
  • Property

  • Property inspection conducted on

  • Completed by

  • Location
  • Other personnel present at Quality Inspection

Quality Inspection Report

Quality Inspection Report

  • Position of DCS Representative

  • Time at the commencement of inspection

Previous Inspection

  • Have any previous items being closed or further works required?

Tenancy Area - General Cleaning

  • Vacuuming: (Has spot vacuuming been done.Has detail vacuuming been done)

  • Desks-Work Stations: (Have clear desks been wiped down)

  • Glass Partitions Clean: Glass Entry Doors (Check for finger prints at door handle level)

  • Bins: (Have all bins been emptied)

  • Offices/Meeting Rooms: (Have offices & meeting rooms been cleaned as required)

  • Dusting: (Have sills, work station dividers, architraves & A/C diffusers been wiped cleaned as required)

  • Kitchens / Break Out: (Has kitchen/break out area been wiped down and cleaned)

  • Other Items: (Other areas not covered above)

  • Overall cleaning standard for tenant area?

Base Building - Common area cleaning of Level being inspected

  • Lift Lobby: (Has lift lobby been cleaned satisfactorily)

  • Level Foyer Walls: (Have walls been spot cleaned)

  • Dusting: (Have sills, architraves & A/C diffusers been wiped cleaned as required)

  • Male Toilets: (Have floors, basins, bowls, urinals, mirrors & requisites been serviced as required)

  • Female Toilets: (Have floors, basins, bowls, mirrors & requisites been serviced as required)

  • Disabled Toilets: (Have floors, basins, mirrors & requisites been serviced as required)

  • Showers: (Have walls, floors, curtins & other fixtures been serviced as required)

  • Service Corridors: (Have corridors been mopped or vacuumed satisfactorily)

  • Other Items: (Other areas not covered above)

  • Overall cleaning standard for level inspected common area?

Base Building - Common area cleaning main lobbies and amenities

  • Main Lobby Floors / Tiles / Walls (Has main lobby been cleaned satisfactorily)

  • Lifts: (Are lifts vacuumed/mopped/cleaned of hand prints. Lift tracks clear of debris)

  • Dusting: (Have sills, architraves & A/C diffusers been wiped cleaned as required)

  • Female Change Rooms & Toilets: (Ground floor toilets / Basement change rooms)

  • Male Change Rooms & Toilets: Ground floor toilets / Basement change rooms)

  • Have external entry areas been maintained satisfactorily in the past (7) days

  • Response Times: (Has contractor responded to requests in the past (7) days satisfactorily

Base Building - Common area external areas, entry doors and foyer glass

  • Have external entry areas been maintained and kept clear of rubbish satisfactorily in the past (7) days

  • Is foyer glass & doors clear of finger prints , streaks and smears

  • Overall cleaning standard for common areas

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media

Loading Dock Management & Staff Presentation

  • Staff Presentation: (Have all staff been suitably attired and possess appropriate PPE)

  • Were all bins/waste brought down in a timely manner to ensure pick up from waste removal provider.

  • Is garbage room clear and free of loose waste.

  • Is loading dock area maintained and clear of rubbish.

  • Has Car Park, Entry and Exits been kept clear of rubbish and dust build up over the past (7) days.

  • Overall standard for loading dock & staff presentation?

Retail / Food Court - Cleaning

  • Floors: (Have floors been cleaned / mopped satisfactorily)

  • Walls, Tables, Chairs: (Have walls been spot cleaned, tables and chairs wiped down regularly)

  • Male Toilets: (Have floors, basins, bowls, urinals, mirrors been kept clean)

  • Female Toilets: (Have floors, basins, bowls, mirrors been kept clean)

  • Corridors: (Have service corridors been vacuumed and mopped satisfactorily)

  • Signage: (Have wet floor procedures and signage requirements been adhere too)

  • Cleaners Cycle Times: (Have cleaners maintained cycle times as required)

  • Response Times: (Has the contractor responded to requests in the past (7) days satisfactorily)

  • Overall standard for Retail areas?

  • Other observation or notes

  • Add media


  • Have any complaints been received in the past (7) days?

  • If so, how many?

  • How many complaints have been rectified promptly (7) days?

  • How many of the raised issue/s have not been rectified or satisfactorily attended too?

  • Overall standard on complaint resolution?

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media

Cleaners Rooms

  • Cleaners room is clearly signed with unauthorised access and is locked when unattended?

  • Cleaners room is well organised, clean and tidy?

  • The cleaners room is well ventilated with good lighting?

  • All chemicals are stored in designated storage areas and bunded?

  • Chemical storage rooms have clear external signage and are locked?

  • All chemicals are clearly labelled within fit for purpose dispensers?

  • A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is located in close proximity to the chemicals, is current and easily accessible?

  • Spill kits are available, stored appropriately for easy identification and access?

  • First Aid kits are available and appear to be well supplied with all the essentials?

  • Overall assessment of cleaning and chemical storage areas?

  • Other observations or notes?

  • Add media

General comments / other identified items

  • Time at the completion of the inspection

  • Signature of DCS representative who completed the Quality Inspection Report

  • Signature of Client representative who attended the Quality Inspection.

  • Add media

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