
  • Audit Title (Property Name)

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Type of Inspection

  • Address
  • Personnel in Attendance for Inspection

Current Life Safety Issues

Current Life Safety Issues:

  • Does property have current life safety issues that need to be addressed immediately?

  • Issue:

  • Add media

  • Issue:

  • Add media

  • Issue:

  • Add media

  • Recommendation 5

  • Add media

  • Recommendation 6

  • Add media

  • Recommendation 7

  • Add media

  • Recommendation 8

  • Add media

  • Recommendation 9

  • Add media

Cap Ex Requirements

  • Recommendation 1

  • Add media

  • Recommendation 2

  • Add media

  • Recommendation 3

  • Add media

  • Recommendation 4

  • Add media

  • Recommendation 5

  • Add media

Non-Life Threatening Concerns

List any non-life threatening concerns.

  • Did this inspection reveal any non-life threatening concerns?

  • Concern #1

  • Add media

  • Concern #2

  • Add media

  • Concern #3

  • Add media

  • Concern #4

  • Add media

Coaching Oppertunities

  • Based on inspection and team interactions are there any areas or items that the MD, CD or team could use coaching on?


  • Did Community Director or Assistant Community Director complete this inspection with inspector? If not, why? If yes, list name of attendee.

  • Was Maintenance Director present? If not, Why? If so, note name of attendee.

  • Was RD present? Please enter RD name?


  • Is OSHA Form 300A (summary) properly completed and on file or posted?

  • Has the OSHA 300 Log been properly updated as required in the OSHA 300 record keeping instructions?

  • Is the copy of the Risk Manual the current version? (Version 05-2016)

  • Do all employees know where to find the Risk Manual?

  • Are employees knowledgeable on risk management programs (check safety meeting training logs, safety binder, ask employees)?

  • Are photo ID's collected prior to tour?

  • Are administrative staff aware of security measures to take when touring?

  • Always follow behind the prospect inside the unit?

  • Aware of apartment layout?

  • Is a list of occupational health clinics posted - including work comp form?

  • Did property respond to last annual risk/safety inspection within the required 30 days?

  • Is current monthly "Hot Topic" posted?

  • Add media

Are the following requirements set up and maintained as outlined in the Risk Manual? (Last 3 years available to review)

  • Quarterly Property Inspections? Note date of last quarterly inspection.

  • Add media

  • Monthly Playground / Dog Park Inspections

  • Add media

  • Monthly Golf Cart Inspections?

  • Add media

  • Weekly Light Checks?

  • Add media

  • Refrigerant logs?

  • Add media

  • Package logs?

  • Add media

General Office Compliance

  • Are emergency phone numbers posted for both employees and vendors?

  • Is fire extinguisher available?

  • Is flashlight available?

  • Is electronic security system operational?

  • Is exit signage present and working properly?

  • Are child safety latches installed on cabinets that store chemicals?

  • Is office ADA compliant? (ramp, door width, clear path through office)

  • Add media

  • Check 10 work orders from at least 30 days prior to inspection to ensure they are completed properly and as per policy in OneSite Facilities.

  • Work order #

  • Work order #

  • Work order #

  • Work order #

  • Work order #

  • Work order #

  • Work order #

  • Work order #

  • Work order #

  • Work order #

Does the first aid kit meet the following requirements:

  • Is Community Director and one other person CPR and First Aid Certified? Posted on First Aid Kit?

  • Add media

  • Disposable gloves and eye protection?

  • First aid textbook or manual?

  • CPR mask?

  • Bandage scissors?

  • Antibacterial skin wipes?

  • Bandages?

  • Free of expired products? ( including topical antibacterial products)

  • Free of oral medications?

Does the property meet the following safety and risk requirements per guidelines:

  • Has annual dryer vent inspection been completed? When? (3rd party inspection required every other year. In house inspection every other year) Please note the last date of inspection and who preformed it.

  • Has annual fireplace inspection been done by a licensed contractor? Note vendor and date.

  • Is recovery machine registered with EPA and form posted?

  • Add media

  • Have fire extinguishers been inspected yearly and those over six (6) years old been properly reconditioned? Review documentation and note inspection date and vendor.

  • Add media

  • Are fire hydrants tested annually? Review documentation and note inspection date and vendor.

  • Are fire sprinklers and fire alarm systems tested annually? Review documentation and note date and vendor.

  • Add media

  • Have glycol systems had annual inspection by qualified contractor? Note date and vendor.

  • Has the system been triggered? If yes, was it recharged properly?

  • Are back flow inspections conducted annually and is proper documentation filed with city? Note date and vendor.

  • Have all current contracted painters signed the required agreement regarding covering fire sprinkler heads? Note contractor name and date of agreement.

  • Add media



Hazardous Communication

  • Does the property specific Hazardous Communications Program meet requirements?

  • Add media

  • Has a chemical inventory been completed and is it up to date, including vendors (within the last 12 months)?

  • Are SDS sheets available for all chemicals?

  • Are SDS sheets in their proper place including all 3rd party vendors?

  • Are all Chemical containers properly labeled?

  • Add media

  • Do all employees know where to find the SDS sheets?

  • Are SDS sheets being maintained for required time (30 years)

Respiratory Protection

  • Has Respiratory protection program been set up as outlined in the Risk Manual?

  • Add media

  • Is fit testing and medical evaluation performed every 12 months?

  • Are employees maintaining and cleaning their respirators as per care checklist?

  • Are respirators stored in a sealable container?

  • Add media

  • Does the MD conduct at least quarterly inspections and record results on Respirator Protection Checklist?

  • Are PPE (see Respiratory Protection Section) or work tools kept in proper working condition?

  • Add media

Moisture Management Plan

  • Has a Moisture Management Plan been setup as outlined?

  • Has a Bloodborne Pathogens Program been set up as outlined?

Bloodborne Pathogens

  • Are training records being maintained for 3 years?

  • Has each employee completed a Hep B vaccine declination or completed the Hep B vaccination series? (CD plus all maintenance staff)

Lock Out Tag Out

  • Is a Lockout/Tagout program in place as outlined in the Risk Manual?

  • Is all machinery or equipment capable of movement required to be de-energized or disengaged and locked-out during cleaning, servicing, adjusting, or setting up operations, or as required by manual?

  • Does property have a lockout tagout kit? One lock and multiple tags for each maintenance employee.

Confined Spaces

  • Does property have Confined Spaces or Permit Required Confined Spaces?

  • Have Confined Spaces and Permit Required Confined Spaces been identified and properly documented?

  • List Permit Required Confined Space entry areas below:

  • Add media

  • Add media

  • Add media

  • Add media

  • Add media

  • If any of the above are present, have they been labeled with "Permit Required - Confined Space" signage?

  • Add media

  • Are CWS employees who are allowed to enter these areas certified to do so? Has required training for all employees been conducted annually?

  • Does property have any non-permit required confined spaces?

  • Are spaces kept locked and free of debris and trash!

  • Is ladder available (if necessary) and are spaces accessible by authorized personnel only!

Emergency Response Plan

  • Has an Emergency Response Plan been set up as outlined?

  • Are cut off valves operational?

  • Add media

Key Control

Key Control

  • What type of key system does the property use?

  • Are all doors to the key room/closet kept locked at all times when staff is not in the room/closet?

  • If a manual key storage is used, is the key storage box kept locked at all times and is the key to the key storage box kept in a secure location?

  • Is the property using a key log to check keys in and out? (required even for properties with KeyTrac or HandiTrac)

  • Is the key log being filled out entirely each time a key is issued to a vendor or a resident (required for KeyTrac and HandiTrac)

  • Are completed key logs stored in Doc Management?

  • Is the property free from any type of master key system?

  • Are the building keys coded and not marked with apartment numbers?

  • Are vendor locks being used and documented properly?

  • If properly has fob / access card system are all unreturned fobs / access cards being deleted from the system when residents move out?

  • Are all access codes to access gates, pedestrian entrances and coded building entrances being changed quarterly? List all current codes in place. Note the date of last change.

  • Are all community cameras working and recording properly?

Common Areas

Office - Clubroom Areas

  • Are emergency lights working properly?

  • Trip hazards addressed properly?

  • Add media

  • Are smoke detectors present in all common areas and do testing records reflect annual testing?

  • Are carbon monoxide detectors present where required and do testing records reflect annual testing? Are they expired?

  • Are the common areas free of housekeeping safety hazards?

  • Are electrical and equipment cords (for computers, etc.) in serviceable condition and properly grounded?

  • Add media

Fitness Center

  • Are GFIs on all duplex outlets within 5' of a water source in fitness center?

  • Is the fitness center in good repair?

  • Add media

  • Does fitness center have adequate/working lighting?

  • Are trip hazards (cords, etc.) properly identified and/or secured?

  • Add media

Laundry Rooms

  • Are GFIs on all outlets or breakers in washing machine area?

  • Are vents free of lint/debris?

  • Add media

Models and Guest Suites

  • If equipped, are sprinkler heads free of paint or other debris?

  • Add media

  • If not equipped with sprinkler system, are fire extinguishers available within 60 feet?

  • Add media

  • Are smoke detectors working?

  • Add media

  • Are carbon monoxide detectors working?

  • Add media

  • Are locks installed per statute? (keyless deadbolt, sliding door pin/bar)

  • Add media

  • Is unit free of mold and water leaks?

  • Add media

Buildings - Property Exterior

  • Is pest control notice posted in visible location (i.e. mailboxes)?

  • Are building numbers visible, clearly marked and properly lit?

  • Add media

  • Are directional signs clearly visible and clean?

  • Add media

Parking Lots

  • Are parking lots maintained and free of potholes?

  • Add media

  • Free of oil/chemicals?

  • Add media

  • Are all fire lanes painted and in good condition and marked appropriately including handicap areas?

  • Add media

  • Are cubs/fire lanes clearly marked? No vehicles parked in fire lanes?

  • Add media

  • Parking stops in good condition, free of exposed rebar?

  • Add media

  • Are sidewalks free of mud, slippery substances, grass and debris? (note cracks/holes or uneven areas)

  • Add media

  • Is parking area free of standing water?

  • Add media

Steps - Stairways - Railings

  • Handrails secure, stable and in good condition?

  • Add media

  • Stair treads in good condition? Are brackets and tension expansion bars wooden or concrete?

  • Add media

  • Free of obstructions?

  • Add media

Building Exterior

  • Are attic access doors kept locked and secured at all times, or as per code?

  • Are riser rooms kept locked or secured?

  • Do Gage's in riser room have inspection dates posted and is the posted date of inspection still good?

  • Add media

  • Are patios/balconies free of BBQ grills?<br>(If answer is NO please make note under CURRENT LIFE SAFETY ISSUE section)

  • Add media

  • Is property free of any signs referencing or implying security (including "fake" camera signs)?

  • Add media

  • Are vacant units locked when not in use?

  • Are exterior lights sufficient and in working order? (review light check documentation and completed work orders)

  • Parking Lot lights?

  • Pool area lights?

  • Underwater Pool area lights?

  • Carport lighting?

  • Does community have rooftop lighting and if so is it functioning properly?

  • Walkway and stairwell lighting?

  • Laundry room lighting?

  • Mail area lighting?

  • Other areas?

  • Walkway and stairwell lighting?

  • Are exterior dryer vents free from lint and other obstructions?

  • Add media

  • Are trees and shrubs trimmed sufficiently to avoid interference with lighting, walkways, buildings and roofs?

  • Add media

  • Electrical grounding: Do maintenance employees check for grounding when AC units are serviced? Check 5 AC's.

  • Add media

Interior Hallways

  • Does property have interior hallways?

  • Do doors open out (if required by city/state law)

  • Are doors easily operated?

  • Does panic hardware work?

  • Is regular lighting operable?

  • Is emergency lighting operable?

  • Do exit signs illuminate?

  • Are doors kept closed when not in use?

  • Are auto door closers working?

Dry Sauna - Steam Sauna

  • Does property have a dry/steam sauna?

  • Temperature control present and working?

  • Benches are in good condition?

  • Add media

  • No exposed electrical?

  • Add media

  • Drains present and working properly?

  • Add media

  • Sufficient/working lighting?

  • No slippery surfaces?

  • Add media

  • Proper signage (rules, warning)?

  • Add media

Car wash / public vacuum,'s

  • Does community have car wash or vacuum's?

  • If yes, are grease trap / sand traps being cleaned out as required and by who?

Garage grease traps

  • Does the community have any grease traps (garage drains)?

  • Is yes are they cleaned out or maintained by community or outside vendors? Please explain any local or state requirements.

Tanning Beds

  • Does property have tanning beds?

  • Timers working?

  • Permits (if required)?

  • Add media

  • Clean and sanitary?

  • Add media

  • GFCI's?

  • Waiver's signed by residents?

Dog Parks

  • Does property have a dog park?

  • Fence in good condition?

  • Add media

  • Equipment in good condition?

  • Add media

  • Proper lighting?

  • Add media

  • Clean and free of waste?

  • Add media

  • GFCI's if water present?

  • Proper signage?

  • Are rules posted in clear view?<br>-hours<br>-emergency contact info<br>-dogs must be current on all vaccinations <br>-dog owners are responsible for picking up after dogs<br>-no aggressive dogs<br>-dog owners are responsible for all damage <br>-use of park is at their own risk, owner/management assumes no liability for injury or damage.

Tennis - Sports Courts

  • Does property have tennis or sports courts?

  • Is surface, netting, fencing and gates in good repair?

  • Add media

  • Are lights in working condition?

Trash Compactors

  • Does property have trash compactors?

  • Is power accessible to CWS personnel only?

  • Add media

  • Does area have proper signage?

  • Add media

  • Is area clean and free of safety hazards?

  • Add media

  • Is proper PPE used?

  • Are dumpsters/compactors maintained in good and safe working condition?

  • Are trash chutes kept closed or equipped with an auto closing mechanisms (fire safety)?

Access Gates

  • Does property have access gates? (drive through or pedestrian)

  • Are all gates properly marked with indemnification signs?

  • Add media

  • Do drive through gates have Knox Boxes or other access for fire department?

  • Are all drive through gates properly maintained and free of safety hazards?

  • Add media

  • Are all pedestrian gates properly maintained and free of safety hazards?

  • Add media

Retention Areas

  • Add media

  • Does property have water retention areas?

  • Is fencing intact, adequate and well maintained?

  • Add media

  • Is appropriate warning signs posted?

  • Add media

  • Is area clean and free safety hazards (review in house records or landscaping contract)?

  • Add media

Irrigation - Landscaping

  • Does irrigation system have a freeze sensor? Confirm device is in working conditions.

  • Add media

  • Has all metal landscape edging been removed from traffic/walk areas?

  • Add media

  • Are all irrigation boxes locked / secured?

  • Add media

Radon Detection System

  • Does the community have a radon detection system in place?

  • Add media

  • If so where are they located.

  • Add media

  • Is the system being checked as required ? (Quarterly in house and once annually by outside.<br> Vendor)

  • Add media

  • What is the name of the vendor being used to conduct yearly required inspection of radon systems. Please take photo of last inspection.

  • Add media

Shop - Storage - Boiler Areas

Storage Rooms - Shops

  • Are safety notices and rules posted?

  • Add media

  • Are shop areas clean and organized? Free of obstructions? Good housekeeping?

  • Add media

  • Are all protective guards operational?

  • Add media

  • Are all electrical and equipment cords in servicable condition and properly grounded? GFCI cord available?

  • Add media

  • Are chemicals and hazardous materials, including paints, properly stored? Are flammable liquids and combustibles properly stored?

  • Add media

  • Are all materials stored at least 36" away from any breaker box?

  • Add media

  • Are shop and storage areas kept locked when not in use?

  • Add media

  • Are sprinkler head dome covers in stock for use?

  • Are combustible tanks secured?

  • Add media

  • Does the property have an appliance dolly?

  • Are fiberglass ladders available and used for all electrical repairs? Rated 1 or 1A?

  • Is all gas stored in metal containers?

  • Does the property have a moisture meter?

Safety Equipment

  • Is first aid kit available and properly stocked?

  • Add media

  • Is PPE (goggles, gloves, back support, dust mask, respirators, hearing protection, face shields) available for everyone?

  • Add media

  • Are smoke alarms working? Are they expired?

Boiler Rooms

  • Does property have a boiler system?

  • Does boiler have permit? Over 200,000 BTU.

  • Is fire extinguisher available, inspected yearly and up to date?

  • Confirm no flammables are stored in boiler room?

  • Is the room properly ventilated?

  • Is room clean, free of debris, trash and obstructions?

  • Are carbon monoxide detectors installed?

  • Proper signage present (employees only, etc.)?

  • Are doors kept locked at all times when employees are not present?

  • Are SDS sheets stored in boiler room?

  • Are vents clear and unobstructed?

  • Check file span on carbon monoxide detectors.

  • Does property have a refrigerant log? Is it being used correctly / as required?

  • Does property have refrigerant scale?

  • Add media

Freeze tools

  • Does the property have the following items?

  • Snow shovels?

  • Add media

  • Non corrosive ice melt:

  • Add media

  • Spreader:

  • Buckets or wheelbarrow to transport ice melt.

  • Add media

  • Ice chopper:

  • Add media

Midrise - High Rise - Garages

Midrise - High Rise

  • Is property a midrise or high-rise (4 stories or more)?

  • Do all buildings have posted evacuation plans at stairwells and elevators?

Storage Tanks

  • Are storage tanks for generator fuel full?

  • Are storage tanks for generator full of fuel and secure?

  • Does property have contract in place for standard and emergency delivery of fuel?

  • Does property have maintenance agreement in place for generators?


  • Is access secure?

  • Add media

  • Is roof top adequately lit?

  • Add media

  • Is roof free of fall/trip hazards?

  • Add media

Trash Chutes

  • Does property have trash chutes?

  • Are wash down systems operable?

  • Fusible link or operable fire doors present and in working order?<br>

  • Add media

  • Are shafts adequately sprinklered?

Garages - Sub Level Garages

  • Are garages adequately lighted and are lights working and in good repair?

  • Are ventilation fans working?

  • Are carbon monoxide detectors present and working?

  • Are carbon monoxide detectors tested annually?

Cooling Towers

  • Does property have cooling towers?

  • Are chemical treatments done as per manufacturer requirements?

  • Are supply and return lines insulated?

  • Is access secured?

Generators & Fire pumps

  • If generator or fire pumps exist- are regular inspections being preformed based on city requirements ? Is a log available? Please noted what the city requires.

Previous Life Safety Issues

Previous Life Safety Issues

  • Does property have life safety issues from previous inspections that have not been addressed?

  • Issue:

  • Issue:

  • Issue:



  • Does property have current permits posted?

  • Add media

  • Are current copies of state and local pool regulations/laws available?

  • Add media

  • Is warranty information on pool drain covers with expiration dates posted? What are the expiration dates?

  • Add media

  • Are the required flow meters present on all filters and operational?

  • Add media

  • Are the required three (3) pressure gauges installed and operational?

  • Add media

  • Do all main drains meet federal/local requirements?

  • Add media

  • Is one spare drain cover maintained onsite for emergency replacement?

  • Add media

  • Is a sight glass installed on the waste discharge line on post 1999 pools?

  • Add media

  • Does each pool or spa have a minimum of two return inlets regardless of size?

  • Add media

  • Are all covers secured so that they can only be removed with the use of a tool?

  • Add media

  • Are the return inlets positioned as to help ring floating particles within range of skimmers?

  • Add media

  • Is the personnel responsible for chemicals and maintaining the pool properly trained? Note certification.

  • Add media

  • Are all pump motors properly grounded?

  • Add media

  • Are lights, outlets, switches and underwater lighting within 10' of pool surface on GFCI breaker?

  • Add media

  • Is exposed piping properly labeled?

  • Add media

  • Does backflow prevention meet requirements?

  • Add media

  • Are chemicals properly stored?

  • Add media

  • Does the property check and maintain chemicals levels at least twice per day. Check log.

  • Add media

  • Are records maintained for 2 years?

  • Add media

  • Are petroleum products stored separate from chlorine?

  • Add media

  • Is protective equipment available?

  • Add media

  • Are decks in good condition? No trip hazards?

  • Add media

  • Does the maximum gaps between pool/spa deck meet requirements?

  • Add media

  • Are signs securely mounted and readily visible to the pool user from inside the pool area?

  • Add media

  • Is a "NO DIVING" and international symbol in 4" letters located along the pool edge?

  • Add media

  • Pre 1999 pools- Are depth markers on deck and in water at least 50% visible? For post 1999 pools - are depth markers completely above waterline?

  • Add media

  • Is a warning sign present stating "NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY" in 4" letters and "CHILDREN SHOULD NOT USE POOLS WITHOUT ADULT SUPERVISION" in 2" letters present?

  • Add media

  • Is a phone capable of dialing 911 available?

  • If phone is not readily visible, is signage visible directing to its location. Is it accessible? (i.e., not behind a locked door or fence)

  • Add media

  • Does phone work properly? Test.

  • Add media

  • Is a light weight 12' long non-telescopic pole with a body hook within 20 feet of the pool? Must be constructed of electrically non-conducting material.

  • Add media

  • Is a US Coast Guard approved ring buoy with an outside diameter of 15-24" attached to a 1/4" to 3/4" throwing rope available? Rope must be at least 2/3 the maximum width of the pool in length.

  • Add media

  • If the surface of pool is greater than 2000 sq.ft are two sets of life saving equipment available?

  • Add media

  • Does pool yard enclosure meet city/state regulations?

  • Add media

  • Is a portion of a building used as part of the yard enclosure? If so does it meet regulations?

  • Add media

  • Does wading pool meet enclosure rules?

  • Add media

Does the pool meet the following sanitary facility requirements:

  • A soap dispenser with liquid or powdered soap? No glass.

  • Are mirrors shatter resistant?

  • Toilet paper holder and toilet paper present?

  • A covered waste receptacle?

  • Single use hand drying towels or drying device?

  • No glass containers present in pool area?

  • Are trash containers provided?


  • Does property have a spa?

  • Is spa temperature below 104 degrees?

  • Add media

  • Is a thermometer available for tenants?

  • Do main drains meet federal/local requirements?

  • Add media

  • Does emergency shut off switch meet requirements?

  • Add media

  • Does spa/pool heater have a current certificate of operation?

  • Add media

Does all signage contain the following:

  • Directions to the nearest phone location?

  • Add media

  • Do not use spa if the water temperature is above 104 degrees? Letters must be 1" in height.

  • Add media

  • "WARNING NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY" in 4" letters?

  • Add media


  • Add media

  • Maximum load limit?

  • Add media



  • Does property have elevators?

  • Have all elevators been inspected by a certified inspector within the past 12 months?

  • Is the inspection report properly posted (if certificate of compliance has not yet been issued) or on file?

  • Have all repairs as required by the licensing and regulation department been completed?

  • Has verification of remedies been issued to the executive director of TDLR or appropriate state agency?

  • Are required certificates posted in a publicly visible location (i.e. in the elevator cab, in the elevator lobby, or in a common area of the building w/small placard in the cab)

  • Have all fees been paid?

  • Have all accidents involving equipment been reported to TDLR or appropriate state agency within 72 hours or as required? Are copies kept on file?

  • Does elevator have sump pumps?

  • Are inspection logs updated?

  • Are doors and buttons working properly?

  • Is phone working properly?

  • What company / vendor conducts quarterly inspection?


  • Does property have a playground?


  • Has maintenance program been developed for each playground?

  • Are records of maintenance inspections and repairs maintained?

  • Is a record of all accidents or injuries that occurred on the playground kept?

Use Area/Zone

  • Does the use area extend a minimum of 6 feet in all directions from the equipment?

  • Is adequate protective cushioning surface material under and around equipment?

  • Is surface material adequate in depth in heavy use areas?

  • Is area free of trip hazards, such as exposed footings on anchoring devices and rocks, roots or other environmental obstacles?

  • Does play area have adequate drainage?

  • Is play area free of debris ad litter?

  • Are trash recepticals present?

  • Trash recepticals are not full or overflowing?

  • Benches are in good repair?

  • Fencing is in good repair and latches are operable?

  • Is area properly lighted?


  • All equipment components are present and in good repair?

  • Add media

  • Are protective caps or plugs in place and in good condition?

  • Add media

  • Have all protrusions and projections been removed to prevent clothing entanglements?

  • Add media

  • Have all pinch, crush and shearing points or exposed moving parts been removed or repaired?

  • Add media

  • Have all sharp points, corners, and edges been removed/repaired?

  • Add media

  • Have all rust, rotten wood, cracks and splinters been removed or repaired?

  • Add media

  • Is all equipment anchored securely?

  • Add media

  • Are moving components in good repair?

  • Add media

  • Are all fastening devices and connections in good repair?

  • Add media

  • Has equipment been painted or sealed within the last 2 years?

  • Add media

Signage and Supervision

  • Is appropriate signage properly posted?

  • Add media

  • Does signage provide age requirements for children?

  • Add media

  • Does signage advise parents to remove hood and neck strings to prevent entanglement and strangulation?

  • Add media

Note any additional information or concerns:

  • Add media

  • Add media

  • Add media

Make Ready / Unit walks

Vacant / Ready units

  • Check 2 made ready units: if the answer is NO to any of these listed items , choose NO as your response to this question per unit walked) Is unit kept locked? Is unit vacant? -does make ready meet CWS standards? Is lock change noted on make ready checklist or in Facilities?

  • Unit number:

  • Add media

  • Unit number:

  • Add media

Vacant NOT ready units.

  • Check 2 NOT ready - in progress units: (if the answer is NO to any of these listed items , choose NO as your response to this question per unit walked) Is unit kept locked? Is unit vacant? If unit is in a "renovation / upgrade" process, is the required make ready sheet posted on the back of the entrance way door? Are painters following required protocols in regard to sprinkler heads? Does make ready processes meet CWS standards?

  • Unit number:

  • Add media

  • Unit number:

  • Add media

100% yearly required unit walks

  • Are required all unit walks being done?

  • When were unit walks completed?

  • Spot check walk sheets being used and take photo of one.

  • Add media

Controlled Access Entrances

  • Are all current controlled access entrances working properly throughout the community?

  • Add media

  • Are there any areas of the community that need to be updated with controlled access technology versus what is in place currently?

  • Add media

Community Incedent Reporting

  • Please sit and review last 12 months of community incident report recaps (these are sent monthly to community or can located in the Risk file within Citrix)

  • Are there any areas of concern pertaining to criminal activities onsite? If so please note and discuss possible causes and areas of the community that could be changed or added to to assist in stopping activity?<br><br>

  • Concern 1-

  • Add media

  • Concern 2-

  • Add media

  • Concern 3-

  • Add media

  • Are there any additional areas of concern that are noted as being repetitive that may require added conversation, training or capitol improvement/ financial attention?

  • Area of concern -

  • Add media

  • Area of concern -

  • Add media

  • Area of concern -

  • Add media

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.