
  • Audit Title: D3D Safety Inspection Checklist

  • Department:

  • Location:

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel

General Work Area

General Work Environment

  • 1. Slip and trip hazard: Are cover plates utilized over exposed trenches? Are air lines and electrical cords placed in a cord covers, cord reels and or taped down?

  • 2. Do aisles have at least a 24” clearance? CCR Title 8 § 3272<br>

  • 3. Are exit paths and exit signs clearly visible and unobstructed? CCR Title 8 §3215

  • 4. Are emergency shower and eyewash stations unobstructed and readily available in areas where employees can routinely contact with corrosive, irritating or toxic substances? CCR Title 8 §5162

  • Is the emergency shower and eyewash in good working order?

  • 5. Are blades, knives or other tools in use directed away from aisle areas and other employees working in close proximity?

  • 6. Are hazards of manually lifting a heavy load assessed and mitigated prior to the lift? (use of mechanical devices, team lifts, and ergonomic techniques)

  • Additional Safety Concerns:

Personal Protective Equipment

  • 1. Are employees wearing ANSI approved eye and face protection when injuries are inherent to the work or environment? CCR Title 8 §3382

  • 2. Are employees wearing appropriate clothing for the work being done? CCR Title 8 §3383<br>(loose articles of clothing shall not be worn around moving machine parts)

  • 3. Are employees wearing appropriate gloves when exposed to cuts/ lacerations, chemical/ thermal burns, or dermal absorption of harmful substances? CCR Title 8 §3384 (Acetone, IPA, Epoxies, Resins, Paints, Acids, ect)

  • 4. Are employees wearing appropriate foot protection when exposed to electrical, falling object, or crushing hazards? CCR Title 8 §3385

  • 5. Are employees using NIOSH approved respirators which are applicable and suitable for the purpose intended? CCR Tittle 8 §5144

  • Has the employee been trained in: selection, storage, cleaning, use and hazards associated with respirators?

  • Has the employee been through a medical evaluation and fit test?

  • 6. Are employees using ANSI approved personal fall arrest equipment when working from elevated locations greater than 4' where guardrails are not feasible?

  • Has the employee been trained in: selection, storage, use and hazards associated with fall arrest components?

  • Has the equipment been inspected and tagged identifying biannual certification?

  • Is the equipment applicable and suitable for the purpose it is intended for?

  • Additional Safety Concerns:


  • 1. Are electric cords free of damage or fraying to the wire casing and insulation? CCR Title 8 § 2340

  • 2. Are flexible cords and cables protected from accidental damage? (e.g., equipment traffic, pinch points, accidental pull from outlet) CCR Title 8 § 2405.2

  • 3. Are flexible cords and cables utilized in work areas and walk ways controlled to prevent trip and falls? CCR Title 8 § 3272

  • 4. Are electrical extension cords used for temporary operations only? CCR Title 8 § 2405

  • 5. Is there a minimum clear working space of 36" around electrical equipment? (Switchgears, motor controllers, emergency shut offs) CCR Title 8 §2932

  • Additional Safety Concerns:

Fire Protection and Hazard Communication

  • 1. Are only approved portable fire extinguishers readily available, mounted, and identified with a sign? CCR Title 8 §6151

  • 2. Have portable fire extinguishers been visually inspected monthly and maintenance annually? CCR Title 8 §6151

  • 3. Are hazardous substances stored in appropriate containers when not in use and properly labeled? CCR Title 8 §5164

  • 4. Are flammable liquids in excess of 10 gallons stored in appropriate cabinets? CCR Title 8 §5537

  • Are the cabinets self- closing, properly grounded, and designed in accordance with federal, state and local specifications?

  • Additional Safety Concerns:

Hazardous Waste Management

  • 1. Are satellite accumulation containers used to control hazardous waste?

  • 1. Are the containers in: good condition, compatible with the waste, properly secured, at or near the point of generation and less than 55 gallons? CCR Title 22 66262.34 (e)(f)

  • 2. Are the containers marked with the following: Hazardous Waste, physical state, hazards, name/address of the generator and initial DATE of accumulation? CCR Title 22 66262.34 (e)(f)

  • Additional Safety Concerns:

Crane Operations

  • 1. Is an overhead crane currently being utilized to lift flight parts or components? CCR Title 8 § 4884

  • a. Are employees performing crane lifting and rigging wearing hard hats and protective gloves?

  • b. Do hoists, lifting equipment, cables, straps and rigging equipment appear to have any visible signs of damage?

  • c. Are taglines inspected for visible signs of damage and utilized to safely control loads during a crane lift?

  • d. Is area traffic being controlled from walking under the suspended load?

  • Additional Safety Concerns:

Elevated Work

  • 1. Are step or rolling ladders currently being utilized to enter or perform work?

  • a. Are ladders in good working order? <br>

  • b. Are employees able to access work areas properly, without overreaching, and keeping 3 points of contact to ladder at all times?

  • c. Are portable ladders positioned safely? (1' for every 4' vertical distance to top of work area, leveled surface, etc.)

  • 2. Are elevated work platforms, scaffolding, scissor lifts, or boom lifts being utilized to enter or perform work?

  • a. Has the platform or equipment been inspected for visible defects or per manufacturers recommendations?

  • b. Does the platform or equipment have the appropriate guardrails provided for fall prevention?

  • c. Are employees wearing appropriate fall arrest equipment while working from a boom lift or where guardrails are not installed on work platforms?

  • Additional Safety Concerns:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.