Title Page
Site conducted
Business unit
External Provider Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
1 Supplier Details
External Provider Status
- Current approved external provider
- Proposed external provider
T&C's signed by external provider
Insurance certificates provided
Date of last review
External provider personnel involved in this assessment
Years in business:
Number of employees:
ISO Certification held:
- ISO 9001
- ISO 14001
- ISO 45001
- AS 9120
- none
Does the external provider use third party suppliers for DB Schenker services?
Are third party suppliers controlled and managed to ensure requirements are met?
Others Certification held:
Detail additional certification held
2 Delivery Capability
Does the external provider have the ability to provide all requirements of the tender?
What service can they not provide that is required?
Does the external provider have the appropriate geographical presence to execute the service?
Does the external provider have the adequate resource to deliver service?
Does the external provider have the adequate customer interface?
Does the external provider have an adequate lead time for standard products?
Summarise delivery capabillities
3 Processes
Is the QSHE policy (or equivalent) visible and communicated?
Are the internal measurement of KPI's visible and communicated?
Are DB Schenker required KPI's determined and data provided?
Is there an incident rate available (note RIDDOR and/ or EA incidents)
Add the incident rate details
Is there a customer complaint process in place?
Provide demonstration of DB Schenker specific complaint rectification
Is there a non-conformance/ corrective actions process evident?
Is there an ethical code of conduct available and communicated to employees?
Is there an Modern Slavery act policy available and communicated to employees?
Is there a Gender Pay Gap report available and communicated to employees?
Summarise processes
4 Technical capabilities
Does the external provider provide design and planning capabilities?
Does the external provider provide problem solving process and capabilities?
Does the external provider provide offer appropriate advice on potential solutions?
Does the external provider provide ability to execute within the project time-scales?
Summarise technical capabillities
5 Supplier Culture
Are there QSHE training & initiatives available to employees?
Are employees observed behaving safely?
Does the work environment have the adequate infrastructure and consider human and physical factors?
Summarize supplier culture
6 Summary
Are there any risks associated with using this external provider?
What risks are associated with using this eternal provider?
How will these risks be managed?
Will the use of this external supplier continue/ be instigated?
less than 45% - Significant risk - advise procurement to cease using external provider
45% to 64% - Major risk - external provider requires improvement re-audit in 2 months
65% to 84% - Minor risk - work with external provider to improve service re-audit in 6 months
85% to 100% - Potential risk - monitor service provided by external provider and re-audit at least every two years
Signed by: