Title Page

  • Facility Name

  • Facility Category

  • Audit Date & Time Started

  • The audit number will be automatically generated, please leave blank.

  • Audit Number

  • Auditor Name & Signature

Site Presentation Audit

Presentation Audit Instructions & Use

  • For each individual site, please use the Repeat Sections (+ Button Green) to add the appropriate number of areas for that specific location. This will ensure the total score reflects the size and scope of the site being audited.

    Anything marked as Poor or Very Poor will be flagged automatically and can be turned into an action at completion of audit if desired.

  • Carpark & Entry
  • Is carpark clean, neat and tidy?

  • Are external gardens and lawns clean, neat and tidy?

  • Is all external signage correct, clean and neat?

  • Are all external lights working correctly?

  • Is entryway to site reception clean, neat and tidy?

  • Reception
  • Are floors clean, neat and tidy?

  • Are windows / glass clean, neat and tidy?

  • Are walls clean, neat and tidy?

  • Are café areas / seating clean, neat and tidy?

  • Is reception area / desk clean, neat & tidy?

  • Are retail / café displays well presented and stocked?

  • Is manager feedback box or QR A-frame displayed?

  • Is manager on duty sign displayed and filled in?

  • Customer Experience
  • Are the number of team members working relative to the number of patrons?

  • Overall Venue Vibe (Fun, Energetic - Delighting & Engaging)

  • Do Customers receive a warm welcome?

  • Do Customers receive an attentive farewell?

  • Are the phones answered correctly with a welcoming tone and in a reasonable time?

  • Office
  • Are all office areas clean, neat and tidy?

  • Staff Room
  • Are all staff room areas clean, neat and tidy?

  • Kitchen
  • Are all kitchen areas clean, neat and tidy?

  • Are all chemicals/food stored correctly?

  • Are all dispensers working correctly and clean?

  • Pool
  • Is the pool concourse clean, neat & tidy?

  • For Indoor Pools: Are walls clean, neat and tidy?

  • Are the bulk heads and scum lines clean?

  • Are the overflow grates/skimmer baskets clean?

  • Are the rails, lane ropes and diving blocks in good condition?

  • Is the pool basin and grout clean?

  • Is the water quality clean and clear?

  • Plant Room
  • Is plant room clean, neat & tidy?

  • Are plant room logs in place and plant functioning correctly?

  • Storage Room
  • Are storage room areas clean, neat & tidy?

  • Bathroom / Changeroom
  • Are all toilet check signs in place & complete?

  • Are bathroom floors clean, neat & tidy?

  • Are bathroom walls clean, neat and tidy?

  • Are roof and ceiling fixtures clean and free of lint?

  • Are toilet bowls and surrounds clean, neat & tidy?

  • Are hand basins & mirrors clean?

  • Are showers clean, neat & tidy?

  • Are all dispensers, taps, shower, bins, and cisterns in good order?

  • Privacy/Security Concern

  • Cleaning Store Room
  • Is room locked and not accessible to public?

  • Is room clean, neat & tidy, including chemical storage?

  • Gym Floor
  • Is gym floor clean, neat & tidy?

  • Are all windows, walls and mirrors clean?

  • Is all equipment in good condition?

  • Is all equipment free of dust?

  • Is all gym hygiene and safety signage available and visible?

  • Group Fitness Room
  • Is group fitness room clean, neat & tidy?

  • Are all windows, walls and mirrors clean?

  • Is all equipment in good condition?

  • Is all equipment free of dust?

  • Is all gym hygiene and safety signage available and visible?

  • Playzone
  • Is room clean, neat & tidy?

  • Are all windows, walls and mirrors clean?

  • Is all equipment in good condition?

  • Are all sign in books available and being used?

  • Internal Grounds
  • Are internal gardens clean, neat & tidy?

  • Are grandstands clean, neat & tidy?

  • Are all internal lights working correctly?

  • Assets
  • Are pool vacuums stored well and in good condition?

  • Are pool steps stored well and in good condition?

  • Are pool blankets stored well and in good condition?

  • Signage
  • Are all signs/ posters in date and branded correctly and in frames/laminated?

  • Are all frames displaying a poster?

Operational Safety Audit


  • Lifeguards should be in a position to be able to respond to an aquatic emergency within 30 seconds. If Lifeguard is being covered on a break, someone else should be in a lifeguard vest covering their supervision area.

  • VISUAL: Lifeguards can be identified on pool deck in a reasonable time frame (CA Only)

  • Lifeguards should not be stationary for longer than 30 seconds, unless completing a specific task. Lifeguards should be mobile and monitoring pools and bind spots as they move throughout their supervision route.

  • VISUAL: Lifeguards are consistently roaming and you consider the pools safely monitored (CA Only)

  • Lifeguards should be in the correct uniform, including Radio, Bum Bag & Whistle as illustrated in this picture.

  • VISUAL: Lifeguards are in the correct uniform (CA Only)

  • As a general rule, lifeguards to unstructured swimmers should not exceed 1:100. View Supervision Plans in CVM - Procedures shared google folder for more detailed information.

  • VISUAL: Correct Supervision Mode is selected currently, and the number of guards is adequate (CA Only)

  • VISUAL: Supervision Plans are displayed/available to team members

  • The key safety message of Keep Watch, is for 0-5 year olds and non-swimmers to be within arms reach of a parent/guardian 18 years or older. There should be wristbands given out by reception/lifeguards to indicate people that fall into that category, so Lifeguards can ensure they stay connected to their guardian.

  • VISUAL: Is the Keep Watch Policy being displayed and enforced (CA Only)

  • VERBAL: Lifeguard can explain what the GSPO is, and understands how SV plans are created (Do they understand their role/responsibilities) (CA Only)

  • VERBAL: Lifeguard can explain the modes and requirements and route in those modes? (CA Only)

  • The Emergency Action Plan should be able to be used to articulate most emergency scenarios.

  • VERBAL: Lifeguard can explain the Emergency Action Plan flow chart & how they would respond to an emergency now (Give them a scenario to explain)

  • Resuscitation = 15 L/Min, Therapy = 8 L/Min

  • VERBAL: Lifeguard can explain the location of all the emergency equipment and explain its use (including rates of oxygen)


  • Each pool basin, should have the ability to view the depth of the pool before entering the pool and whilst inside pool. Commonly we will place above ground signs that show the depth of the deep and shallow ends, which will meet both requirements. Painted and titled bulkheads are also common.

    Screenshot 2024-07-03 101229.png
  • Are sufficient depth markers available and visible around pool deck?

  • Rules signs may be stand alone: No Diving, No Running signs. Often they are included with the Depth signage as a combination sign. There are also Standing Lane Signs available that have a Keep Watch / Pool Rules combination for around deck (Southport Printing)

    Screenshot 2024-07-03 095714.png
  • Are sufficient rules signage available and visible around pool deck? (CA Only)

  • Facilities should have a Conditions of Entry sign at the front to enforce rules for patrons.

    Screenshot 2024-07-03 100159.png
  • Is Conditions of entry signage available and correct? (CA Only)

  • Keep Watch Signage should be available at Entry (Multilingual signage also available for sites that have CALD clients). They should also be available around pools, and ideally at the bathroom entry. New versions available on Southport Printing.

    Screenshot 2024-07-03 100456.png
  • Is Keep Watch signage available and correct? (CA Only)

  • Each pool should have a visible CPR sign on deck. Available from Bunnings.

    Screenshot 2024-07-03 100749.png
  • CPR Signage available around pools?

  • Bathrooms should have a Hygiene poster available. Can be downloaded from QLD Gov website. https://www.health.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0025/444373/swimming-poster.pdf

    Screenshot 2024-07-03 100934.png
  • Hygiene Signage available at Bathroom Entry?

  • Lap Pools & LTS Pools should have sign bases at the end of lanes that can accommodate signs that can accommodate Lap Lane, Lane Closed, Recreation Lane, etc.

  • Are lap lane/lesson area, inflatable, and wall signage available and correctly used?

  • City Sites should have A-Frames at entry to the facility that have the services on one side and a QR Code on the other side for clients to give feedback.

  • Welcome/Thank You QR Feedback A-Frames Available on entry (CA Only - Currently)

Incident Reporting

  • Can be checked in SafetyCulture by looking at Inspections and filtering by Template type.

  • Are incidents being recorded in SafetyCulture?

  • Are there any outstanding incomplete incidents, or incidents still requiring following up?

First Aid & Equipment

  • Oxygen & Defib should be in an easy to reach location. For sites that do not have a defib on site, they should have a sign that indicates the closest defib available.

  • Oxygen & Defibrillator are available and maintained?

  • First aid boxes are stocked (As per Weekly Audit Checklist) and available for use?

  • First aid room is available and stocked appropriately, if available? (CA Only)

  • Pools should have access to a Spinal Board (with Headblocks), Rescue Tubes, ideally 2 per 25m Pool, 4 per 50m Pool, and Throw Bags.

  • Spinal Board & Rescue equipment (Throw/Reach Tubes) are readily available and maintained? (CA Only)


  • The desktops on site should have a google profile signed in that has access to bookmarks with passwords automatically logged in. They should have a number of items bookmarked such as the CVM Procedures drive - as this allows us to reasonably say team members have access to items such as the Operations Manual.

  • Shared Drive (CVM - Procedures) is available to staff on desktops?

  • Safe Systems of Work drive is available to staff on desktops?

  • Site Master Risk Assessment Matrix is up to date and available to staff on desktops?

  • Guidelines for Safe Pool Operations Subscription is available to staff on desktops?

  • The following can be checked in SafetyCulture by looking at Inspections and filtering by Template type.

  • Have the Daily Site Tour been completed regularly? (SafetyCulture)

  • Have the Daily Oxygen/Defib Checks been completed regularly? (SafetyCulture)

  • Have the Weekly Safety Checks been completed regularly? (SafetyCulture)

  • The following items are the only things that should still be paper based on sites. With the Daily Checklists and Plant Room Log being laminated and wiped down each week.

  • Is the Daily checklists displayed and up to date? (Physical Checklist)

  • Is the plant room logs displayed in plant rooms and up to date (Physical Checklist)

  • Is Safety Flip Chart up & available to staff? (Physical Checklist)

  • Is the contractor sign-in book available? (Physical Checklist)

  • Electrical equipment that require to be plugged into a power point should have a tag on it that is signed and dated within 12 months. New items do not require to be done until 12 months as passed.

  • Electrical Equipment is tested and tagged?

Induction & Training

  • The following items can be checked in City Central Analytics, each has a dedicated dashboard. Qualifications, CPO & Lifeguard Certification should be above 95%

  • Qualifications for staff are up to date?

  • CPO Inductions/Course completed for staff?

  • Lifeguard Certification (Quarterly Training) is completed/scheduled for the quarter and team certified (CA Only)

  • General Safety Refresher & Annual Evacuation has been conducted and trained in the last 12 months?

Meetings & Feedback

  • Is there a fortnightly Dept. Heads meeting being held and documented regularly? (CA Only)

  • Has the feedback document been updated regularly? (Google Sheet)

Fire Safety

  • Fire Extinguishers should be tested at least 12 monthly. The gauges on the extinguishers should be pointed upright and in the green. The Tag and pin should be still in place. If any of these are untrue, the extinguishers needs service / replacement.

  • All fire extinguishers/fire blankets/fire hoses are tested and tagged?

  • All designated Fire Exits must be kept free and accessible. Any items that may obstruct a fire exit must be removed.

  • Are all fire exits clear for exit (1m Clearance)?

  • Are all emergency exit signage visible and lit?

  • Are emergency exit maps available, correct, and in date?

Water Quality & Pool Testing

  • These items can be viewed in City Central, Pool Testing Results

  • Pool testing iPad and app are complete and up to date?

  • Parameters of water quality are within acceptable ranges?

  • Is Microbiological Test results kept on site?

  • Plant Room operations appear to be up to date and Plant equipment working correctly?

  • All chemical lines transporting Co2, Acid or Chlorine should have coloured labels displayed at injection points. Pipework transporting water, should indicate flow direction, and soiled, treated, or heated water.

  • All Plant room equipment & pipework is correctly labelled (Correct colour coding)?

Safety Data Sheets

  • All areas that house hazardous chemicals, such as plant rooms, chemical store rooms and cleaning store rooms, should have an SDS Register displayed that indicated the chemicals present and the quantities and location of those chemicals. SDS QR Codes are provided to direct people to the SDS storage for all chemicals held at CVM.

  • SDS Register + QR Code is created for site and displayed on entrances to all areas holding chemicals?

  • SDS Registers correct with correct chemicals & up to date? (Location & Quantity Filled in - Dated within 12 Months)


  • Some key information when trying to decide the safest place to storage certain chemicals.
    Liquids should not be stored above Dry chemicals, in case of spills. Ideally liquid and dry chemicals should be stored separately if possible.
    Liquids should be stored in Bunding (a container or receptacle able to capture spills) or a liquid chemicals cupboard.
    Loose Dry Chemicals should also be stored in containers once opened.



  • Are all chemicals on site stored correctly & safety?

  • Placard & Manifest Quantities: <br>Sodium Hypochlorite: 250L / 2,500L<br>Calcium Hypochlorite: 50KGS / 500KGS<br>Hydrochloric Acid: 250L / 2,500L<br>Sulphuric Acid: 50L / 500L<br>Any Combination if not reached individually: 1,000L / 10,000L

  • Is appropriate Hazchem Placard signage present for the chemicals on-site?

  • Placard & Chemical identification signage available in the Hazardous Substances Drive to be placed up on site.

  • Is chemical identification and PPE requirement signage up and correct?


  • All plant rooms or major chemical storage areas should have access to: Respirator, Face Shield/Mask/Goggles. Elbow-Length Gloves, Apron, Gum Boots. Ideally in a labelled box.
    Note: Respirators are required to be in an individual box, even inside the larger PPE box.

  • PPE is available in plant rooms & maintained?

  • Spill kits should have access to a dustpan and brush and a shovel as part of it's kit, and be available close to liquid chemicals or areas where liquids are transferred.

  • Are spill kits available in relevant plant rooms?

  • Non-Plumbed eye wash stations, do not need to be serviced, but the consumable spray bottles should be checked for expiry dates.

  • Eye Wash Stations are available and serviced within last 12 months?

  • PPE, Spill Kit & Eye Wash Station Signage is available to indicate location in plant rooms?

  • Additional Hazards or Concerns
  • Any other WH&S Risks noticed while on site?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.