Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Business unit

  • Date the task is taking place? (Permit is valid for 24hrs)

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • What is the task? (Brief description of the work taking place).

  • What is the name of the contractor?

  • Is the contractor performing the task approved on the suppliers database

  • Address issue with purchasing department

  • Name of the site workgroup manager/supervisor?

  • What is the site workgroup manager/supervisors telephone number?

  • All members of the workgroup site inducted?

  • Perform QSHE 121b Contractor Induction and retain evidence.

  • Is the worker(s) Gas Safe or similar qualified? Have all related licences/skills cards been witnessed, in date and evidence taken?

  • What evidence do they have to show they are competent to perform the task?

  • Risk Assessment/Method Statement received and approved?

  • Review risk assessment and ensure all precautions stated are in place before work commences.

  • Has a cooling off period been factored into the risk assessment

  • Cooling off period stated in the risk assessment.

  • A cooling off period must be adhered to at the end of the work day/task. This is to allow equipment and work/process materials to cool. Any items smoldering can also be detected and extinguished . The during of the cooling off period will be featured within the risk assessment provided by the supplier. Return the risk assessment back to the supplier for revision if this feature is missing.

Significant Hazards and Control Measures . (See Risk Assessment and Method Statement for full details)

  • Type of hot work

  • Hazards

  • Precautions

  • Are you using any electrical extension leads?

  • If using extension leads, you MUST not overload any units, have extensions fed from extensions (Daisy Chaining) and any cabling on spools must be fully wound out to prevent overheating.

  • Does the task involve working at height or with electrics?

  • You must complete additional permits (183a Electrical / 183c Working at Height)

  • Do you require any PPE in addition to site minimum of Hi Viz and Safety Footwear?

  • List additional PPE required (As detailed in your Risk Assessment/Method Statement)

What are your First Aid Arrangements

  • Who is to assist you in the event of a First Aid Incident

  • Have the First Aid team been made aware of your work on site?

  • First aid team notified

Emergency Preparedness

  • In the event of a fire, is extinguisher/chemical run off into water courses/drains a possibility?

  • Emergency spill kit and trained staff needed

Waste Disposal

  • Are you generating wastes as part of your task?

  • How are you disposing of the waste?

  • Name of waste carrier arranged to collect waste

Authorisation and Acceptance for task to commence

  • On behalf of Schenker Ltd, I authorise the work to be undertaken having personally examined the work site and all the documentation and confirm the precautions taken are adequate and conform to DB Schenker's QSHE Policy

  • Issued by :

  • Authorised Signature

  • On behalf of Contractor Supervisor/Manager, I have personally examined the work location and have read and understood this from.
    I undertake to ensure that all works are carried out in accordance with this permit and my own Risk Assessment and Method Statement.

  • Issued To:

  • Authorised Signature

  • End of Day. Worksite safe handover declaration
  • Has a cooling off period at the end of the day been fulfilled?

  • A cooling off period in accordance with the provided risk assessment must be adhered to at the end of the work day/task.

  • Work progressing to satisfaction, as per the job order. All work materials, wastes and equipment have been removed (Or made safe). Site services have been restored (if work complete). The area is safe to recommence normal working activities.

  • State issues.

  • Confirmed by Contractor

  • Authorised Signature

  • Witnessed by (Schenker)

  • Authorised Signature

  • Date and Time of sign off

  • Any final remarks/Comments?

  • Your remarks

Job Completion Declaration

  • Task complete?

  • Return to End of day worksite safe handover declaration section.

  • Has a cooling off period at the end of the day/job been fulfilled?

  • A cooling off period in accordance with the provided risk assessment must be adhered to at the end of the work day/task.

  • Work progressing or Work completed to satisfaction, as per the job order. All work materials, wastes and equipment have been removed (Or made safe). Site services have been restored (if work complete). The area is safe to recommence normal working activities.

  • Confirmed by Contractor

  • Authorised Signature

  • Witnessed by (Schenker)

  • Authorised Signature

  • Date and Time of sign off

  • Any final remarks/Comments?

  • Your remarks

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.