Title Page
Client / Site
Permit to Work in Confined Space Location
Conducted on
Conducted by
Supervisor Information
Permit to Work in Confined Space Location
Detail the Purpose of the work
All Hazards have been assessed (e.g. Absence of Oxygen)?
A Method Statement for the work has been fully prepared?
Escape Equipment and emergency procedures are in place?
Employees involved have been trained and are competent?
The guidance provided in Activity Assessment 22 has been followed?
The employees concerned have been given suitable and sufficient information?
Documented evidence is attached to substantiate the above?
The Supervisor of the Works and their contact details are:
Enter any further information / notes / instructions
The permit is valid for (Enter No. Days)
Supervisor Signoff
Authorisation to proceed
Operatives Signoff
The operatives involved in the work have understood the method of work, received specific instructions, are aware of the hazards (including location and depth) and how they have been marked
Completion signoff
Works completed and left in a safe condition