Title Page
Site conducted
Business unit
Conducted on
Prepared by
Incident ref or NC ref number
8D Driver:
What is the 8D Driver?
What is the accident category?
1D – Designate Team
Team Leader:
Team Members:
2D – Define Problem
(When) Date and Time of occurrence:
(Where) Location: (e.g. Branch, department, area, product)
(What) Equipment/ Product Involved: (e.g. details of consignment number, AWB reference, equipment reference)
Add photo of location and Equipment used if possible/ relevant
(Who) Personnel/ Customer/ Supplier Involved:
(How) Description of Incident (Major/Serious) or Non Conformance
include photos where possible. Witness Statements/ Communications should be saved separately
3D Interim Containment
Describe what has been put in place to stop the issue from escalating
Include screen shots of communication and additional information where possible
(e.g. product placed in quarantine, area cordoned off, additional communication to effected persons)
Root Cause Analysis
Determine the root cause
You can use the simple Ishikawa principle to determine a potential root cause as a brain storming tool with the colleagues or the 5 Why process
Which root cause analysis will you use?
- 5 Why
- Ishikawa
- Other
5 Why Analysis (click on the green + button to add analysis)
What is the problem you are going to root cause analyse
Include evidence of your Ishikawa
Which root cause analysis tool did you use? (provide evidence of methodology)
What was determined as the root cause of this non-conformance?
Include your actions to prevent the action from reoccurring
Has the customer/ supplier been contacted to relay the corrective actions?
Provide evidence that the customer/ supplier has been contacted
Include an action to contact the customer/ supplier
Verification of corrective actions
Can the issue be recreated by removing one or more of the results identified in section 5?
Can the problem be corrected again by reinstating the results identified above?
4D Verify and Determine the root cause
What was determined as the root cause of this non-conformance?
Include your actions to prevent the action from reoccurring
7D: Prevent Recurrence
The problem has reoccurred since implementation of all actions.
Has the procedure/ risk assessment/ process been updated?
Have the results and improvements been communicated to all affected persons?
Has the corrective action been witnessed?
Sign off
Has the customer/ supplier been contacted to inform them of the closure of the investigation?
Provide evidence that the customer/ supplier has been contacted
Include an action to contact the customer/ supplier
Team Leader sign off:
Completion Date
5 Why Analysis
What is the Immediate/Direct Causes (circumstances that immediately precede the contact)
- Acts/ Practices
- Conditions
Detail the act or practice that is the immediate root cause
Detail the condition that is the root cause
What is the Basic/Root Cause?
- Personal/ Human Factors
- Job/ System Factors
What was the Person/ Human Factor Root cause?
What is the job/ system factor of the root cause
5D: Define and implement Corrective Actions (e.g what actions can be taken to rectify the root casues identified in section 4)
Include a Actions and assign a SMART objective
6D: Verify Permanent Corrections (PCs) for Problem
Can the issue be recreated by removing one or more of the results identified in section 5?
Can the problem be corrected again by reinstating the results identified above?
7D: Prevent Recurrence
The problem has not reoccurred since implementation of all actions.
Has the procedure/ risk assessment/ process been updated?
Have the results and improvements been communicated to all affected persons?
Has the corrective action been witnessed?
If the answer is yes to all of the above then the 8D investigation is ready to be closed
8D: Congratulate Your Team
Team Leader sign off:
Completion Date