Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Business unit

  • With respect to expectant and new mothers, the most effective way of complying to Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 in the UK and Pregnancy at Work Regulations 2007 in Ireland, is to complete a risk assessment. At DB Schenker a risk assessment with the expectant mother is to be carried out twice during the pregnancy and once upon their return to the workplace (please refer to the maternity policy and QSHE SOP 006) UK guidance note from the HSE is available at this address:
    http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg373.pdf and Ireland guidance note is available here https://www.hsa.ie/eng/Publications_and_Forms/Publications/Safety_and_Health_Management/Section_6_Pregnancy_at_Work.pdf

  • Person being Assessed

  • Assessment

  • Location
  • Assessment Date

  • Any current health issues

  • detail health issues to be considered

  • Review Date

  • Assessor (name)

  • Assisted by (names)

Hazard List

    Add a Hazard
  • Each of the six hazard sections must be considered when completing this risk assessment

  • Select your Hazard

  • Any manual handling tasks should be limited​ - Significant manual handling tasks should be eliminated​ - (refer to QSHE SOP 015 and template QSHE 195a - Manual handling risk assessment)
    Consider the weight of her handbag, laptop bag etc.​ - Specifically carrying bags on stairs – ensure handrail is used​

  • Source of Hazard

  • Current existing controls (include discussion in the notes and any improvements to be added as an 'Action')

  • How much is the likelihood of occurrence of hazard

  • What could be the severity of Injury (e.g. back injury, muscle strain) / Disease (e.g. work related upper limb disorder)

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Commuting - record the length of time it takes​ - Visiting branches/ customers – advise no longer than 2 hour drive​
    Second assessment – advise reduction of driving times​
    FLT Driving in the warehouse – consider eliminating​ due to accessing the cab

  • Source of Hazard

  • Length of journeys

  • Frequency of journeys

  • Current existing controls (include discussion in the notes and any improvements to be added as an 'Action')

  • Advise the use of a bump belt – not a DB Schenker requirement​ - Protects baby and mother in case of harsh breaking/ an accident​ - Re-useable and temporary attachment to the car seat​ - available on-line

  • How much is the likelihood of occurrence of hazard

  • What could be the severity of Injury/ Disease

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • If the use of hazardous substances are used at work, a COSHH assessment must be completed. Contact the QSHE department for additional advice on use of hazardous substances whilst pregnant.

  • Source of Hazard (include name of the hazardous product/s they are using)

  • Do COSHH assessments existence and has the expectant mother read them?

  • Contact QSHE to support if the expectant mother uses hazardous substances and no COSHH assessments excist

  • Ask the expectant mother to show where she has read the COSHH assessments - e.g. communication form, training etc

  • Current existing controls (include discussion in the notes and any improvements to be added as an 'Action')

  • hazardous chems.jpg
  • How much is the likelihood of occurrence of hazard

  • What could be the severity of Injury/ Disease if expectant mother comes in contact with the hazardous substance in an uncontrolled manner

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • If hazardous processes are part of the expectant mothers regular work tasks, please contact the QSHE department for further advice. (working on FLT is to be detailed in 'Workstation' hazard section)

  • Source of Hazard

  • Working at height is not permitted, inc​ Stepladders ​, Step stools​, Work platforms​
    Work at floor level (e.g. on hands and knees) should also be limited

  • Select likelihood as 'improbable' and severity as 'very minor' and include any discussion in existing controls

  • Existing Controls Current existing controls (include discussion in the notes and any improvements to be added as an 'Action')

  • How much is the likelihood of occurrence of hazard

  • What could be the severity of Injury/ Disease

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Source of Hazard

  • Please first go and complete the risk assessment for Display Screen Equipment (QSHE188)

  • Has the expectant mother completed a DSE assessment?

  • Raise an 'Action' for the expectant mother to complete a display screen assessment

  • Current existing controls (include discussion in the notes and any improvements to be added as an 'Action')

  • How much is the likelihood of occurrence of hazard

  • What could be the severity of Injury/ Disease

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Is the expectant mother aware of welfare facilities in the location of work?

  • Consider the location and access of the​; toilet facilities​, rest facilities​, drinking water​. Are parking facilities adequate and accessible at the site for the expectant mother?
    Upon return to work ​- consider area to express and store breast milk ​and any resulting complications reducing mobility​

  • Is the mother breastfeeding?

  • it is a requirement to provide a breastfeeding mother a safe and private location to express breastmilk during work hours and a suitable and safe location to store it if required.

  • Current existing controls (include discussion in the notes and any improvements to be added as an 'Action')

  • How much is the likelihood of occurrence of hazard

  • What could be the severity of Injury/ Disease

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • This is the final hazard section - now progress to sign off page

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

  • Use the Risk Matrix to determine the risk rating for this hazard

    risk matrix.JPG
  • What is the risk rating for this hazard?

Sign Off

  • Assessors Name & Signature

  • Expectant Mother Name & Signature

  • This report will be exported by the assessor once the actions are completed and sent to the expectant mother . It will also be retained on People Docs. This report is then to be deleted from iAuditor by the assessor in compliance with GDPR regulations.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.