Title Page
Site conducted
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Food Authority Licence
A Licence is available and current
Quality Management System
Is there a Food Safety Program onsite and available?
Is the Food Safety Program audited internally at least annually?
Have all food safety hazards been identified in the Food Safety Program?
Are adequate controls in place to manage all food safety hazards?
Have all monitoring records been completed?
Hygiene and Sanitation
Does the construction of the Cow Yard comply with hygiene requirements (e.g. graded to drain, no pooled water or wastes, clean)?
Does the construction of the Milking Shed comply with hygiene requirements (e.g. ceilings, floors, walls and feed troughs in good repair and made of concrete or impervious materials)?
Does the construction of the Milking Shed comply with hygiene requirements (e.g. floors, walls and feed troughs in good repair and made of concrete or impervious materials)?
Are all equipment, fixtures and fittings in a sanitary condition and fit for purpose (this includes the bail areas as well as surrounding equipment such as feed silos and cooling towers)?
Is liquid waste properly disposed of to prevent contamination with water supply?
Is the Milking Shed free of insects and rodents?
Are proper hand washing facilities convenient to milking operations?
Is the CIP pipeline system well maintained and are chemical validation records available (e.g. concentration, flow and temperature records)?
Are milk cooling systems adequately maintained and recording devices installed?
Process Control
Have all rubbers, milking cups, teat socket holders, and milking diaphragms been replaced as required?
Are all cleaning chemicals labelled and approved for their intended use?
Are all drugs purchased from an approved source?
Are all drugs being stored correctly?
Is the drug register current and available?
Do the drugs in the drug storage area match the drugs listed on the drug register?
Do any veterinary prescription drugs have a prescription label indicating use and withholding period?
Are all animals that are being treated with drugs marked correctly and prevented from being milked, and are records available for treated animals?
Is antibiotic milk being withheld from calves for slaughter?
Are all treated animals milked correctly, last or into a test bucket?
Is the agricultural chemicals register current and available?
Have any areas of the farm been sprayed with agricultural chemicals?
If yes, are there records of the spraying?
Is there a system in place to identify sprayed paddocks and the withholding period (e.g. a sign attached to the gate)?
Product ID and Traceability
Are declarations and records of all feeds / forage and chemicals purchased kept onsite?
Analytical and Testing
Water quality tests have been completed and records are available for audit?
Pre-requisite Programs
Is there an internal audit program in place and have audits been completed on time?
Have calibrations been completed for temperature control devices and are records available?
Are staff training records current and available?
Is the Pest Control program current and are records of treatment available (if required)?
Corrective Action
Are there any issues that have raised either through internal or external audits that need to be rectified?
Observations and Opportunities for Improvement
Observation 1.
Observation 2.
Observation 3.
Observation 4.
Observation 5.
Observation 6.
Auditor signature:
Once this audit has been completed and signed by the auditor, export and send to the Lenah Valley Technical Leader.