Title Page
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With respect to young people at work (those under the age of 18), the most effective way of complying to Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (UK) and Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 (UK), and Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act 1996. (IRE) s to complete a risk assessment. At DB Schenker a risk assessment with the young person (please refer to the Employee handbook and QSHE SOP 006) – guidance from the UK government regarding young people at work can be found at http://www.hse.gov.uk/youngpeople/index.htm
and guidance from the IRE government https://www.hsa.ie/eng/Publications_and_Forms/Publications/Retail/Gen_Apps_Children_Young_Persons.pdf -
Person being Assessed
Assessment Date
Any current health issues
Detail health issues to be considered
Review Date
Assessor (name)
Assisted by (names)
Hazard List
- Add a Hazard
Each of the five hazard sections must be considered when completing this risk assessment
Select your Hazard
Any manual handling tasks should be limited - Significant manual handling tasks should be eliminated - (refer to QSHE SOP 015 and template QSHE 195a - Manual handling risk assessment)
Has the young person had manual handling training?
Source of Hazard
- No manual handling associated with role
- Boxes of paper
- Boxes of product
- Movement of furniture
- Using Pallet/ Pump truck
- Carrying bags - IT Equipment
- Any other
Current existing controls (include discussion in the notes and any improvements to be added as an 'Action')
How much is the likelihood of occurrence of hazard
What could be the severity of Injury (e.g. back injury, muscle strain) / Disease (e.g. work related upper limb disorder)
- Very minor injury, insignificant damage
- First Aid Injury, minor loss of process, slight damage
- Lost time injury, loss of process, limited damage
- Reporting Injury, critical loss of process/damage
- Fatality,catastrophic loss of business
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
If the use of hazardous substances are used at work, a handling hazardous substances assessment must be completed. Contact the QSHE department for additional advice on use of hazardous substances.
Source of Hazard (include name of the hazardous product/s they are using)
Do COSHH assessments existence and has the young person read them?
Contact QSHE to support if the young person uses hazardous substances and no COSHH assessments exist
Ask the expectant mother to show where she has read the COSHH assessments - e.g. communication form, training etc
Current existing controls (include discussion in the notes and any improvements to be added as an 'Action')
How much is the likelihood of occurrence of hazard
What could be the severity of Injury/ Disease if expectant mother comes in contact with the hazardous substance in an uncontrolled manner
- Very minor injury, insignificant damage
- First Aid Injury, minor loss of process, slight damage
- Lost time injury, loss of process, limited damage
- Reporting Injury, critical loss of process/damage
- Fatality,catastrophic loss of business
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
If hazardous processes are part of the young person regular work tasks, please contact the QSHE department for further advice.
Source of Hazard
- Work at height
- Operating machinery
- Hot work (welding, grinding etc)
- Low temperature work (Perishables)
- No hazardous processes
Select likelihood as 'improbable' and severity as 'very minor' and include any discussion in existing controls
Existing Controls Current existing controls (include discussion in the notes and any improvements to be added as an 'Action')
How much is the likelihood of occurrence of hazard
What could be the severity of Injury/ Disease
- Very minor injury, insignificant damage
- First Aid Injury, minor loss of process, slight damage
- Lost time injury, loss of process, limited damage
- Reporting Injury, critical loss of process/damage
- Fatality,catastrophic loss of business
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Source of Hazard
- Computer Workstation
- Packing station
- Manual handling Equipment (FLT, PPT)
- Other
Please first go and complete the risk assessment for Display Screen Equipment (QSHE188)
Has the young person completed a DSE assessment?
Raise an 'Action' for the expectant mother to complete a display screen assessment
Current existing controls (include discussion in the notes and any improvements to be added as an 'Action')
How much is the likelihood of occurrence of hazard
What could be the severity of Injury/ Disease
- Very minor injury, insignificant damage
- First Aid Injury, minor loss of process, slight damage
- Lost time injury, loss of process, limited damage
- Reporting Injury, critical loss of process/damage
- Fatality,catastrophic loss of business
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Is the young person aware of welfare facilities in the location of work?
Consider the location and access of the; toilet facilities, rest facilities, drinking water.
Has the young person completed the QSHE Induction?
How much is the likelihood of occurrence of hazard
What could be the severity of Injury/ Disease
- Very minor injury, insignificant damage
- First Aid Injury, minor loss of process, slight damage
- Lost time injury, loss of process, limited damage
- Reporting Injury, critical loss of process/damage
- Fatality,catastrophic loss of business
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
This is the final hazard section - now progress to sign off page
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard
What is the risk rating for this hazard?
Sign Off
Assessors Name & Signature
Young person's Name & Signature ;/
This report will be exported by the assessor once the actions are completed and sent to the young person . This report is then to be deleted from iAuditor by the assessor in compliance with GDPR regulations.