/Material Factors Contributed

  • Equipment/Material Factors Contributing to the Incident

  • Elaborate Reasoning for Response Selection

  • Work System Factors Contributed

  • Work System Factors Contributing to the Incident

  • Elaborate Reasoning for Response Selection

  • People Factors Contributed

  • People Factors Contributing to the Incident

  • Elaborate Reasoning for Response Selection

  • Determine the primary cause/s of the incident, that is, those which if they hadn’t occurred then the incident wouldn’t have occurred. Ask yourself “Would the incident have happened if….?”

  • What is the Primary Cause of the Incident (If Applicable)

  • One technique for identifying the root cause is the ‘Five Whys’. This technique involves asking yourself ‘Why did this happen?’ and continuing to ask ‘Why’ for each response until you reach a conclusion that does not generate another ‘why’ and the underlying cause becomes apparent.

  • What is the Root Cause of the Incident (If Applicable)

  • Investigation Summary

  • Investigation Conclusion

  • Person Completing this Investigation

  • Control Actions
  • Control or Action Required

  • Has Control Been Implemented

  • Date to be Completed or Reviewed

  • Person/Department Responsible for Control

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.